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japan inflation rate 为什么说中国不会发生债务危机?(4)

2017-12-23 07:01 网络整理 教案网

而且,中国的所谓信贷风险实际上是主权风险。中国政府往往依靠银行信贷为政府刺激计划提供资金。2009年,北京方面推出了价值逾6000亿美元的财政方案,以应对金融危机后全球经济衰退的影响。随后,中国银行信贷增速大幅攀升,令信贷与GDP比率一再创下新高。实质上,中国政府是利用信贷扩张来为财政刺激提供资金。这相当于是美国“问题资产救助计划”(Troubled Assets Relief Program, Tarp)的一个基于信贷的对等措施。在美国,财政刺激计划的资金来自不断上升的公共部门债务。在中国,这些资金通常由储户提供。

China has a chronic current account surplus and has been a net creditor to the rest of the world for decades. Beijing’s outstanding public sector debt, valued at about $4tn, is dwarfed by the vast assets controlled by the various levels of governments. Therefore, China’s sovereign risk is extremely low. Importantly, the balance sheets of the Chinese state-owned banks, the government and the People’s Bank of China are all interconnected. Under these circumstances, a debt crisis in China is almost impossible.


The writer is founding partner and chief global strategist at Alpine Macro