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2019-07-09 06:06 网络整理 教案网


雅思培训 雅思:雅思大作文话题解析之环境篇朗阁海外...这个题目是问很多人已经意识到保护环境的重要性, 但是他们自己并没有付出努力去...。以下跟各位童鞋分享的是:环境保护个人是否可以作为的雅思话题作文范文。雅思大作文话题解析之环境篇。






There is much debate about when the transition between play-based preschool and the start of formal schooling should begin. For different purposes, the formal school starting age varies from country to country, ranging from four to seven.

Some people believe that “earlier is better”. On the one hand, children who receive formal instructions at four to five years old will hold advantages over those who start school at six to seven, since formal education can supply a good foundation for children, promoting them to form their own ideas, communicate and socialize with other students, and develop their knowledge. On the other hand, it may also make it possible for parents to return to the workforce earlier and reduce childcare costs.


Other people, however, argue that there will be negative consequences if children are forced to receive formal instruction at too early an age. This argument calls for an extension of informal, play-based preschool for the start of formal schooling to be delayed until the age of six to seven. If children are brought into school very young and then they are asked to behave in ways they cannot, they may become problem children later. Abundant evidence has shown that many of improper behaviors stem from starting school too early. In the interests of children’s academic achievements and emotional well-being, these evidence should be taken seriously.

In conclusion, although some people think that children should start formal schooling at four to five, others believe that it should be delayed until six to seven. The decision depends on each country’s primary-school educational policy. In many parts of the world, this issue continues to be debatable about which policy is more likely to pay off.

(289 words)




潘基文说,各国政府和发展伙伴正在努力使每个儿童都能上学,但国际社会还须加倍努力,如今仍有5700万儿童得不到教育,另有数百万儿童需要改善教育质量。不具有实践价值 例1:《浅谈幼儿园教育中“惩罚教育”的合理使用》 一、问题的提出 二、什么是“惩罚教育” 三、如何正确使用“惩罚教育” 新西兰、日本、英国、美国、加拿大、幼儿园事例四则 四、“惩罚教育”的意义及应注意的问题 (一)正确认识惩罚的教育意义 (二)正确实现惩罚的教育性 应注意的问题: 4、简单化倾向 保证幼儿的健康成长,教师就必须做好包括身体保育和心理保育两大方面的工作,也即不仅要照顾幼儿身体发育,促进身体机能的发展,还要对幼儿的心理加以保护,不断增进幼儿的心理能力。救助儿童会中国项目首席代表王超博士在致辞中说:“自2009年起,救助儿童就在四川、云南、新疆等地推广全纳教育,与当地政府和教育部门合作,帮助更多的残障儿童到就近的普通学校上学,与其他儿童共同学习,并且接受有针对性的教育支持。





1. For different purposes, the formal school starting age varies from country to country, ranging from four to seven.


2. On the one hand, children who receive formal instructions at four to five years old will hold advantages over those who start school at six to seven, since formal education can supply a good foundation for children, promoting them to form their own ideas, communicate and socialize with other students, and develop their knowledge.


3. If children are brought into school very young and then they are asked to behave in ways they cannot, they may become problem children later.

