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2015年英语四级成绩查询时间 2018年6月英语四级听力练习550

2017-12-27 20:06 网络整理 教案网



【四级真题解析】 【六级真题解析】 【名师何凯文、谭老师解析视频】




A. Unconscious behavior patterns.

B. Recent trends in psychology.

C. Reasons for certain behavior problems.

D. Causes of anxiety.


A. He feels angry.

B. He needs attention.

C. He's too quiet.

D. He's very nervous.


A. He's late for social occasions but not for work.

B. He's a quiet person but likes to make grand entrances.

C. He expects others to be on time but usually late himself.

D. He loses pay for being late to work but doesn't seem to mind.



A. Trying to get Mark to talk about his problem.

B. Helping Mark relax and be more comfortable in a group.

C. Leaving a message to Mark instead of waiting for him.

D. Telling Mark to come earlier than the planned meeting time.


W:Mark really needs to see this article in PsychologyWeekly.

M:Why? What's it on?

W:[19]Reasons for negative behavior patterns — like procrastination, that is, habitual lateness...

M:You're right. That's Mark. He's never on time. Sowhat does it say?

W:That people who are always late often do it for a reason — either conscious orunconscious. It could be an expression of anger and resentment — or a way of resistingauthority. It could even be anxiety.

M:Well, I don't know. [20]In Mark's case, I think it's because he wants to be noticed.

W:That's the next reason in the article — the need for attention. They give the example ofmovie stars who used to make these grand entrances.