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2016-12-10 00:04 网络整理 教案网

Lynnon Corporation develops and markets bioinformatic software platform for education, research and development of the exciting world of genome science.Our product, DNAMAN software package, provides an effective toolkit for sequence ysis and data mining.

What is DNAMAN

DNAMAN is a one-for-all software package for molecular biology applications. This package provides anintegrated systemwith versatile functions for high efficiency sequence ysis. You no longer need one program for restriction yses and others formultiple sequence alignment,designing PCR primers, protein sequence ysis or drawing plasmids... DNAMAN carries out all these tasks for you.

DNAMAN'sspeed, versatility, accuracyandhigh quality presentationmake it one of the fundamental tools every molecular biologist can depend on. It is also a sequence ysis software package withaffordable pricesfor every university, research institution, laboratory, and research scientist.

DNAMAN is available for Microsoft Windows, MacOS and Linux. DNAMAN files on all three platformsshare the same formats. The common format system of DNAMANfacilitates the communication between PC, Macintosh and Linux, and makes your work platform-independent.
