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2022-06-26 03:59 网络整理 教案网


《How often do you exercise》


How often do you exercise

Good morning/afternoon, my dear judges. I’m No. X. It’s my great honor to be here toshare my teaching design with everyone. My topic is how often do you exercise? Listeningand speaking part. My presentation consists of the analysis of the following parts: the teachingmaterial, students, teaching aims, key and difficult points, teaching methods and aids, teaching

procedures and the blackboard design.

1. Analysis of the teaching material

First, let’s talk about the analysis of the teaching material. This lesson is chosen from thefirst book of PEP English, Grade 8, Unit 2. It is a listening and speaking lesson. After thislesson, students will know how to express how often they do something and their favoriteactivity. What’s more, their confidence and speaking ability will be improved.

2. Analysis of the students

Then, it comes to the analysis of students. They are in Grade 8 and have learned Englishfor several years, therefore they have some basic knowledge about the sentence pattern.However,their speaking English are not so well. So teachers should create chances for them topractice their oral English as much as possible.

3. Analysis of the teaching aims

According to the New Curriculum Standard for English初中英语备课教案范文, I set the following three aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can master the usage of the sentence pattern “How often do you…?” and“What’s your favorite…?”

Students can thoroughly understand the meaning of once, twice, three times, etc.

Ability aims:

Students can use the sentence pattern “How often do you…?” and “What’s yourfavorite…?” in their conversation.

Students can improve their speaking ability by pair work and role play.

Emotional aims:

Students will know how to express how to express how often they do something and theirfavorite activity.

4. Analysis of the key and difficult points

Then let me talk about the key & difficult points: students can properly use the sentencepattern “How often do you…?” and “What’s your favorite…?” and the phrases such as twice aweek, go to the movies, etc.

5. Analysis of teaching methods and teaching aidsAs for the teaching methods and teaching aids, I will mainly use communicative languageteaching method and task-based teaching method, as well as pictures and multimedia.

6. Analysis of the teaching procedures

Now, it comes to the most important part: the analysis of the teaching procedures. I willfinish this lesson in the following steps.

Step 1: warm-up.

In this part, I will first say hello to everyone and then show some pictures, ask themquestions, ”Can you describe what is happening in the picture?” and lead in the topic oftoday’s lesson---How often do you exercise?

Pictures are useful tools for attracting students’ attention and describing the new wordsand phrases. By using pictures and asking questions, I can easily attract students’ attention andlead in the topic of this lesson.

Step 2: pre-listening.

In this part, students will learn some new phrases: read English books, use the Internet, goto the movies.

By showing pictures and using the sentence pattern “How often do you…”with these newphrases, students can master the pronunciation and meaning of these new phrases, as well asthe sentence pattern, thus create a better foundation for the next step---while-listening.

Step 3: while-listening.

In this part, students will listen to the tape for three times altogether. For the first time,it’s extensive-listening. Students will answer the question: How often do you exercise? Bydoing so, they can master the general topic of this text. Then, it comes to theintensive-listening: after the second time, they will do a match exercise. By doing so, theirlogical ability can be strengthened. And for the third time, they will be asked to fill in the chart.By doing so, they can be more familiar with the new words and phrases.

After these activities, students’ listening ability and their logical thinking ability will beimproved.

Step 4: post-listening.

In this part,students will do some pair work and role play to strengthen theirunderstanding of this listening material and their oral English.

Step 5: summary and homework.

In this part初中英语备课教案范文, I will ask a student to help us summarize what we have learned today so thatstudents can grasp the main target of this lesson. Then I will leave them a task to deepen whatwe have learned today by making a new conversation with the sentence pattern in thislistening material. By doing so, students can master the usage of the sentence pattern.

7. Analysis of the blackboard Design

The last part of my teaching plan is the blackboard design. It is as follows:
