2.分组交流与讨论。 (一组 4-6 名学生。)
(5)Replying Tan。诗人创造性地继承了古民歌中常见的重复形式。主句“蜀道之难,上天难”的主句出现了3次。开头、中间、结尾。不仅突出了整首诗的基调和旋律,有力地加强了诗意,三遍的每一次都不是简单的重复,而是对内容的进一步深化和对诗意的深化。章节开头吟诵主句,是诗人仰望蜀道时的长叹,贴近主题,抒发胸怀,同时描写高危张本作以下对蜀山的描写。在诗中,再次吟诵主句。凄凉凄凉”,开启了下一个层次,“蜀道险恶蜀道难的教案怎么写?,易守难攻”。最后,第三次念主句,su总结全诗,呼应开头,既概括了“蜀道难”的主题,又借助副词“侧目望长谋!”留下深刻的寓意。
《蜀道南》的寓意和主旋律一直有分歧,没有共识。 《唐宋诗》中说:“盖奇的诗笔法奇特,寓意深刻。代表性的说法是:
3. “问你西游什么时候回来”“晋城虽开心,不如早点回家”暗示着他对长安官场的恐惧,不仅想当官,才能领悟“救世救民”的理想,又担心官场的阴险,未能得逞。身体后退,充满矛盾。
4. “剑阁雄伟翠微。一夫为门,众民不开。卫兵或盗贼化狼豺。”在风云变幻的惊险气氛中,他终于写下了四川的要塞剑阁。大尖山与小尖山之间有30里长的栈道。峰如刀剑,山势巍峨,断壁如门,形成天然堡垒。因其地势险要,易守难攻,据说历史上不乏君王。诗人从剑阁的险境中勾勒出当时的政治形势。他在西晋张载的《剑阁题记》中使用了“得胜之地,土匪不应居”的说法。目的是劝人向他们学习,警惕战争的发生,联系当时的社会背景,揭露蜀国的狼群。 “咬牙吸血,杀人如麻”是描写蜀道猛兽,暗指政治黑暗,表达对国家大事的忧虑和关切的双关语,为诗增添了现实的内涵和深刻的寓意。
首先,山高路曲,不可行。 “有六龙归阳之高印,有浪落回江之境……离境井痛扬威,坐坐叹息! ”猿猴着急攀登,仰望摘星,俯身于白云触手可及的崖壁。
其次,古木森森,鸟鸣凄惨,人心乱,行不通。 “惟见丧鸟古木,林中雌雄飞,遂闻秭归夜啼,愁空山。”失踪的鸮鸟在古树林中哀号,夜月下血泣杜鹃哀号,草木载愁。万禾悲痛,风云变色,万兽齐发。其间,人还没有迈出一步,却已经失去了前进的雄心! Third, the mountains sing and the valleys should be, the ten thousand valleys are shaking, and it is unfeasible. "Flying waterfalls are arguing for noise, and cliffs turn into rocks and ten thousand thunders". The rapids meet, and the battle drums rumbling; the waterfall hits the rock wall and thunder bursts; the rubble rolls and the ten thousand valleys tremble. On the sidewalk, it seems as if facing thousands of troops and two battles, it is very difficult to do it!
Finally, the war broke out, and its disaster was fierce, especially unfeasible! "Avoid the tiger at night, and the snake at night; it grinds its teeth and kills people like hemp." The tiger grinds its teeth, and the snake vomits; Tweeted. It is human nature to be greedy for life and fear of death. When life may be threatened, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages becomes an inevitable action of human beings. For the walker, the initiation of return is very natural.
For exploratory questions, we have to "make assumptions boldly and verify them carefully" (Hu Shiyu).
五、活写"Shu Road": Appreciating Poems and Writing Poems
(一) Assign homework (choose one question to do)
1. Appreciate poems, write comments or essays.
Reference topic: (1)Analytical Libai’s sorrow, taste the romantic wind; (2)李白的狂放和Lonely; (3)《蜀道难") A glimpse of the meaning; (4)《蜀道An example of "difficult" artistic technique.
2. To propose an award speech for the poet.
You come from under the moonlight, you flick your sleeves, and let down a romantic feeling; when you come from the road of Shu, you raise your head slightly, leaving a bold and unrestrained spirit; you come from the Tang poems, you sway the writing and ink , Remember a heyday.
You have "white" in your name. Indeed, it is just like a piece of white paper. Only then can you describe your imagination on it to your heart's content, so that you can express any heroic and majestic momentum on it, so that you can gently Talk to that romantic mood.
You are arrogant and talented, and you are the one who is free and easy and expresses feelings!
3. Explain poetry with poetry, and talk to the author.
示例 1:
Seven Lüsong Li Bai
Let the waves and mountains and rivers become officials,
Mengxian drunk and moved Chang'an. ①
Take off your boots and polish the ink back to the chapter, ②
Running the moon and starring "The Road to Shu is Difficult."
Why does Caifeng's passionate love end?
Yellow Crane is not willing to return! ③
The world is changing year after year,
Chest poems are passed down forever. ④
(Note 一)李白浪. The emperor can’t get on the ship when he says his minister is the immortal in the wine". Move the emperor: alarm the emperor and the world.
(Note 二)This sentence code is published: Bohaiguo sent a letter to Datang, and no one in the dynasty knew it, so he called Li Bai into the palace. Li Bai was insulted by Yang Guozhong and Gao Lishi when he was taking the test. It is confidential that Yang Momo must take off his boots. The Emperor Tang agreed, and Li Bai was happy. He slapped the ink and wrote down, and immediately returned the order, which made Bohai State surrender to the Tang Dynasty.