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2020-10-10 09:04 网络整理 教案网


小学语文老师资格证面试逐字稿万能模板 1、题目《where is my ruler ?》 2、要求: (1)10 分钟内完成试讲.有适当板书 (2)与朋友有适度互动。【教学设计逐字稿】 Good morning, teachers! I am No. One candidate, today I am applying for the primary school English teacher. My topic is “Where is my ruler”. Now let’s begin my class. Good morning, everyone, nice to see you! How are you? I am great! Thank you! Look, here is a box. There are many things in it. What’s this? Mary, yes, this is a ruler. And what’s this? Peter, yes, this is a book. And what’s this? Tom, yes, this is a crayon. So, what’s this? Cherry, yes, this is a pencil. Now, look! What’s this? Yes, it is a bike and it is a toy bike. And what’s this? Yes, it’s a bus. We take bus everyday. And how about this? Good, it’s a taxi. Some students may take taxi to go to school. And what’s this? Who knows? Right, it’s a jeep. And I have more things. Look, what’s this? We use it when it rains. How to speak it in English? Good, it’s an umbrella. Read after me, umbrella, umbrella. And what’s this? It’s a violin. And how about this? It’s a vest. We wear it in hot summer. And look there, what’s that? Yes, that’s window. And the wind blows through the window. Right? Good! And please close your eyes, I will hide them and you will guess where it is. Ok? Now, please open your eyes. Where is my ruler? In the desk? No! On the chair? No! In the book? Yes, it is in the book. Very good! You did a good job! Now, I will divide you into several groups, one student will hide the things and the others will guess. I will give you five minutes to play this game. Now, let’s listen to the tape and think about two questions: Who is that boy?/Who is that mother? Ok,finish! Who can answer my questions? Who is that boy? Sam, please tell us the answer? Do you know him? Good, he is Mike. And so we know that she is Mike’s mother. From the picture, we know that Mike’s room is untidy. And he can’t find his things, so he asks his mother. Here I want two students to perform this dialogue, one acts Mike, and the other acts Mike’s mother? Who want to have a try? Ok,good, Linda and Peter! So if you want to find something, you can say “where is my...?”, and other people will answer you. If you find it, you can say “It’s in/on/under...” Now, everyone can find a partner and practice the dialogue such as “Let’s practice” on page 50. And you may use the sentence patterns we have learned today. Who can perform the dialogue for us, and you should use the sentence patterns and words we have learned today: What’s this?/It’s .../Where is the/my...?/It’s in/on/under.../ruler, book, pencil, erase, bike, bus, taxi, jeep, doll, vest, umbrella, vest, violin. Ok, who want to have a try? Good, Lucy and Sam, please come here! You did a good job! Ok, let’s review what we have learned today. You should answer my questions together! Look, what’s this? Yes, it’s an umbrella, pay attention to “an”. And what’s this? It’s a vest. And how about it? Right, it’s a violin. And what’s this? Good, it’s a vest. So what’s that? Yes, it’s window and wind blows through the window. In winter, we should close the window. Ok, please close your eyes. Open your eyes. And you can guess, where is my umbrella? Who know? In the desk? No! In the bag? No! Look, it’s under the chair. Yes, it’s under the chair. Thank you! You help me find the umbrella. Now, let’s think about what we have learned today. Who can tell us? Tom, please! Fantastic, today we have learned some stentence patterns:What’s this?/It’s .../Where is the/my...?/It’s in/on/under.../ and some new words: ruler, book, pencil, erase, bike, bus, taxi, jeep, doll, vest, umbrella, vest, violin and so on. And who want to say other things? Ok, Mary, yes, we have also learned three new letters: U,V,W. Good, sit down, please! And we should keep our room clean and tidy because it is hard for us to find the things we want if the room is untidy. So, today, after school, you should listen to the tape and perform it out for your parents and then tell your parents what you have learned from this lesson. Ok, today’s class is over, see you! That’s all for my class, thank for your attention! 教师资格证考试介绍 教师资格是国家对专门从事教育教学工作员工的基本规定,是公民取得学生职位、从事教员工作的前提条件。


教师资格体系是国家建立的教师职业许可政策。《中华人民共和国教育法》和《教师法》明确要求,凡在各级各类院校和其它教育机构中从事教育教学工作的学生,必须具有相应教师资格,没有相应教师资格的员工不能聘为教师。 一、省考学生资格笔试 : 主要考教育学和心理学课程(个别地区不同)。不过有些省份还必须考学生职业道德,教育制度规章, 学科专业能力,教育方式,教育教学基本素养和素质,教学法。具体考试内容详见当地教育行政部门或者受委托的高等学校的有关规定。二、中小学和幼儿园教师资格考试 : 是由国家设立考试标准,省级教育行政部门统一组织的、实行“国标、省考”的标准参照性考试。 中小学和幼儿园教师资格考试包括幼儿园教师资格考试、小学校长资格考试、初级中学教师资格考试、高级小学校长资格考试。 申请认定中等职业学院文化课教师资格、中等职业学院专业课和中等职业中学实习指导老师资格者参加初级小学校长资格笔试。 1.考试目的 通过实行中小学教师资格笔试,考查申请人是否具有学生职业道德、基本素质、教育教学能力跟学生专业发展潜质。严把教师入口关,择优选拔乐教、适教员工获得学生资格。 2.考试类别 中小学教师资格考试包括幼儿园教师资格考试、小学校长资格考试、初级中学教师资格考试、高级学校校长资格考试。


申请认定中等职业学院文化课教师资格、中等职业学院专业课和中等职业中学实习指导老师资格者参加初级小学校长资格笔试。 3.考试性质 中小学教师资格考试是由国家设立考试标准,省级教育行政部门组织的全省统一考试。 4.考试对象 试点省市内所有申请幼儿园、小学、初级中学、高级技校、中等职业学院学生资格和中等职业学院见习指导老师资格的员工须参与中小学教师资格考试。 试点工作开展前已入学的一年制普通高校师范类专业教师,可以持毕业证书直接判定相应的学生资格。试点工作开展后入学的师范类专业教师,申请中小学和幼儿园教师资格要参与学生资格笔试。 5.报考条件 中华人民共和国公民;拥护中国共产党领导,拥护社会主义政策;无犯罪记录。 原则上应具有《教师法》规定的相应学历条件,并要依照本省确定并发布的文凭要求。 应届在校生报考中小学教师资格笔试应提供大学出示的在籍学习证明。 6.考试方式 中小学教师资格考试包括笔试和口试两个别。笔试各科目采取纸笔考试。笔试各科成绩合格者,方可参加笔试。 7.考试标准 教育部制定并施行幼儿园教师资格考试标准、小学校长资格考试标准、初级中学教师资格考试标准、高级学校校长资格考试标准。