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小学体育教案下载( 精品文档——2013年3月谢金贤一学生情况分析)(2)

2021-08-29 05:09 网络整理 教案网



下课后,您是不是总觉得这样的体育课学生的能力得到了发展?学生的身体素质是否得到锻炼?作为基层体育老师,总有一种迷茫感。我总觉得体育课程改革太理论化了。可操作性的东西太少,无法提供具体的实践指导。我们真的要培养学生每天对运动的兴趣吗?运动训练和比赛的理论和实践总是有一定距离的。和现在的班级一样,每个班级有50名学生,每个人的体质不同,兴趣也不同。有的喜欢打篮球,有的喜欢踢足球、投掷等。如果让学生根据自己的兴趣在玩乐中学习,跟活动课没什么区别。在老师眼里,这是一堂放羊的课。其实,牧羊班是一个特别难的班。所谓放羊,必须有足够的草给羊吃,也必须有安全的地方让羊吃。这样的课是好的体育课吗?有待讨论~而且我们很多学校的环境现在不允许上体育课。操场上有三四个班。场上有很多人。学校的现场设备根本不能满足学生的活动。这里经常有人跑,打人,扔球。别说其他项目,喊了几年的素质教育就是快乐体育。在这样的教学环境下,还停留在传统的教学方式。四排横队聚集慢跑讲解示范等,一个好的体育课是每一节体育老师的目标是什么?一堂好体育课的标准是什么?我们都在犹豫和困惑。理论总是那么好。很多专家的建议也很好。但我认为是1319高质量的文件,很多专家都是来自体育硬件设施。更好的学校是起点,说明我们教室里更多的学校设施还跟不上现代教学的步伐,所以无论如何,每个学校的小学体育设计和反思指导思想都在贯彻新的“ 《课程标准》开展素质教育 如今的体育课堂教学不再是传统单调枯燥的学习氛围,而是让学生通过教学充分展示自我,尤其是对低年级的小学生,通过唱歌和打球的体育教学达到教学目的,提高学习成绩,激发学习兴趣,已逐渐成为体育教师有效​​的教学方法。一学术分析。这个班的对象是小学二年级的学生。他们的天性是好奇心强,竞争激烈。模仿能力强,喜欢表演但不是很活跃。为了很好地控制自己的行为,存在着任性、娇气等不良心理倾向。他们也逐渐养成了竞争意识,因为他们已经能够判断自己的能力,所以当他们发现别人的表现比自己好或差时,就会相应地引起心理上的变化。当别人不如自己的时候,他们暗自为自己骄傲。为此,针对他们喜欢在游戏中表现出来的共同特点和个性差异,我选择以跳绳为主要活动形式,营造强烈的个人竞技和团体竞技的激烈跳绳氛围。第二个教学理念就在这里。在设计理念上,我仔细渗透了素质教育思想产品1419个优质文档。以学生的心理趋势为导向,极具创新性的体育教学形式。面向全体学生,落实快乐体验主题。这个想法是突出一种新字体,现在是一个修改过的词,让每个人都可以享受运动。每个人都有进步。每个人都有健康。让学生利用他们现有的经验来创造“跳绳”的动作和方法。培养学生的创新能力,大胆展示和与其他学生交流,增强学生的自信心。让学生感受到成功的喜悦。通过游戏、比赛培养学生良好的团结协作精神。三个教学目标。根据体育课程标准的学习领域目标和二年级学生的特点,我初步预设了本课的教学目标1情感态度和价值观激发学生积极参与体育活动的兴趣,让学生展现快乐在活动中,加强团队合作意识和竞争意识, 2 知识技能开发,协调敏感素质,促进智力开发,教学四大重点和难点,注重体验活动,通过各种跳绳游戏掌握一定的技巧和难点。在实践中,能够掌握跳绳活动的方法小学体育教案下载,实现自学和合作锻炼野外器械。一个篮球场。每个学生。一台跳线录音机。 1519精品文件一份。五种教学方法和学习方法。我初步预设本课的教学方法和学习方法为教学法、情景教学法、疑问法、示范法、实践法、激励法。



学习法、观察法、试验法、游戏法、合作法、竞赛法、展示法等六大教学过程场景介绍。对于低年级学生来说,有趣的游戏场景可以吸引他们进入课堂角色。我将跳绳王国作为整个课程的主要情况是激发乐趣。一进班,就带领同学们去旅游,参观同学们的活动。热情自然地从游览的第一站——通过王国之门的创造,被激发和调动出来,引导学生结对玩石头、剪刀、布匹的游戏和热身活动。旅行的第二站——我设计了踩蛇尾巴的活动。通过跺脚游戏,学生可以进一步开展热身活动,培养学生的快速反应能力和敏捷的运动能力。旅游第三站-----通过小朋友抓尾老师,现在我们在小动物园,看看吧~里面有很多小动物和尾巴,来比拼谁抓到的尾巴最多并引导学生进入本课的主要部分1619精品文件要求学生将绳子系在腰部,并以两人一组的形式露出两端的尾巴。另一个人试图保护尾巴并依次采取。指导并要求教师在参加学生活动时注意行为和安全。完整的跑步和闪避循环,在轻松愉快的情况下,反复达到一定强度的锻炼。游览的第四站——这个拼图网站的主要目标是通过学科间知识的融合和体育团体合作活动来促进他们的思考和启蒙。为了提高他的智力,首先让小组在讨论绳子拼图创作的基础上进行展示和交流,然后引导学生选择自己喜欢的拼图组成一个新小组,进行有序的跑跳练习和示范,让大家学生沉浸在愉快的学习和实践氛围中。 Enjoying the joy of sports activities, cultivating the body and mind, the end of the tour ------ relax summary play the song "Little White Boat" organize relaxation activities to restore the physical and psychological state of students, class summary evaluation awards infiltration of moral education and aesthetic education in short, I will strive to be full in this lesson Reflecting the teacher's leading student-oriented ideology, making full use of methods such as independent learning, training, cooperation, inquiry, interactive evaluation, etc., fully mobilizing students' enthusiasm and initiative, and promptly encouraging praise, promoting students' physical and mental development, improving teaching effects, teaching reflection, skipping rope is a popular sport in China Students like to have 1719 high-quality documents and have great exercise value. Skipping rope can promote growth and development. Skipping rope can make physical fitness develop in an all-round way. As a physical education teacher in elementary school, I focus on students. I like to play with curiosity and strive to be competitive. In teaching, we must use the students’ psychological stimulation and maintain the internal motivation of students’ behavior. Take the students as the main body and make the main body play the role of self-teaching. I use the situation in teaching "Jumping Rope". The teaching method is based on doubtful method, demonstration method, practice method, incentive method, group competition and other methods to complete the teaching task. At present, in the teaching method, I switch to the exciting method and encouragement method for teaching attempts and achieved good results. Before class, students are motivated to imitate the rabbit kangaroo. Wait for the animals to jump, and then assign the task of learning how to skip rope. Let the students practice freely. Some students with good foundation in the practice process will quickly complete the tasks assigned by the teacher in order to maintain the students' On the one hand, the interest in practice guides the students to learn trick skipping on the other hand. On the other hand, it allows the students to be teachers who can’t teach. Whenever I find a small improvement in the student, I will not miss the opportunity to give praise. Sometimes I make a surprised expression. Encourage students to be full of interest in skipping rope. Not only do they jump home and jump for ten minutes between classes in physical education class, they also jump. As soon as they see me, they will run to me with the skipping rope and let me count and face the progress of the students. I am deeply successful. The teaching method of happy physical education emerges endlessly, there are scene teaching method, happy teaching method, game competition method, motivation transfer method, successful teaching method, creative thinking method, interest 1819 high-quality document teaching method, etc., thus changing the single teaching method. In teaching practice, various teaching methods are used flexibly. Law and learning methods are the basic requirements of the new curriculum reform for teachers. In short, students can complete the teaching objectives of this lesson. Through independent and cooperative exploration methods, students have mastered a variety of rope skipping methods. A way to understand the relationship between the basic movement essentials of rope skipping and exercise various parts of the body, cultivate the coordination of the students’ body, and achieve the goal of cultivating students’ innovative and practical abilities. 1919
