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2021-08-17 04:05 网络整理 教案网


参考文献[1]张凤梅.微项目学习在高职《计算机应用基础》课程教学中的应用[J].网络安全技术与应用,202111:3-5.[2]李媛.微项目学习的作用高职高专《计算机应用基础》课程教学[J].信息与计算机理论版,202123:13-15.[3]陈娜.高职《基于项目合作学习的计算机应用基础》》课程教学研究[J].科技信息,20216:33-34.[4]黄晓佳.基础项目教学改革策略分析计算机应用在高职教育中的应用研究[J].科技信息,202122:13-15.高职高职计算机应用基础课基于项目的教学改革分析[摘要]计算机应用基础,作为高职基础课,对学生的技能要求较高,不能像以往的课程那样一刀切,因此笔者对本课程的项目化教学改革进行了研究。本文分析了本课程项目化教学改革的背景和内容,阐述了研究特点和教学环境。课题组通过研究,为《计算机应用基础》课程建立了新的课程标准,设计了课程的总体框架、典型课程单元、课程考核方案,让学生通过实践提高动手能力。新的项目式教学,为未来创造更多就业机会。良好的条件。 【关键词】高职;计算机应用基础;一、高职计算机应用基础课项目化教学改革背景 高职计算机教育,尤其是计算机基础教育,在很大程度上决定了学生的计算机应用水平和信息技术的掌握程度,因此计算机基础教学的改革备受各方关注。



教学立足于学生职业能力培养的要求,依托企业的资源和优势,提高学生的工作技能和专业能力。这就是课题组的选题意义和研究价值。笔者认为,课题组研究的计算机应用基础课程任务型项目化教学改革将对其他高职院校项目化教学起到引领和示范作用。 2 计算机应用基础课项目化教学改革研究内容 ①高职院校师生走访调研,根据计算机基础课教学中存在的问题制定研究计划; ②根据研究成果,制定新的计算机基础应用项目课程标准; ③开发一门新的计算机应用基础课程的总体设计; ④开发新的计算机应用基础课典型单元设计; ⑤制定新的计算机应用基础课程评价方案设计。 4 计算机应用基础课程项目化教学改革研究特点4.1 课题研究教学内容针对性强,目标明确4.1.1 根据就业需要,开展课题研究适应专业岗位课题应参加全国计算机信息高技术考试 办公自动化操作员级和高级操作员技能考核内容纳入正常教学,课后取得职业资格证书,实现双证融合取得成就。 4.1.2 针对不同层次、不同专业的学生,​​因材施教。目前,高职计算机应用基础教育并非“零起点”,高职学生入学时计算机知识水平和实践能力参差不齐。课题组成员根据学生特点,因材施教,将技能考核分为中、高级,确保不同层次的学生在原有基础上有所提高。 .

4.2项目研究综合运用多种教学方式4.2.1项目驱动方式将计算机基础课程的“教、学、做”融为一体。项目组的研究被引入课堂。项目任务,用实际项目带动教学。具体实施过程是将案例分解成若干个可行的任务,然后在每个任务的驱动下,进行知识点和技能的讲解和练习。建立感性知识,激发学生的学习兴趣。 4.2.2 多媒体讲授与实践相结合的方法研究组研究将传统的一对一辅导教学方法转变为现代媒体演示的电子教学方法,可以兼顾学生的学习需求与不同的基础。利用多媒体演示结合相关真实视频回放,反复观察练习,充分发挥视觉教材的优势,能调动学生的积极性。这不仅大大提高了学生的接受能力,也减轻了教师的工作量,加快了课程进度。 4.2.3 学习方法测试研究组每周安排一次测试,可以促进教师及时总结知识,获得良好的教学反馈。此外,还可以帮助师生及时互动,提高教学效果。 4.2.4 The work assessment method research group uses formative assessment methods. Investigate the students’ mastery of knowledge points in the works. In addition, the research group requires that the final works must be students’ original works, and students are encouraged to create works with different styles and rich connotations. Encourage students to use their brains and be willing to use their hands. For good student works, playing them in the student work exhibition of the whole college can stimulate students' creativity and achieve good results.

4.2.5 The Contrastive Method Research Group conducted a questionnaire survey among students to compare the teaching effect before and after the curriculum reform to form a contrast, so that students and teachers can experience the teaching reform Great changes and good results. This can stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, mobilize teachers' enthusiasm for work, and play a model role in teaching reforms in other courses. 5 Subject research to build a three-dimensional teaching environment. During the research process, the subject group arranged a hand-held computer in the classroom, and realized the synchronization of students and teachers' computers through multimedia teaching systems such as the polar electronic classroom, soft intelligence, and large-screen projectors, so as to realize instant listening.你看到什么了。 Make full use of modern educational technology and independently develop basic computer teaching resource platforms to provide students of different levels with independent learning of basic computer courses in air classrooms that are not restricted by time and space. 6 Subject research and construction of a network platform The subject group establishes a computer application-based online teaching platform. On the platform, it can provide students with rich online teaching resources such as overall teaching design, course unit design, assessment plan, electronic teaching plan, multimedia courseware and video, etc. At the same time, it provides discussion and online Q&A to build a student-centered autonomous learning environment. In this way, students can easily access the teaching platform at any time, download learning resources, watch courseware online, and communicate and answer questions online. 7 The conclusion of the project-oriented teaching reform of the basic computer application course The research team established a new course standard for the basic computer application course through in-depth investigation and research, and designed the overall framework of the course, typical courses of the course, and course assessment plan.

Students learn through the new project-based curriculum, and can exercise and improve their hands-on skills while mastering the necessary basic computer knowledge. In addition, it is also possible to complete different project tasks through project-based teaching, which not only improves learning enthusiasm, but also cultivates everyone's teamwork ability. At the end of the course, the national skill appraisal test is used for assessment, which not only improves the fairness of the course assessment, but also allows students and classmates to obtain the national skill appraisal certificate when they graduate. It can be said that students can learn through the possible learning of this course. The “win-win” function not only improves the operation ability of the students themselves, but also obtains the skill certificate upon graduation. Main references [1]Tan Haoqiang. Facing the cultivation of computer application and scientific thinking ability——Thinking about the deepening reform of computer basic education[J].Computer Education,20217.[2]李春秋. Computer Application Basic Course of Higher Vocational College Teaching Research and Reform[J].Henan Science and Technology,20214.[3]王鸿伟. An analysis of the teaching methods of basic computer application courses[J].Journal of Liaoning Institute of Educational Administration,202110.[4]金莹,陶烨.Inquiry into the relationship between computer application and computational thinking[J].Computer Education,202121.[5]卢湘鸿.Analysis of university computer application-oriented classification teaching and computational thinking training[J].Industry and Information Education,20216.[6]于平.Computer basic curriculum reform centered on application ability[J].Education and Occupation,202121.[7]赵英豪.Research and Exploration of University Computer Basic Teaching Reform Model[J].Education And career,202133.[8]姜云莉,高宝益. Thoughts on the teaching of basic computer courses in higher vocational colleges[J].Computer education,202110. Thank you for reading and wish you a happy life.
