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2021-05-28 12:24 网络整理 教案网

Step2: Pre-listening: 1)I will draw some stick figures about clothes to students and let students read after me and practice the words。 2) I will lead students to play a game named "bomb game" to practice the words。 3) I will let them to have a prediction to guess what the passage will mainly talk about according to the words and stick figures on the blackboard。Step3: While-listening: 1) I will let students listen to the dialogue for the first time and find out the main idea and check whether their predictions are right or wrong。

2) I will let students listen to the dialogue for the second time and answer the questions (fill in the chart/ check the sentences T/F) Step4: Post-listening: I will let students work in the group to open their own clothes store and have a role play。 One student acts as a the shop assistant。 Other students act as the customers。 Two groups will be chosen to have a sharing。Step5: Summary & Homework: 1) Summary: I will choose one student to be my assistant to have a summary of what we have learned in this class and other students should do the supplement。


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小学语文试讲10分钟稿Now time is up. Gina, please. Well done. You performance really makes me proud of you. Go back to your seat. Boys and girls, what do you think of Gina’s job? Wonderful, yes? Okay, Claps for her.(V. Summary & Homework)(Summary)Boys and girls, time runs so fast. This time we will have a summary of what we have learned in this lesson. Today we have learned the words and sentences.(手指黑板中短语和语句的部分) We have also practiced our listening abilities and use the language we learned into the real situation. You all did a very good job.

一、小学语文试讲10分钟稿 天气

小学语文试讲10分钟稿 天气,首先贯穿整个说课和试讲中的,也是大家学员必须注重训练的就是欢乐感和感染力。我们说到成功的一堂课一定要有感染力和带动性10分钟小学英语试讲教案模板,让观众(无论是评委还是学生)能够不由自主地得到情绪的感染并顺着讲课者的想法一同畅游。那么讲授者的精气神和语言的带动性就至关重要。而语言的欢乐感,简单的说即为“有自嗨精神”。自己发自内心的幸福才是最动人的,因此在练习地之后多想想让自己快乐的事儿,同时把练习当做一件好玩儿的,开心的事。如此要求校长在带领学生训练地之后能适时的调节课堂氛围,为学生成就一个欢乐轻松的相联系氛围。



小学语文试讲10分钟稿子,(III. While-listening 听中:泛听,精听, 跟读) (1st listening)Now let’s listen to the dialogue for the first time and find out how many persons are there in the listening / what they are talking about(问题2选1).








小学语文试讲10分钟稿水果,第二游戏的设定。小学语文为了趣味性和生动性,以及降低学生的参加度,游戏是一个不错的选择。而学校数学中多数都离不开单词的教学,在单词的熟悉跟巩固的之后游戏将作为不二的选取。对于减少年级的教师,touch and say,大小声游戏等都是不错的选取,而finger game,boom game, 苹果树游戏之类则很适用于较高年级的教师。同样建议学生选择一个自己认为可把握的,自己认为趣味性较高的进行反复的训练,练习表达和诠释。如此即使遇上有词汇教学的课本,这部分便可轻松驾驭,同时作为既一看点。

Step2: Pre-listening: 1)I will draw some stick figures about clothes to students and let students read after me and practice the words。 2) I will lead students to play a game named "bomb game" to practice the words。 3) I will let them to have a prediction to guess what the passage will mainly talk about according to the words and stick figures on the blackboard。Step3: While-listening: 1) I will let students listen to the dialogue for the first time and find out the main idea and check whether their predictions are right or wrong。


2) I will let students listen to the dialogue for the second time and answer the questions (fill in the chart/ check the sentences T/F) Step4: Post-listening: I will let students work in the group to open their own clothes store and have a role play。 One student acts as a the shop assistant。 Other students act as the customers。 Two groups will be chosen to have a sharing。Step5: Summary & Homework: 1) Summary: I will choose one student to be my assistant to have a summary of what we have learned in this class and other students should do the supplement。

2) Homework: I will let students show the report of how to buy and sell clothes in English to their parents.IV. Blackboard design

Before the class, let us sing a song together to refresh our mind. Okay? Its name is “Follow me”. Now let’s sing it. “Follow me, follow me, hands up, hands up. Follow me, follow me, hands down, hands down. Follow me, follow me, wave your arms. Follow me, follow me, bend your knees.”After we have sang this song. Now let’s have this class. (II. Pre-listening----听前:引入单词& 做预测) Firstly, let's learn some words of this lesson. Please look at the picture on the screen. What can you see in this picture? Yes, there is an island. (It is very beautiful but lonely in the sea.) Read after me, island, island. Now look at this picture on the screen. What can you see in it? Yes, it is a cave. (It is big and suitable for humans to live.) Read after me, cave, cave.

(I. Warming-up)Good morning, Boys and girls. How are you today? Fine, good. I'm fine too. How is the weather today? Yes, it is sunny. (画简笔画)

小学语文试讲10分钟稿(Homework)Okay, at the end of this class, I have to give you my homework today. You should go back to your home and describe __________ with your parents. Next class, I will invite some ones to stand in front of the class and have a sharing. Goodbye , everyone. Thanks for your listening.(鞠躬)喜欢这篇回答的同学,“关注+”哦!我会正式为你们展现更多课型的精彩模版,有哪些困难和困惑也可以私信我,我会第一时间回复!所有提问均为码字原创,喜欢的同学请“关注”和“点赞”哦!我会在“今日头条”和“悟空问答”中,继续打造高质量的提问给你们。作者简介:原某公教育(全国总部)讲师;原百强中学骨干英语老师,十三五课题专家,好将来总部英语学科诊断专家,重点部署师范大学心理学部硕士10分钟小学英语试讲教案模板,现专门从事数学学科教授诊断和教育领域创作,谢谢关注和支持。

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