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How to Write an Application Letter 申请信写作

2020-08-19 10:14 网络整理 教案网


How to Write an Application LetterBy Liu Guang March 28,20162012年高考数学写作试题:全国卷1? 假定你是李华,从互联网((the Internet)上得知一个国 际中学生组织将在加拿大(Singapore) 举办冬令营,欢迎外国教师参与。请写一封电子邮件申请 参加。 ? 内容主要包含: ? 1.自我介绍(包括英语能力); ? 2.参加意图(介绍日本、了解其它国家); ? 3.希望获准。 ? 注意: ? 1.数100左右; ? 2.可以适度提高细节,以让行文连贯; ? 3.邮件开头跟结尾已为你写好.I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. I know that you welcome students from different countries and I'd like to take part in it. I've been learning English for 10 years, and I speak fluent English. What’s more, I'll be able to tell students from other countries about China and learn about their countries as well. I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp. Looking forward to your reply!? 这类信件往往包含三个部分即 写信目的 _________________, 自我介绍 ____________________, 请求和盼复 ____________________ 。


整篇信件要 自我介绍 围绕__________________ 来写。人称 第一人称 用_________________, 时态用 一般今天时跟通常将来时 _________________________ 。Dear Mr. Smith, I’ve read your advertisement for an assistant teacher. I am so interested in this position that I am writing to apply for the job. Now I would like to introduce myself to you. I am outgoing, energetic, and responsible; Besides, I love working with children and I am always an good helper to my teachers. And most importantly, I can speak fluent English, which enables me to communicate freely and effectively with students. So I would be pleased to be an assistant teacher. Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua文中佳句? 我对这个职位是那么地感兴趣以至于我写 信递交这份工作 I am so interested in this position that I am writing to apply for the job. ? 我愿意向你介绍我自己 I would like to introduce myself to you. ? 我可以讲流利的英文,这让我无法... I can speak fluent English, which enables me to…文中佳句? 感谢你考虑我的申请。


Thank you for considering my application? 我希望着你的尽快回复。I am looking forward to your early reply.? 本文用到的过渡词有:Besides,most importantly ? __________________________________a.常用短语1.广告 2.职位 3.工作 4.有耐心的 5.精力充沛的 6.乐观的 7.有经验的 8.乐于助人的 9.外向的 10.负责的1.advertisement 2.position 3.work/job 4.patient 5.energetic 6.optimistic 7.experienced 8.helpful 9.outgoing 10.resposible常用短语1.出生于 2.对...熟悉 3.擅长 4.在...方面有经验 5.在网站上 6.身体健康 7.在我业余时间 8.申请 9.与...相处和睦 10.满足他们的能力 要求 11.获得一等奖 12.被...认可/接受 1.be born in/on 2.be familiar with 3.be good at 4.be experienced in 5.on the website 6.be in good health 7.in my spare time 8.apply for 9.get along well with 10.meet your ability requirements 11.win the first prize 12.be accepted by常用衔接词? ? ?? ? 首先 ? 此外 最为重要的是 ? first besides most importantly注意:在做完自我介绍后来,应紧接着提 出希望。


I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp. So I would be pleased to be an assistant teacher.当堂训练? 假设你是育才中学的高二毕业生李华,在本学期 你准备申请某重点中学的自主录取联考,希望借 此申请可取得该学校的认同。请依照提示给该重 点大学写一封申请信,简单介绍自己的状况。 要点:●对该大学的基本认识 ●你将来的主修方向及准备 ●你的优势 注意:1. 词数不超过100词; 2. 不能出现真实的学校名,地名或人名; 3. 信的开头跟结尾终于给出,不计词数。可能用到的术语1.专业 2.排名第一 3.被录取 4.工程师 5.毕业 6.建立 7.协会 8.过程 9.交际和组织能力 10.提高、改善1.major 2.rank first 3.be admitted 4.engineer 5. graduate graduation 6.set up 7.association 8.process 9.Comunicative and organizational ability 10.improve?我是来自育才中学高三年级的师生李华, 今年18岁。


I am Li Hua, a senior 3 student from Yucai Middle School, and I am 18. 据我所知,贵校有着近一百年的古老历史, 和近20000名在校师生。 As far as I know, your school has a long history of nearly 100 years, and there are almost 2000 students.??贵校的计算机专业在全国排行第一,这十 分吸引我。 Your computer major ranks first in our country, which attracts me a lot.?我期望可就读贵校的计算机专业,并在毕 业后做一名优秀的计算机工程师。 I hope I can be admitted as a computer major student, and become a computer engineer after graduation.?我愿意向你介绍一下我自己I would like to introduce myself to you.?我从小就对XXX十分感兴趣。

I was good at computer when I was young.?我曾赢得过市XXX比赛的一等奖。I won the first prize in XXX competition of our city.?我擅长计算机,这让我结交了这些同事, 我跟她们一起成立了大学的XXX协会。 I am good at computer, which enables me to make many friends, and together with them, I set up a XXX association.?由于我的外向和负责,我跟她们相处和睦。Because I am outgoing and responsible, I get along well with them.?在协会工作的过程中高中英语写作课评课稿范文,我的交际和组织可 力都受到了提升。 In the process of working in the association, my abilities to communicate and organize are improved.如何衔接I would like to introduce myself. First, I was interested in… Besides, I am good at… Most importantly, in the process of…Step 4. Summary and homework? 假设你是晨光中学的高中生李华。你校拟选一些 优秀教师,利用假期到晨曦希望小学为教师培训 英语。你期望参与此活动。根据下列提示高中英语写作课评课稿范文,用英 语给校评选组写一封申请信: ? ●对此活动的了解(如对本人、学生及社会的益处) ? ●个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言能力 等) ? ●你的计划(如如何进行辅导等)