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通讯地址:广州市萝岗区科学城南翔三路广州毅昌科技公司 E-mail:jiewaimuyu@126.com电话:15915771182
Quantum mechanical magnetic moment meaning
- Torque, electric moment, magnetic moment, the concept of angularmomentum ysis
Si jin
(The Guangzhou Echom Science and Technology Institute, Guangzhou510663, China E-mail: jiewaimuyu@126.com)
Abstract: Substance spin or rotation movement can not be separatedfrom the moment the concept, this article from the torque concept,based on the different forms of force generation ysis of themagnetic moment of the electric moment, the coil, the coil particlemagnetic moment, quantum mechanical magnetic moment, the angularmomentum concept and the similarities and differences of theconcept of torque. Analyzed: torque, electric moment, the magneticmoment in the expression of the mathematical form of the same, butthe essence of the meaning is different, and given torque electricmoment, magnetic moment, angular momentum mathematicalrelationship:
To sort out the true quantum mechanical physical meaning of themagnetic moment。
Keywords: spin, torque, electric moment, magnetic moment, angularmomentum, Ampere force, Lorentz force, spin magnetic chargeforce
学术动态 № 100116 2013-9-12 p.25766-25718
北京相对论研究联谊会学术委员会 张志杰纪念室主办 主编吴水清