张鸿雁 山东师范大学_南京大学张鸿雁_山东师范
2017年04月23日 14:52点击:[]
2011/12-至今 山东师范大学 生命科学学院食品科学系任教,职位:副教授。
2009/11-2014.10 山东师范大学 化学化工与材料科学学院,职位:博士后。
2007/09-2011.12 山东师范大学 生命科学学院食品科学系任教,职位:讲师。
1996/09-2000/07 齐鲁工业大学,学士;
2001/09-2004/07 齐鲁工业大学,硕士;
2004/09-2007/09 天津科技大学,博士。
目前较常提及的有taqman探针、fret杂交探针(荧光共振能量传递探针)和分子信标molecular beacon。近红外荧光染料用于生物成像时,除了具有近红外吸收/发射波长、还荧光具有良好的水溶性和较低的生物毒性,特异的组织或细胞靶向性以及良好的细胞穿透性等,从而达到更安全、高效、灵敏的荧光成像目的。本发明的另一个目的是提供的荧光稀土络合物硅纳米颗粒,可以作为标记物质用于时间分辩荧光免疫分析,核酸探针标记,细胞标记等。
技术监 督 局川省质技术监 督 局贵州省质技术监 督 局云南省质技术监 督 局质技术监 督 局陕西省质技术监 督 局甘肃省质技术监 督 局宁夏质技术监 督 局青海省质技术监 督 局新 疆 质技术监 督 局中质检报刊中,未经许可。疫局---全质技术监 督 局---北京市质技术监 督 局上海市质技术监 督 局天津市质技术监 督 局重庆市质技术监 督 局河北省质技术监 督 局山西省质技术监 督 局内蒙 古 质技术监 督 局辽宁省质技术监 督 局吉林省质技术监 督 局黑龙江省质技术监 督 局江苏省质技术监 督 局浙江省质技术监 督 局安徽省质技术监 督 局福建省质技术监 督 局江西省质技术监 督 局山东省质技术监 督 局河南省质技术监 督 局湖北省质技术监 督 局湖南。检及产品评价工作,食品总科技标拙组织食品绩研究院研究起草了《食旗速检测评价技术规》,近日以办厅名义发各识(食监办科〔2017〕43憨。
[10]. zhang qiuyu,zhang hepeng, xie gang, zhang junping . “effect of surface treatment of magnetic particles on preparation of magnetic polymer microspheres by miniemulsion polymerization”张鸿雁 山东师范大学,journal of magnetism and magnetic materials,2007,311(1): 140。4.jun di, jiexiang xia*, mengxia ji, bin wang, sheng yin, qi zhang, zhigang chen, huaming li*, advanced photocatalytic performance of graphene-like bn modified biobr flower-like materials for the removal of pollutants and mechanism insight. appl. catal., b, 2016, 183, 254-262. (if = 7.435)。2) f. han, m. higuchi, d. g. kurth, “metallo-supramolecular polymers based on functionalized bis-terpyridines as novel electrochromic materials” adv. mater., 2007, 19,3928. (if = 15.409)。
2、Xiao L, Zhang Z, Wu CC, Han LY, Zhang HY. Molecularly imprinted polymer grafted paper-based method for the detection of 17β-estradiol. Food Chemistry, 2017, 221: 82-86. (IF: 4.052)
ds in food science& technologyee journal onselected areas inanic electronicscta materialiapplied energy applied materials &interfaces。check valve needle valve butterfly valve flange related materials flanges blind flanges process piping process flow piping sealing materials gasket steel ring polyvinyl chloride piping pipe fittings piping devices flame arrestor filter manhole handhole combined vent valve rubber hose related materials rubber hose quick connector anticorrosive coating 96。如何评价acs applied materials & interfaces 即将创立新刊acs applied nano materials 和 acs applied energy materials。
4、Zhang HY, Wang YH, Li QL, Zhang FM, Tang B. A size amplified immune magnetic microbeads strategy in the rapid detection of circulating tumor cells. Chemical Communications, 2014, 50: 7024-7027. (IF: 6.718)
【3】luo ya, liu yan, hu qianqian, et al.. fast detection of hypoglycemic drugs by portable raman spectrometer[j]. journal of pharmaceutical practice, 2011, 29(1): 35-37.。j. pharm. biomed. anal. journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis。2.j. j. wang, y. f. zhu, j. l. yang, f. h. yang, a high throughput cantilever array sensor for multiple liver cancer biomarkers detection. ieee sensors journal. vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 4675-4682, 2016.。
6、Zhang HY, Wang MM, Wang Y, Li QL, Zhou JH, Huo F, Tang B. Preparation and application of an immunoaffinity column based on an antibody with strong affinity and packing material with good stability. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2013, 30(5): 853-860. (IF: 2.22)
7、Zhu D, Zhang HY, Bing X. Preparation of an immunoaffinity column for the clean-up of fermented food samples contaminated with citrinin. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2013, 30: 389-394. (IF: 2.22)
8、Zhang HY, Fang GZ, Wang S. Applications and recent developments of multi-analyte simultaneous analysis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Journal of Immunological Methods, 2011, 368: 1-23. (IF: 2.203)
9、Zhang HY, Wang S. Review on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for sulfonamide residues in edible animal products. Journal of Immunological Methods, 2009, 350: 1-13. (IF: 2.347)
10、Zhang HY, Zhang Y, Wang S, Zang LG. Validation and comparative studies of four sulfonamide immunoassays based on the same generic polyclonal antibody. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2009, 158(3): 642-652. (IF: 1.42)