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高校教师资格证试讲教案篇一:高校教师资格证试讲-英语 高校教师资格证 (教案) 申请人: 申请科目:英语 工作单位: 身份证号: Teaching Plan Teacher: Target Audiences: second-year college students of non-English major Material Selection:from New Standard College English高校教师试讲教案模板, Text A, Unit 1, Book 4 1。 To promote the students to know the individual examples of job searching and problems after graduation。 This unit is intended to provide some effective suggestions of finding a job for the undergraduates。 After learning it, students are expected to understand the present employment condition and make necessary preparations for their future job hunting in advance。

2。 Scan the text and understand the structure and useful expressions。 1st period: careful explanation of words and expressions 2nd period: understanding the text 3rd period: post-exercises and extensive exercises Knowledge objects To study the usage of new words and phrases。 To make the Ss know how to understand the word meaning from the aspects of the text context。 To finish some exercises。 Ability objects To develop the Ss? abilities of speaking,reading and writing。 Focus on ability of speaking。

Key point: how the parents should do when helping their sons or daughters find a job。 Difficult points: 1。 usage of new words and expressions; 2。 organizing a talk about the experiences of finding jobs by their own words。 1。 Students centered approach 2。 Group discussion Teaching procedures the social background in the year of 2008 to 2009? In 2008-2009高校教师试讲教案模板, because of the global financial crisis and the recession, many employers were reducing their workforce。 So for the graduates in that period, finding a job became harder and harder。

After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before lookingfor jobs and then they found that it was difficult to find a job in their field or at the level they wanted。 The passage addresses the problems of such new graduates who might be stuck at home and advises their parents to support their children。 The passage also recommends finding jobs in a bar or supermarket than sitting unemployed at home is a good choice。 Moreover, maybe this is more likely to lead to better employment later。

Key question: What is the effective way to find a good job as a new graduate according to the passage? Analysis: 1。 fork out: to spend money on something especially when you do not want to /pay for e。g。 They had to fork out $100 to get the car repaired。 2。 odd: not regular or fixed/occasional e。g。 I take the odd bit of exercise, but nothing regular。 3。 galvanize: shock sb into action。 e。g。 the manager?s arrival galvanized the workers into action。 4。 fraught: full of (worry and anxiety) e。g。

Their marriage has been fraught with problems。 There is no need to look so franght。 5。 revert: go back to something or doing something e。g。 After a few weeks, everything reverted to the normal。 He reverted to smoking under stress。 6。 proceed: continue to do something e。g。 work is proceeding according to the plan。 Don?t let me stop you, proceed with your work。 Contrast—precede: happen or exist before something else/to go somewhere before sb else e。g。 This is a type of cloud that precedes rain。

The guard preceded them down the corridor。 7。 slump: to lean against because not strong enough to stand e。g。 Tom slumped against the wall, defeated。 decrease suddenly e。g。 Sales slumped by 20% last year because of financial crisis。bend forward e。g。 Her shoulders slumped and her eyes filled with tears。 8。 look on: a) watching something happen without taking part in b) to consider sb。 or sth。 in a particular way e。g。 Nobody tried to help the old lady, they all looked on in silence。 I look on him as a good friend。

Intensive reading (interpretation of the text):1。 Those memories of forking out thousands of pounds a year, so that he could eat well and go to the odd party, began to fade。 Until now。 Meaning: parents were proud on se