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过去式 英文 英语guide的中文是什么意思

2017-12-18 14:06 网络整理 教案网

过去式 英文_一般过去时 英文_复杂的 英文




英 [gaɪd]美 [ɡaɪd]


guide 基本解释

及物动词 指导; 引路; 操纵; 影响

名词 导游; 向导; 指导者; 有指导意义的事物


1. A guide will show you round the Palace.


2. Let conscience be your guide.

让良心指引你吧。过去式 英文


1. The actress will act as a guide for the tourists visiting a cosmetic surgery hospital in ROK for an overview of the procedure.

2. Macao's wide selection of restaurants can now be accessed by means of a new online restaurant guide.

3. Pollard told Reuters the 5 C estimate for triggering a collapse was a rough guide, based on an computer model.

4. Some might even call it a mining bubble, if property prices in Perth are any guide.

过去式 英文_一般过去时 英文_复杂的 英文

5. But a local guide is a must to avoid getting lost in this vast land, and plenty of food and camping equipment is also essential.

6. He also said financial, fiscal and taxation measures should be employed to guide the flow of capital.

7. China also needs to encourage and guide more private capital to fund these enterprises, Zhu added.

8. The development of special assets management to guide private capital into venture capital and private capital funds.

9. Experts say that in order to curb the damage to the real economy, some effective measures must be taken to guide floating capital.


1. 指导原则;准则

A guide is something that can be used to help you plan your actions or to form an opinion about something.