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The tenth period:冠词


冠词的重点知识推导及详解。 教学难点

冠词的运用。 教学方法




①There’s an “h” in the word “hospital” ②English is a useful language. ③He will come back in an hour.

2.泛指某一类事物中的一个,但不准确说明是哪一个。 ①She’s an English teacher.

②A car runs faster than a horse.


3.可表示数量“一”,但不如one语气强。 ①I have a bike.It’s made in Shanghai. ②We have meals three times a day. 不定冠词的基本用法

1.泛指某一类人或事物中的一个,代表某一类别(不一定译为“一”) His father is a doctor. 他母亲是医生。 4.表示单位,相当于“每”的意思

We have three meals a day. 我们每天吃三餐。

5.用于某此固定短语中:a few, a little, a bit (of), a lot of等。 Step2:随堂监测

1. 上学 A. go to school B. go to the school C. go to a school 2. 住院A, in the hospitalB. in a hospitalC. in hospital

3. 此刻A. at the momentB. at a momentC. at moment 4. 在课堂上 A. in classB. in a classC. in the class 5. 在地球上 A. on earthB. on an earthC. on the earth 6. 步行A. on footB. on the footC. on feet 7. 吃饭A. at a tableB. at the tableC. at table

8. 乘公共汽车A. take busB. by busC. by the bus 9. 在家A. at the homeB. at a homeC. at home 10. 在工作 A. at workB. at the workC. at works

11. 跳高A. jump highB. high jumpC. the high jump 12. 坐飞机 A. by airB. by the airC. on air

13. 乘火车 A. by the trainB. by trainC. on train 14. 在校学习 A. in the schoolB. in schoolC. in schools 15. 睡觉 A. go to bedB. go to the bedC. go to a bed 16. 感冒 A. have a coldB. have the coldC. have cold 17. 乘船 A. by shipB. on shipC. by a ship

18. 玩得痛快A. have good times B. have a good time C. have good times 19. 事实上 A. in the factB. in factsC. in fact


20. 从早到晚A. from morning to the evening B. from morning to evening C. from a morning to an evening

Answers: 1—5 ACAAC 6—10 ACBCA 11—15 BABBA 16—20 AABCB Step3: Summary

Step4: Homework


1.以韵尾辅音(而不是元音字母)开头的词组前用an. 2.泛指某一类事物中的一个,但不准确说明是哪一个。 3.可表示数量“一”,但不如one语气强。

The tenth period:冠词

The eleventh period:冠词


冠词的重点知识推导及详解。 教学难点

定冠词的用法。 教学方法




1.指某事物,或双方都清楚的事物;或上文提到的事物。 如:Where’s the station, please? 2.用在世界上独一无二的事物之前。如:the earth, the moon, the Great Wall 3.用在江河湖泊之前,如:the Changjiang river 4.用在序数词之前,如:the twentieth century5.用在形容词最高级前面。如:the tallest

6.用在姓氏复数前初中英语冠词教案模板,表示夫妻或全家人,如:the Greens7.用在这些乐器前,如:the piano

8.某些固定用法,如:in the morning the east (west, south, north)

on the left (right) in the end go to the cinema Step2:随堂监测

I. 在以下段落的空格中填上适当的冠词,不需要的地方用“/”表示: 1. This is ______ old map. It is ______ useful map.

2. We have no classes in ______ afternoon on _______ Saturday. 3. ______ spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _______second. 4. Beijing is ______ capital of ______ China. It is _______ beautiful city. 5. Roman was not built in ______ day.

6. Chinese is quite ______ difficult language for Mike.

7. Many ______ students will take ______ active part in sports meet. 8. There is ______ interesting picture on ______ wall.


9. Jenny found __ wallet lying on ____ground. ____ wallet was Mr. Black’s. 10. Which is ______ biggest, ______ sun, ______ moon, or ______ earth? 11. --- Which picture is more beautiful? --- ______one on ____left, I think. 12. --- Which is _____ way to ______ hospital?

--- Go down this road and turn left on ______ second crossing. 13. _______ more, _______ better.

14. _______ Turners are sitting at breakfast table.

15. Joe Hill was _______ fighter for ______ working class.

16. When was ______ People’s Republic of China founded?

17. In China ______ first English textbooks were published in _____late nineteenth century.

18. After ______ breakfast he went to ______ school on ______ foot. 19. ______ Huanghe River lies in ______ north of China.

20. He likes playing ______ football. His sister likes playing ______ piano. Answers:1. an, a 2. the, / 3. A, a 4. the, /, a 5. a 6. a 7. /, an 8. an, the 9. a, the, The 10. the, the, the, the 11. The, the 12. the, the, the 13. The , the 14. The 15. a, the 16. the 17. the, the 18. /, /, / 19. The, the 20. /, the

Step3: Summary

Step4: Homework



The eleventh period:冠词


1.指某事物,或双方都清楚的事物;或上文提到的事物。 如:Where’s the station, please? 2.用在世界上独一无二的事物之前。如:the earth, the moon, the Great Wall 3.用在江河湖泊之前,如:the Changjiang river 4.用在序数词之前,如:the twentieth century5.用在形容词最高级前面。如:the tallest

6.用在姓氏复数前,表示夫妻或全家人,如:the Greens7.用在这些乐器前,如:the piano

8.某些固定用法,如:in the morning the east (west, south, north)

on the left (right) in the end go to the cinema



