4、 听写和查生词,随时认字;阅读和背诵采用组长检查和教师抽查的方法。
本班共有 31 名学生,其中男生 14 人,女生 17 人。班上学生的两极分化很明显。优秀的学生语言能力强,写作能力强,爱读书,写得漂亮。但是,学习困难学生的阵容也不容忽视。造成的。如何提高最后20%学生的汉语能力?兴趣和习惯的培养至关重要。因此,“分层教学”和“欣赏学习”仍然是我教学中的两个重要理念。
教材继续按主题分单元,共设计了8个主题。以下是:我爱读书,月亮是我的故乡,学习说明文,生活启示,游历汉字王国,父爱,不忘国耻,振兴中华,走近毛泽东。与以往相比,本学期每单元增加了1个略读文本。 “语言园”更名为“审查与发展”。本卷共有课文28篇,其中精读课文14篇,略读课文14篇;教材背面附有8篇可选阅读课文,共32篇。
③文本既保留了传统优秀文本,又增加了具有时代感的新文本。本卷有各种类型的教科书。除散文、古诗、新诗、小说、通讯、说明文外,还有采访笔记《小苗与大树的对话》。第五组综合学习单元选择的阅读材料包括谜语、后记、对联、笑话、交流报告、押韵歌曲、书法作品欣赏等,是拓宽教材题材和体裁的有益尝试。 .
⑤提高“综合学习”,培养学生的综合实践能力。这本教材有两个“综合学习”,一个是在“我爱阅读”这个主题中,它的安排与四年级的“综合学习”相同。第五组安排了另一项综合学习《汉字王国游记》。编排方式彻底改变了以往教材的编排方式,突破了以课文为主体的单元结构,转变为围绕主题、任务驱动、贯穿始终的活动编排方式。 .
For writing practice, we mainly rely on the pen and brush writing textbooks provided in this book to guide and practice writing, correct students' problems in the writing process in time, and cultivate students' writing interests and hobbies.
②Reading Teaching
For intensive reading texts, the emphasis is on guiding reading aloud and silent reading. Intensively read words and sentences, accumulate language, comprehend feelings, and understand methods. For skimming the text, it is necessary to know the general idea of the text, and let the students use the knowledge and methods acquired in the intensive reading of the text to read the text by themselves. As for the optional texts, the relevant topic units can be inserted according to the content of the texts for students to read by themselves, or they can be used as comprehensive review materials at the end of the term for students to complete independently outside the classroom.
③Oral communication teaching
This book arranges 7 oral communication sessions, among which the oral communication in the unit "Traveling in the Kingdom of Chinese Characters" is integrated into the whole comprehensive study. Some of the 7 oral communication sessions are based on thematic content, and some are based on the students' life and thinking. Some units only provide one topic, and some provide two or three perspectives for teachers and students to choose. For the oral communication in this book, the format of debate and speech is arranged for the first time. Teachers should be careful not to exaggerate the requirements. The oral communication teaching in this volume should not only attach importance to mutual communication and communication, cultivate students' ability to listen and respond, but also attach importance to the ability to cultivate monologue (such as speech).
④Exercise teaching——The content can be adjusted appropriately according to the actual situation of the students. The core idea is to practice more, practice shallowly, and appreciate more.
A total of 7 assignments have been arranged in this volume, among which the assignments of the unit "Traveling in the Kingdom of Chinese Characters" are integrated into the comprehensive study. In addition, combined with the study of the text, 4 small writing exercises are arranged as fragment exercises. Authenticity and specificity are the basic requirements for composition in elementary school. When instructing, encourage students to express themselves truthfully. To guide students to write specific. In addition, let the students express in their own language and advocate a simple and natural language style. Teachers can guide a good style of writing through evaluation.
⑤The teaching of comprehensive learning
To give full play to the subjectivity of students. Reasonable arrangements for activities inside and outside the classroom. Choose the learning content and learning method according to the actual situation of the class.
三、Teaching goals
(一)Common goals
1、Learn 200 characters, write 150 characters, use dictionaries and dictionaries, and have a certain ability to independently literate.
2、Able to write regular script with a pen, neatly and with a certain speed. Be able to write regular script with a brush and appreciate the beauty of Chinese characters.