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2019-09-15 17:02 网络整理 教案网

中国过年风俗 英文_地区过年风俗_中国过年风俗 英文

听说无忧是科大讯飞与中国日报网联手精心打造的一款英语学习应用中国过年风俗 英文,融合了科大讯飞国际领先的智能语音评测技术与中国日报网专业权威的双语资源,为大学生以及广大英语学习爱好者提供互动性强,权威而又新鲜的英语学习服务中国过年风俗 英文,帮你真正摆脱哑巴英语,提高四六级考试成绩。51talk无忧英语mac版v1.3.2 官网版中文更新时间:2017-02-0851talk无忧英语mac版是这一款英语在线学习软件,一对一辅导授课,全面帮助你快速提升英语能力,口碑保证,欢迎下载体验。关于新年的作文19篇关于新年的英语作文:中国新年除夕习俗关于新年习俗的英语作文100字关于新年英语作文:展望我的未来关于新年的英语作文:新年寄语关于新年的作文:快乐的新年关于新年的作文:新年娃娃关于新年的作文:新年随想关于新年的作文:新年真热闹关于新年的作文:我的新年愿望关于新年的作文:新年见闻关于新年的作文:快乐的春节关于新年感言作文400字关于新年的作文:新年来临关于新年春节作文:庆祝新年喜乐会关于新年的作文:新年随想关于新年的作文:新年来了关于新年的作文:放炮烟关于新年的作文:新年感想作文关于新年的作文:新年的一天。


Won't the world be a boring place, if everyone across the globe celebrated New Year in a ditto manner? Honestly, if it had not been for the various New Year traditions, watching the clock strike 12 across 24 time zones wouldn't have been so interesting. So, let's find out how people in some countries wish good luck and prosperity to each other, every year.

Traditions of New Year around the Globe

中国过年风俗 英文_中国过年风俗 英文_地区过年风俗

India : Hindu New Year is the time of festivity. This is the time to meet and greet people and share gifts and sweets. Hindus will paint their houses, decorate it and lit up lamps and candles in the evening. Some of the traditions followed in Hindu New Year celebrations are,Lighting up oil lamps

Making rangolis at houses

Buying and gifting new clothes

Distributing sweets amongst neighbors and relatives

t really away. but they took me in. and i had to earn my keep. they believed in me. i believed in them. that marriage lasted up until now. i will always, always have the deepest warmth for the city of chicago and the support i&rsquo。first, will make a big new year meal. second, we will make good-luck wishes. third, we will set off firecrackers. new year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. a long time ago, chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. and we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away.。“they took me in and i had to earn my keep. they believed in me. i believed in them. that marriage lasted up until now. i will always, always have the deepest warmth for the city of chicago and the support i’ve received from them.”。

中国过年风俗 英文_中国过年风俗 英文_地区过年风俗

Ploughing is an important part of New Year celebration. In some parts of India New Year celebration is marked with the beginning of the harvest session.

US : In the USA, it is a tradition to gather at Times Square (in the New York City) on New Year eve and celebrate through the night until the clock announces onset of the new year. An exhilarating amount of crowd jam packs the stunning square and everyone enthusiastically participates in the gala event. The entire program is telecasted live for the rest of the Americans and the world to watch from home. As the clock strikes past midnight, the entire Times Square breaks into euphoric cheers, honking cars and people sharing kisses to wade off the old and the evil. Among other popular new year traditions, people like to watch football games, crowd streets and have special food called Hoppin' John with black-eyed beans, along with cakes and champagne for luck and prosperity.

UK : Welcoming the new year in UK is supposed to be noisy - full of loud cheers and whistles of family and friends, followed by kissing and drinking and singing the melodious "Auld Lang Syne" song.

One of the most popular of UK new year traditions still prevalent is called "First Footing". According to the custom, a family is blessed with good luck and prosperity if a tall, dark and good-looking male is the first person to enter through the front door after the new year arrives. Carrying a piece of coal, a loaf and a bottle of Whiskey, the visitor should neither speak to anyone nor be spoken to until he places the coal on fire, puts the loaf on table, serves the drink to the family head and finally wishes everyone a "Happy New Year". He should leave the house through the back door to complete the tradition with flying colors.

China : The Chinese New Year is known as "Yuan Tan". Among all the other New Year traditions around the World, the Chinese celebrations are very famous and colorful.

中国过年风俗 英文_中国过年风俗 英文_地区过年风俗

a user can have multiple calendars, and different calendars can be associated with different types of accounts (google calendar, exchange, and so on).。i message a chinese friend who’s in the u.s. on a fellowship and ask for a loan. within minutes, he’s sent me two hong bao, or red envelopes—a play on the red envelopes traditionally used to give gifts of money. they arrive as chat messages that say, “good fortune and good luck。spring festival is a traditional chinese festival,and at that festival,i go to my grandmother's,making dumplings,linghting fireworks。

Denmark : It is pretty surprising but, it is very auspicious to find the door heaped with pile of broken dishes on New Year in Denmark. Throughout the year people save all the old dishes and then throw them at the entrance of the homes on the New Year eve. It is believed that the number of broken dishes you have, that many friends you have which is considered very auspicious.