a and team, which received “Safety Certificate” issued by Ministryof Agriculture, shows significant abnormal changes, harmful and notbeneficial to health, compared with its non-GM counterparts.
-- 必须禁绝转基因Bt稻米而且必须追究张启发刑事责任的21条理由之(4)
科学证据:中国,广东,中山大学化学与化学工程学院坚持科学精神的博士导师带领的团队在国际权威性学术刊物上发表的《采用光谱与色谱分析结合化学计量学方法研究转基因稻米籽粒(Oryzasativa L.)发生的非预期成分改变》揭露:
Jiao Z et al., Unintended compositional changes in transgenic riceseeds ( Oryza sativa L.) studied by spectral and chromatographicysis coupled with chemometrics methods. J Agric Food Chem. 2010Feb 10;58(3):1746-54. doi: 10.1021/jf902676y.
Unintended compositional changes in transgenic rice seeds werestudied by near-infrared reflectance, GC-MS, HPLC, and ICP-AEScoupled with chemometrics strategies. Three kinds of transgenicrice with resistance to fungal diseases or insect pests werecomparatively studied with the nontransgenic counterparts in termsof key nutrients such as protein, amino acids, fatty acids,vitamins, elements, and antinutrient phytic acid recommended by theOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Thecompositional profiles were discriminated by chemometrics methods,and the discriminatory compounds were protein, three amino acids,two fatty acids, two vitamins, and several elements. Significanceof differences for these compounds was proved by ysis ofvariance, and the variation extent ranged from 20 to 74% for aminoacids, from 19 to 38% for fatty acids, from 25 to 57% for vitamins,from 20 to 50% for elements, and 25% for protein, whereas phyticacid content did not change significantly. The unintendedcompositional alterations as well as unintended change of physicalcharacteristic in transgenic rice compared with nontransgenic ricemight be related to the genetic transformation, the effect of whichneeds to be elucidated by additional studies.