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新人教版 七年级地理上册教案 地图的阅读教案_高中地理教案下载_高一地理教案





目前的课堂教学主要是在教师的指导下进行,以课本内容为中心。学生通过死记硬背课本知识学习更多。从近年来高考的参考答案和评分标准来看,直接要求完整表达基本概念和原则的点并不多。需要记忆的观点和方法论知识的点数和比例越来越少,而更多的点数往往放在组合材料的分析和应用上。 记得高考有一道题让学生分析兰州化工厂的布局是否合理。 At that time, some students only analyzed the layout of the chemical plant from an economic and social point of view, ignoring the impact of environmental benefits on the industrial layout. It is completely reasonable, and the result is completely different from the standard answer.

Therefore, in teaching, I often choose some relevant materials to discuss and explore together with students, and I have achieved very good results. For example, review questions about site selection. After giving a lot of background information about "table salt" and "table salt chemical industry" (omitted), I proposed: a company is considering building a new table salt and table salt chemical plant near a certain town, giving a part of a certain town Maps and some related information. Please compare the map and data to discuss: In the picture, the "location proposed by the company" and the "location proposed by the council" are more reasonable. Each big group represents a different role: company legal representative, factory manager, council representative and community representative. After the discussion, a large group report will be conducted. At the same time, it is emphasized that: (1)When considering a problem, you must think in many ways, and you must integrate existing knowledge to solve the actual problem under study. (2)The way to solve the problem is often not a single method. In a sense In other words, it is to compare the pros and cons of various problem-solving methods, so as to select the best solution. (3) Any problem should be analyzed with a scientific, dialectical, and comprehensive attitude and method.

In the subsequent large group report, the students rushed to express their views and opinions: the students who played the role of the legal representative of the company, from the perspective of the factory operation that must make more profits, hope that the factory will be built closer to the original industrial area The student who plays the role of factory management personnel, from the perspective of facilitating the purchase of raw materials and product sales, it is recommended that the factory be built in a location close to the traffic line; the student who plays the role of the council representative, from the perspective of protecting the greening, appeals to the new factory not to destroy the trees , The factory should be built in the swamp; the students acting as community representatives, from the perspective of maintaining the community environment, require the factory to be built in the outskirts perpendicular to the wind direction throughout the year. Afterwards, during the free speaking time, the students compared the pros and cons of the above-mentioned opinions and agreed that although the proposed proposals seemed to be reasonable from their respective interests, they should consider everyone’s opinions from a holistic and comprehensive perspective. The problem is that the location proposed by the company is more appropriate.

4、Reflection on own teaching behavior

Teachers should carefully review their own words and deeds in the teaching process: whether to switch from an authoritative professor to equal communication and dialogue between teachers and students; whether there is a fair quality, open-minded mind, rich feelings, and keen judgment and Rich imagination and so on.

For example, in the "Desertification Prevention and Control in Northwest China" section, a student said: "I think tree planting and afforestation may not necessarily solve the problem of desertification, because trees grow to absorb more water, which will cause Less water enters lakes, rivers, and underground, which will lead to intensified desertification.” This view is contrary to the textbook, and I refuted it at the time. In the after-class reflection, I deeply felt that this stifled the student's interest in active thinking and the courage to boldly innovate. In fact, the student's thinking is not unreasonable at all. Therefore, in the next class, he criticized himself in front of all the classmates. In the subsequent teaching, he paid attention to tolerating various viewpoints and encouraged the students to actively explore and innovate.

This means that as a teacher, you must carefully handle your own teaching behavior. You must be able to positively affirm the students' "ingenuity", but also provide timely and appropriate corrections.

5、Reflection on teaching feedback

In teaching, we should not only pay attention to observing the learning behaviors of students in the classroom, but also obtain teaching feedback information through student homework, and acquire students’ knowledge, ability development, and emotional experience in learning through information feedback. All-round experience. We often find that the teaching content and exercises that teachers explain in class, students still have a lot of confusion during the exam.有很多原因。 One of the important reasons is that the acquisition of student knowledge is not learned by the students themselves, but taught by the teachers. Yes, so we teach students how to learn is more important than teaching students the knowledge itself.

Therefore, I pay more attention to communicating with my classmates individually to understand their problem-solving ideas and methods. I usually explain them from the perspective of their abilities in class, in order to obtain better teaching results.

You can also search for more sample essays of other high school geography teaching reflection cases compiled for you by the editor on this site.
