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2022-05-23 19:17 网络整理 教案网

Teaching contents:定,总结所给材料内容

Teaching objectives1. Knowledge objectivesStudents cangrasp some useful expressions like “________” etc.;Students canlearn how to read forthegist and scan for detailinformation.2. Ability objectiveStudents learn to improve and apply their reading strategies like skimming , guessing between lines and so on;3. Emotional objectiveLet the students to realize the importance of __________.Teaching Key PointStudents can understandthe main idea by skimming and get some useful expressions;

Teaching Difficult Point____________(根据文章内容确定,可以是阅读策略,也可以是思想情感)

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Leading inFree talk____________(导入的问题)Justifications:The purpose of this step is to let students express their own opinions and ideas, at the same time get involved in teaching and learning activities. Students will get excited to talk with their partners in English. Therefore, the topic of this lesson is naturally led in by discussing.Step 2 Pre-readingLet the students guess the main idea of the passage.Justification: By guessing, students’ interests for knowing the answers will be aroused and they are wellprepared to read the whole passage.Step 3 While-readingTask 1 skimming1. Skimming the passage to confirm last step’s guessing.2. Answer two questions(浅层信息)1) _____________2)____________Task 2 scanningFind the details.(细节题)Q 1: ________________Q 2: _____________________Task 3 Intensive reading1. Guess the meaning in context___________________2. ________________(深度问题)Justification: The goal of thesetasksareto let students get the main idea, the details and further understanding of the article,check their reading results and the deployment of the reading strategies.Step 4 Post-reading(如果是以阅读为主的读写课,就是把这一步设计成一个小的写作活动Writing)Group discussion(与文章主题相关的讨论,需要学生表达个人观点)Work in groups to make a story__________________________Justification: In this task, students will review sentence patterns and express their view freely and get involved in speaking activities, thus enhancing their teamwork spirit.Step 5 Summary(1)Students summarize the language points, teacher gives supplements timely.(2)Stimulate students' interests to _________ in their daily life. In addition, cultivate students' team work spirit.Justifications: Students will have a further understanding of today’s lesson and review the knowledge. Teacher can check their learning results. And the emotional objectives are also achieved.Step 6 HomeworkStudents are encouraged to search more information about _______ and share their information next class.Justification: Give open homework to encourage students to use the language in their daily life.素材源自网络英语教学设计模板教案,如涉及版权问题英语教学设计模板教案,请及时与我们联系。


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