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2020-01-17 19:02 网络整理 教案网


Period 3 &4 Reading ⑻材内容 这是新课本高一上第 4 单元的阅读课型。本课围绕难忘的历程这一脂描写洪水来袭时 的凶猛及 Jeff 与 Flora 在此次经历中的感受。本课词汇量慈其在描写发洪水时高中英语备课教案模板,文章 运用茨动词及一些原汁原味的表达。 另外文章中还稠多定语从句高中英语备课教案模板, 定语从句是本单 元的语法重点。 根据新课程标准及高中教师的常识、 语言能力水准, 我们建立以下教学目标: ⑻学目标: 1、理解跟掌握一些新术语如:roar、mass、fright、rack、boom、advance、seize、 destroy、sweep、swallow、drag、struggle、flow、strike,etc. 2、 理解定语从句,如: 1) Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 2) She looked at Jeff who waved his arms. 3) There she saw big mass of water that was quickly advancing towards her. 4) Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying. 尤其是 whose 引导的定语从句及间辅语从句。


3、学生在一定程度上增加阅读微技能跟用英文思维、推理、判断的素养。 4、能用 First、Next、Then、Finally 来口头陈漱。 ⒔萄杓 A. Warming up: Task 1:Talking about natural disasters 1. What natural disasters did you talk about yesterday? Do you know som e others? 2. Have you ever experienced one of these disasters? Can you describe w hat it was like and how you felt? B. Pre-reading Task 2: Looking and guessing: 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. What happened to them finally? 3. What words will you use to describe this disaster? C. Fast reading Questions:1.What natural disaster did Flora and Jeff suffered? (Flood) 2. What rescued them? (Chimney) D. Careful readingTask 3: Dividing the whole passage according to the change of the places.Para 1:In the garden Para2:On the way to the house Para3:Inside the house Task 4: Imagination Question 1:What was the house like? ( B ) A、a flat B、a house with two floors Question 2:What words support your idea? Task 5 :Reading for the second time and finish the following diagramplaces flood reaction feelingsTask 6 Imaging the end of the story E. Practice for understanding and word study F. Consolidation Task 7、Retelling the story according to the diagram: Post reading Task : Discussion. 1、 Will the disaster change Flora and Jeff’s life? How? Expanded reading: The Day That Changed My Generation Read the material and do some exercises. Homework: 写阅读笔记阅读辅Date: Unit ( ) Lesson( ) General idea: Contents: Comment: 板书设计 Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences places flood reaction feeling first in the garden roar, advance wave, shout run surprised puzzled next on the way to the house sweep, swallow, flow seize, drag , go down, open, pull ,look into, hold, struggle frightened then inside the house strike move up destroy climb, cry hopefulFinally: FVIFSEIZEM OFYKHNGYOJ HIDRAGDPTX YFENKICUBS TSSIEBFLOW ASTRUGGLEA KERRABNVQL JZOFIHYNPL BXYZOKCGTO ADVANCEFIW FVIFSEIZEM OFYKHNGYOJ HIDRAGDPTX YFENKICUBS TSSIEBFLOW ASTRUGGLEA KERRABNVQL JZOFIHYNPL BXYZOKCGTO ADVANCEFIW FVIFSEIZEM OFYKHNGYOJ HIDRAGDPTX YFENKICUBS TSSIEBFLOW ASTRUGGLEA KERRABNVQL JZOFIHYNPL BXYZOKCGTO ADVANCEFIW