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2021-07-25 07:02 网络整理 教案网


2.通过小组合作的学习方法,交流相互所搜集的信息,实现资源共 享,并借助讨论小组命名跟小组竞赛两个小活动来帮助学生进一步熟 悉目标词汇。3.最后选择节奏活泼、边说边做的 chant,(内容如下)go, go, let’ go!ride, ride, ride my bike.take, take, take the bus.take, take, take the subway.… 使学生在不知不觉中加强识记了有关交通工具的词组和词块,而且 也是对其后进行的 lucky 52 游戏作了一次简单热身。task 1: how do you get to school? 教师首先通过多媒体课件呈现本课的目标句型 how do you get to school?,同时运用图片让学生把握 ride a bike, take the bus, take the train, take a plane, take a car 等词块,并学会对目标句型做出 正确应答,然后对两种答语的转化进行提升,并在此基础上,采用 pair work 的方式, 小步快走,循序渐进,由“第二人称”扩展到“第三人称”,由单数扩展 到复数,构成一个有梯度的序列,不经意间便完成了本课的第二个任 务:task 2: how does he/she get to school? /how do they get to school? 熟悉目标语言后,迅速开启听和写的训练。

1.首先设置下列问题:look at the picture, so many students go to school in the morning. now let’s think how they get to school. how does the boy get to school?how does the girl get to school?how do the boy and the girl get to school??引导学员有针对性地第二次读图,然后完成 1a 的书写训练。2.听前对录音材料进行详细的背景介绍:this time you will listen to a conversation. two people are talking about how some students get to school. 使教师对所听内容有所预知,有所了解英语的教案怎么写,从 而增加了学生听的难度,使学员轻轻松松地完成任务型听力 1b。3.听力任务完成后,用大屏幕呈现完整的听力材料,让学员反复和 读录音,语音、语调、句型熟练后,改成三人一组看图自由对话。4.最后采取学生喜闻乐见的“lucky 52”的游戏模式,将全班分为 a, b, c 三组进行活动:a 组面向大屏幕,并试着用动作舞台屏幕所显示 的交通工具,背对屏幕的 c 组回答 b 组所提问题 how does he/she get to school?,也可以用 does he/she take the subway/take the bus? 进行猜测,在要求时间内无法完成的小组将有一位本组成员被淘汰,最后数量多者胜出。


这个活动让学生的切实 性瞬间被激发,那种一猜再猜而又未猜中,想得到真实答案的快感也 更加强烈,在竞猜中习得了前两个任务所学习的目标语言。task 3: how long does it take?say: different students get to school in different ways, but you must be on time for school. you must pay close attention to time.这样适时地对教师进行了感情教育,培养了教师的时间意识,也 为后部分的学习作了顺利导入。1.借助直观教具闹钟,并用右手拨动指针行走来呈现句子“how long does it take?”,并训练时间的表达,更具直观性和生活性。 2.听力无疑是学生的“老大难”,在之后进行的 2a 和 2b 的听力练习 前,首先引导学生借助谈论图片来分析所听问题,有效地减少听力难 度。例如:在完成 2a 前,引导学生用 how do you get to school? 进行 pair work,而在 2b 前,用 how long does it take? 来进行看 图说话。

3.完成 2a 和 2b 后,将听力材料完整地展现,让学生两人一组跟 读、朗读到上口为止。4.将听力材料重新修改成听力填空(如下所示) ①listen again. fill in the blanks. 让学生两人一组,对话填空。这样,便可以让有限的听力材料受到 反复听、反复用,在听和说的过程中培养教师听、说的技能。同时, 这只是帮助教师熟悉背诵语言材料的有效方法,也是必要方式!summary 首先通过问题 what have you learned in this period?来引导学员 总结所学的目标语言,教师板书如下:take the subway.by subway. how do you get to school? itake the train.i get to schoolby train. take the ship.by ship.【篇三:初中语文教案模板】teaching plan student: the students of grade 9teaching content: go for it, students’ book of grade 9. unit 1, the title is how do you study for a test? section b, 3a, 3b, 3c. teaching hour: one class hour teaching plan: i. teaching aims: 1. learn and master new words, phrases and sentence patterns. 2. enable the students to talk in english about how to study english very well. 3. develop the students speaking and writing ability. ii. teaching main points: 1. improve the students’ speaking and writing ability. 2. master some phrases and some sentence patterns. iii. teaching difficult points: 1. phrases: first of all, later on, laugh at, take notes 2. sentence patterns: sb. be afraid to do sth. sb. realize that –clause iv. teaching methods: 1. fast reading to find out the general information about the passage. 2. question-and-answer activities to help the students to go through the whole passage.3. individual, pair and group work to make every student work in class. v. teaching aids: the blackboard vi. teaching procedures: the blackboard design: