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2019-08-28 21:01 网络整理 教案网



She did a little dance.

她跳了一会儿舞。Shall we join the dance?

我们也一起跳舞好吗?They will have a dance in a circle.

他们将跳圆圈舞。He is the student who leads the dance.

他就是那个领舞的学生。May I have your next dance?

下一支曲子我可以和你跳舞吗?She will be my partner in the next dance.

下一轮她将和我跳舞。There are many kinds of dances.

舞蹈的种类有许多。The waltz is a beautiful dance.

华尔兹是一种优美的舞蹈。This is an extremely difficult dance to perform.

这是一种极难表演的舞蹈。Such a dance has been very popular in recent years.

这种舞蹈近年来很流行。Have you done this dance before?

这种舞你以前跳过吗?This is a dance for eight persons.

这是八人舞。What a pretty dance that is!

多么美的舞蹈!I enjoy Chinese classic dances.

我喜欢中国古典舞蹈。Can you do that new dance?

你会跳那个新舞蹈吗?It is a religious dance among the Indians.

这是印度人的宗教舞。They are dancing a square dance.

他们在跳四对男女跳的方形舞。The children performed various dances.

儿童们表演了各种舞蹈。The dance was beautifully executed.

舞曲演奏得非常出色。Strauss composed many dances.

施特劳斯创作了许多舞曲。The band played a slow dance.

乐队奏起慢步舞曲。Will you come to the dance?

你来参加舞会吗?She and I first met at a dance.

我和她初次相识是在一次舞会上。I was at a dance last night.

昨晚我参加了一个舞会。Her partner in the dance was a college professor.

她的舞伴是个大学教授。When will you give a dance?

你们什么时候举行舞会?Let's give a dance tomorrow.

billy has one. it is an evening.billy is giving a party at his home. all his friends are takingpart in it. it is very hot. so many people are dancing outside in the garden. there is a house near the garden. the cows are sleepingthere. but one cow can't sleep. she gets up and comes into the garden. she begins to dance. she dances very well. all the peoplestop dancing and watch her.。i thought fast, and said quietly, 'good evening, mr gork. my nameis nobody and these people here are my...' gork roared again, 'iknow who you are. you're aliens and we kill all aliens in thisvalley. tomorrow morning, you are going to die。this notice is to inform you of an event. our english teacher is going to hold a party and all the students in class are invited to take part in it. the party is scheduled at 6 o’clock on saturday evening and it’s to be held in classroom 102.。

我们今晚在礼堂举行舞会。At the hotel dances are held nightly.

这家旅馆里每晚都有舞会。She has dedicated her life to the study of the dance.




Do you dance?

你跳舞吗?She began to dance as soon as she heard the music.

她一听到乐曲便跳起舞来。They danced and danced until many of us joined in.

他们不停地跳着舞,直到我们中间许多人都参加了进去。When he asked me to dance,I declined politely.

当他请我跳舞时,我婉言谢绝了。They were dancing until after midnight.

他们一直跳到午夜以后。She danced across the room.

她跳着舞横穿过了房间。Will you dance with me?

你愿和我跳舞吗?The girl danced up to us and gave us some flowers.

姑娘向我们舞来,还送给我们一些花。The leaves were dancing in the wind.

树叶随风飘舞。The sun is dancing upon the waves, making them sparkle with thousands of diamonds.

阳光在波浪上闪烁,使浪花像成千上万颗发光的宝石。Snow flakes were dancing in the air.

雪花在空中飘舞。His heart danced with happiness.



S+~+ n./pron.

They danced a waltz.

他们跳华尔兹舞。He danced a silly dance.

他跳着鬼怪舞。They danced a vulgar dance.

他们跳着一种粗俗的舞蹈。She danced her thanks.

她跳起舞来表示感谢。They danced the story of their homeland.

a.michael jackson often danced in the new york city subway.。前三乐段用动作表现,第四乐段用舞蹈和歌唱主旋律表现,第五、六乐段用打击乐和动作表现,和着音乐师生一起表演。能从多方面感知周围生活中的美,能大胆用唱歌、舞蹈、绘画、制作、角色游戏等形式表现自己的感受、体验跳舞的英文的过去式跳舞的英文的过去式,想象,创造。



S+~+ n./pron. + adj.

She danced herself weary.
