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2021-08-09 15:01 网络整理 教案网






1、 课前做好充分准备,认真备课。为了更好地教授历史,我购买并阅读了许多历史书籍,如历史知识成语和故事、历史基础知识手册、历史优化练习等等。在备课之前,我仔细阅读了这些书中的相关内容,过滤掉了与知识点相近、能够结合学生实际兴趣的内容。教学符合教学大纲要求,充满乐趣。

2、 精心设计学生练习。根据学科特点和学生特点,精心准备课堂练习,设计开放式课外练习,制作历史手抄报、电脑报、手工制作历史,让学生动脑筋。根据学生的不同特点,给予不同的评价,正确引导学生,耐心解答学生遇到的问题。获得了学生的信任,成为学生的好老师和乐于助人的朋友。









初中历史教案下载_初中三年历史学科规划_历史小报 初中





1、备课 积极参加教研室组织的教研活动,在师范学院教师和科研人员的指导下进行集体备课,认真听讲,认真背诵,理解精神的本质。然后,根据要求,提前两周备课,写好教案。通常在一周前准备课程。备课时,认真研读课本和教学参考资料,研究大纲,虚心向当年的老师学习。力求透彻理解教材,找出重点难点。


2、上class 课前积极备课。在课堂上,我们力求抓住重点,突破难点,简洁明了。采用多种教学方法,从学生的实际情况出发,注重调动学生学习的积极性和创造性思维,使学生具有相互推论的能力。培养学习困难学生的学习兴趣,为疑难问题寻找优等生;找中学生回答一般问题;总是让有学习困难的学生回答简单的问题。课间检查时注意对学习困难学生进行面对面辅导,课后及时进行课后反思,找出不足之处。

3、Tutoring 我利用课余时间辅导学生,有不懂的地方耐心讲解,教给他们良好的记忆方法、良好的学习习惯,巩固复习所学,及时检查不足。并及时联系家长沟通情况,让家长了解情况,以便在家中必要时对孩子进行监督。

4、Homework 按照减负的要求,我只提供适量的课后总结。作业总是精挑细选,适当保留一些有利于学生能力发展、充分发挥主动性和创造性的作业。







3、爱是尊重。 Respecting, understanding and trusting students is the basis for eliminating blind spots in education. Respect students should respect students' personality. Although teachers and students are in different positions in the process of education and teaching, they should be equal in personality. This is to require teachers not to be arrogant, and not to use teachers' status and power to insult students; to understand students should be based on the psychological development of adolescents Starting from the characteristics, understand their requirements and ideas, understand their naivety and naivety; trust students to trust their potential abilities, let them exercise in practice, and grow in practice. Only in this way can students reduce their psychological distance from teachers, and students will have a sense of dependence on teachers.

4、爱 is responsibility.

To love students must love deeply, and to love students rationally. It is to strictly require students, not to be spoiled or spoiled with students. Mistakes about its shortcomings, do not condone, do not tolerate, and do not let it go. Teacher love not only contains strong emotional color, but also shows profound rationality. It not only focuses on students' current gains and losses, pains and happiness, but also pays attention to students' future development and future.

初中历史教案下载_历史小报 初中_初中三年历史学科规划

四、personal learning:

Actively participate in various training and learning, understand and master various educational theories, in order to enrich yourself. Actively write educational teaching papers.

五、Working direction:

1、 Strengthen the training of their own basic skills, do intensive teaching and refinement in the classroom, and focus on the cultivation of students' abilities.

2、Be more concerned about poor students, be more loving, and be patient, so that they can make greater progress in all aspects.

3、 Strengthen the education of discipline, so that students not only concentrate on learning in class, but also strictly discipline themselves according to school discipline and class rules after class.

4、Educate students to maintain environmental sanitation and enhance their sense of ownership and responsibility.

One piece of spring blossoms, one piece of autumn fruit. What I paid out was sweat and tears on the road of teaching and educating people, but what I reaped was the fulfillment and the heavy emotions. I use my heart to teach my students, I use my affection to nurture my students, I am not ashamed of my heart, I have no regrets about my career. Let me turn my life's longing for education into a fire of loving students, and dedicate my most precious love to the children. I believe that the buds that are in full bloom today will surely be in full bloom tomorrow.

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