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2021-08-31 10:07 网络整理 教案网



在教材中选择和编辑了大量的新课文。文字排版强调文学性,突出汉语题材的特点。不仅编撰了多篇名著,还编入了《作家笔下的人物》、《中国经典之旅》等单位。为教会学生运用信息的能力,解决信息泛滥的现代社会在学习和生活中遇到的实际问题,特编教材学习收集信息、过滤信息、利用信息撰写简单的研究报告。 性学习单元。

2、 增加体现爱国主义、革命传统教育、中华传统美德教育的内容,进一步强化语文教材的教育功能。





(三)Thematic 设置更灵活,编排格式继承发展了


2、 教材的版式是继承发展而来的。例如,第五组采用以章编排经典的方法,引导他们在今后的学习和生活中亲近经典,阅读经典。

(四)Guide 学习和练习系统设计,更好地发挥指导和培训的作用












1、 认识200个常用汉字,积累3000个识字,完成小学识字任务。写150字,共写2300个常用汉字。


2、 读写由可识别字符组成的单词;阅读并记住由可识别字符组成的单词。



5、 阅读叙事作品,可以把握主要内容,体会思想感情,理清叙事顺序,理解表达方式。读诗,大体把握诗歌,想象诗中描写的情景,体会诗人的情感。阅读解说文章,能看懂内容,了解基本解说方法。

6、Skip 看了文章,知道大意。学习根据需要浏览和收集信息。课外阅读不少于25万字。

7、 可以写出简单难忘的想象文章,内容更具体,情感更真实。练习写信,赞美手稿和简单的研究报告,注意格式。可以根据需要分段表达,使用常用标点符号。在 40 分钟内完成约 400 字的作业。



10、 积极参与综合语言学习,在制定计划、开展活动、开展展览交流等方面发挥作用。学习使用获得的信息并撰写简单的研究报告。

四、class 情况




本卷有200个识字学生,每节课不超过14个识字。分为精读课文和略读课文。到了高年级,学生已经具备很强的独立读写能力,所以教学应该更加自由。除了精读课文和略读课文外,教科书不再注音。当学生在阅读中遇到不认识的单词时,可以自行查字典。 Encourage students to browse quickly in the extracurricular reading, relate to the context, and understand the meaning of words, so that they will not hinder reading when they do not have a dictionary or dictionary at hand.

This volume has 150 characters, and each lesson does not exceed 14 characters. All of them are arranged in the intensive reading text and completed with the classroom teaching. In teaching, teachers can give key guidance on characters that are difficult to write and easy to confuse. There should be a certain amount of time for writing in class to guide students to write correct strokes and stroke order, arrange the various parts of the character and the structure of the frame, and write the characters correctly. While emphasizing the quality of writing, it can also be appropriately required to increase the speed of writing and develop good writing habits. For new words to be written and new words appearing in intensive reading texts, the teacher should guide students to copy at any time, and timely dictation tests. You can also review and consolidate the words in the "word inventory".


1、 Continue to strengthen the training of basic reading skills.

Reading aloud the requirements of senior years, not only to be correct and fluent, but also to have feelings. In reading teaching, you must read more and less lecture, and leave more time for students to read, so that students can understand the text and have some insights through independent entry into the emotions. Level, through various forms of reading aloud, to understand emotions, express feelings, and cultivate a sense of language. The silent reading training in the upper grades of silent reading should not only improve the level of comprehension, but also increase the speed of silent reading. To this end, this textbook organically combines silent reading with the training of comprehension and thinking, and strengthens the training of "reading texts silently at a faster speed". In order to ensure that the silent reading training is implemented, the teacher should leave plenty of silent reading time for the students when teaching, and prompt the corresponding methods to guide the students to think carefully according to the requirements, and check the learning effect after the silent reading. In the form.

2、Discover the laws of language and learn how to express.

Chinese class, the main task is to learn the language. At any time, we must not forget this fundamental task.

(1)Through the thinking exercises after class, guide students to understand the content and understand the expression method.

(2) Discover the characteristics of language expression in the text.

In addition to the exercises after class, there are a lot of wonderful language materials in the text that are worth learning and savoring.