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FindBoost 查找Boost的inlude目录和库

2019-09-22 00:02 网络整理 教案网

boost string find_could not find boost_lua string.find



find_package( Boost [version][EXACT]   #Minimum or EXACT version e.g. 1.36.0  [REQUIRED]       #Fail with error if Boost is not found  [COMPONENTS <libs>...]     #Boost libraries by their canonical name  )       #e.g. "date_time" for "libboost_date_time"


Boost_FOUND - True if headers and requested libraries were found Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS       - Boost include directories Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS      - Link directories for Boost libraries Boost_LIBRARIES   - Boost component libraries to be linked Boost_<C>_FOUND       - True if component <C> was found (<C> is upper-case) Boost_<C>_LIBRARY       - Libraries to link for component <C> (may include target_link_libraries debug/optimized keywords) Boost_VERSION     - BOOST_VERSION value from boost/version.hpp Boost_LIB_VERSION      - Version string appended to library filenames Boost_MAJOR_VERSION       - Boost major version number (X in X.y.z) Boost_MINOR_VERSION       - Boost minor version number (Y in x.Y.z) Boost_SUBMINOR_VERSION          - Boost subminor version number (Z in x.y.Z) Boost_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC_DEFINITIONS (Windows)                         -Pass to add_definitions() to have diagnostic information about Boost's automatic linking displayed during compilation

boost string find_could not find boost_lua string.find


BOOST_ROOT - Preferred installation prefix 首选安装前缀  (or BOOSTROOT) BOOST_INCLUDEDIR     - Preferred include directory e.g. <prefix>/include BOOST_LIBRARYDIR    - Preferred library directory e.g. <prefix>/lib Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS         - Set to ON to disable searching in locations not specified by these hint variables. Default is OFF. Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS     -List of Boost versions not known to this module (Boost installlocations may contain the version)


Boost_INCLUDE_DIR      - Directory containing Boost headers Boost_LIBRARY_DIR_RELEASE     - Directory containing release Boost libraries Boost_LIBRARY_DIR_DEBUG      - Directory containing debug Boost libraries Boost_<C>_LIBRARY_DEBUG      - Component <C> library debug variant Boost_<C>_LIBRARY_RELEASE     - Component <C> library release variant


lua string.find_boost string find_could not find boost

该模块首先用上面的提示变量(不包括BOOST_LIBRARYDIR)搜索Boost头文件,且存储结果于Boost_INCLUDE_DIR。然后,用上面的提示(不包括BOOST_INCLUDEDIRand Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS)搜索组建库,在Boost_INCLUDE_DIR附近的”lib”目录boost string find,库名配置设置如下。它保存库路径在Boost_LIBRARY_DIR_DEBUG和Boost_LIBRARY_DIR_RELEASE中boost string find,在Boost_<C>_LIBRARY_DEBUG和Boost_<C>_LIBRARY_RELEASE中单独的库位置。当在相同的构建树(不包括环境变量)中,对以前的搜索使用的设置进行改变时,该模块会弃用受以前的改变所影响的搜索结果,且再进行搜索。


Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED             - Set to OFF to use the non-multithreaded libraries ('mt' tag). Default is ON. Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS             - Set to ON to force the use of the static libraries. Default is OFF. Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME            - Set to ON or OFF to specify whether to use libraries linked statically to the C++ runtime ('s'tag). Default is platform dependent. Boost_USE_DEBUG_RUNTIME             - Set to ON or OFF to specify whether to use libraries linked to the MS debug C++ runtime('g'tag). Default is ON. Boost_USE_DEBUG_PYTHON             - Set to ON to use libraries compiled with a debug Python build ('y' tag). Default is OFF. Boost_USE_STLPORT             - Set to ON to use libraries compiled with STLPort('p' tag). Default is OFF. Boost_USE_STLPORT_DEPRECATED_NATIVE_IOSTREAMS   -Set to ON to use libraries compiled with STLPort deprecated "native iostreams"('n'tag). Default is OFF. Boost_COMPILER             - Set to the compiler-specific library suffix(e.g."-gcc43"). Default is auto-computed for the C++ compiler in use. Boost_THREADAPI             - Suffix for "thread" component library name,such as "pthread" or "win32". Names with and without this suffix will both be tried. Boost_NAMESPACE             - Alternate namespace used to build boost with e.g.if set to "myboost", will search for myboost_thread instead of boost_thread.


Boost_DEBUG       - Set to ON to enable debug output from FindBoost. Please enable this before filing any bug report. Boost_DETAILED_FAILURE_MSG   -Set to ON to add detailed information to the failure message even when the REQUIRED option is not given to the find_package call. Boost_REALPATH      - Set to ON to resolve symlinks for discovered libraries to assist with packaging. For example,the "system" component library may be resolved to                         "/usr/lib/libboost_system.so.1.42.0" instead of "/usr/lib/libboost_system.so". This does not affect linking and should not be enabled unless the user                                 needs this information. Boost_LIBRARY_DIR             - Default value for Boost_LIBRARY_DIR_RELEASE and Boost_LIBRARY_DIR_DEBUG.

boost string find_lua string.find_could not find boost






could not find boost_boost string find_lua string.find

find_package(Boost 1.36.0) if(Boost_FOUND)     include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})     add_executable(foo foo.cc) endif()


set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) # only find static libs set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED ON) set(Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME OFF) find_package(Boost 1.36.0 COMPONENTS date_time filesystem system ...) if(Boost_FOUND)     include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})     add_executable(foo foo.cc)     target_link_libraries(foo ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) endif()

如果Boost使用boost-cmake项目工程来构建,它用一个find_package的配置模式为使用提供一个包配置文件。这个模块寻找称之为BoostConfig.cmakeor boost-config.cmake的包配置文件,且在cache记录“Boost_DIR”中存储结果。如果找到,加载包配置文件,这个模块没有返回进一步的动作。要详细了解,请见BoostCMake包配置的文档。
