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牛津大学数学9B Unit4导学案参考答案

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高邮市初中语文导学案(9BUnit 课题9B unit 审核人刘伟高 掌握单词:flight,pilot, select, successfully, citizen, truly. 掌握短语:takeflight, one’sspare time, stay away, become interested warnsb 掌握句型:On20 th July 1969,Neil Armstrong became firsthuman NeilArmstrong sent do../It’ssaid 了解词汇:定语从句学习重点 定语从句中that和宾语从句that 的区分 了解伟人是如何改变人类生活的学习难点 定语从句中that和宾语从句that 的区别 学法指导 情景交际法、任务型教学法 学习过程 【预习指导与检测】 一、预习导航 背景知识:阿波罗11 号是第一艘载人登月宇宙飞船。此行的目的是人类登陆地球 并安全返回,任务最后胜利完成。飞船登陆的地球表层区域称为静海。人类最初登 月是由阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林于1969 月20日完成的。宇航员们收集了地球表 面的岩石,把美国国旗跟一块牌子插在月球上。


牌子上写着:一九六九年七月来自 地球的人类首次登上月球。我们是为全人类的和平而来。 二、预习成果 (一)预习P58—P59,在书本上划出下列句子并翻译。 据说……10 manage do11 out control12 order sb do13 truly possible 14 wholeworld (二)、完成课本P60—P61, Parts 练习。订正、笔记栏 【课堂导学与互动】活动一:快速阅读,了解课文的基本信息。 活动二:细节阅读,做一些判断跟改错题,进一步认识人类第一次登月的相关状况。 活动三:分组进行训练,不同的学员按照自己的水平选择不同的topic。 【总结提升】 1、总结本节课我们学到了哪些? 写单词1.If you want p_______,youshould go through phisicalexamination. 2.I think you can fly Beijing.Thefirst 6a.m.3.My Major( 专业 ________(engineer)4.The spacecraft began________(spin)out control,whichis dangerous. 5.You know mathstest _________(成功 介词)Jack,we helped boyout danger.7.The population growingfast.This makes_____(人类)have difficult Thoseastronauts Aldrinstepped out _____(model/medal)ofpeace. (二)短语填空 1.他记得他第一次乘飞机是15 岁的之后. He remembers he 15.2.She taught herself English (在业余时间)3.They received his _______________(驾驶执照) last month. 4.Apollo II firstspacecraft _______________(登上月球) 5.I think dosomething satisfyyour mother.(同意词转换) _______dosomething satisfyyour mother. MartimLuther King received __________(若贝尔和平奖)7.My computer __________(失去了控制). stayaway from paintingwall. Please paintingwall. China’sspace program. (三)、句子. 1.We selected Li Ping ourmonitor.(改为被动语态) Li Ping_______________________________ 订正、笔记栏 beaheavy rain evening.3.美国政府从来没有说过这种报道是真实的. (翻译语句)________________________________ 4.Simon 决定对杨利伟,一位出色的宇航员作个介绍. (翻译语句)_____________________________ 5.It firsttime havebeen here,do you know? (同义句改写) Do you know 6.他们试图警告Armstrong weretrying 月20号,Neil Armstrong 成了第一个登上月球的人. ______20 th July 1969,Neil Armstrong became firsthuman_____________. 8.有报道说Armstrong Aldrin看到外星人的飞船在地球上. reports____________________________【课后拓展】 一:单项选择 )1.YangZhenyu physicsever since he studied Primaryschool. hasbecome interested becameinterested C.hastaken interests )2.Hewent )3.Theyused westPacific WestPacific westernPacific westernPacific Yourshoes A.foryou buyanother pair youbuy another pair buyanother one buynew ones saying―Those who don’t climb up GreatWall realman reallyman realmen realmen )6.Athome ,my father often makes me twohours playgames without finishing my homework. Hewarned me Hehate Hewarned me Heremined me Hetold me stayaway from Boby. Lilysaw three thieves stepingout steppingout steppedout stepaway tookrock samples back faraway ______awardNeil Armstrong had received. 订正、笔记栏 highestB.most C.the high higher(二)、缺词填空 mostimportant drink water.Notmany people understand quitetrue.People can longtime without food, threedays weather,manypeople do don’tknow how much water Aftertaking exercise,people need more man’sbody morethan other matters(物质) We’d haveenough water,or we may get i11. Water livingthings.“There water”So we must save water water.【学后思考 9BUnit4 知识点复习卷 满分:100 时间:60分钟 一、根据句意、首字母或英文提示,完成以下句子(共15 1.Thenew sports stadium the_______(骄傲)ofour city. 2.It’s every_______ (市民的)duty keepour neighborhoods clean tidy.3.He (法国人),buthe can speak Chinese very well. 4.Paul Yum personwho_______ (发明)my favourite food. 5.Christopher Columbus_______ (发现)America. 6.Neil Armstrong has been_______ (感兴趣)in flying ever since he took first flight six.7.They flew balloon_______(成功地). 8.My cousin joined (海军)threeyears ago. 9.Neil Armstrong received his student pilot’s_______ (执照)when he 16.10.She decided buyseveral_______ (照相机)online. 11.The dishes (可口的).Weall enjoy them. 12.一What’s Sally doing? 一She’s_______ (挑选)a gift hermother. 13.Neil Armstrong greatest_______(英雄). 14.I won’t repeat havealready_______ (提及)it. 15.He greatest_______andhe has_______many dangerous places world.(探险)16.They’re t_______sorry havedone recently. 17.Amy stood up smilewhen we arrived heroffice. 订正、笔记栏 18.Theastronauts took back some rock samples f_______research.19.Yesterday everyone attended meeting,noone twoparts together failed.21.Just now c_______andhit road.22.I hope BeijingU_______in furtherstudy. 23.The boss o_______us workahead time.24.We goout alone night.25.She had lost her keys,so we had 26.Theycouldn’t go hikingbecause road.27.Marie d_______ofradium. 28.My family members often have d_______whenwe have something important. 29.It seems hemeets someproblems.Let’s go 1.bewell—known 2.第一个在月球上行走的人______________3.care poor______________4.第一个获得诺贝尔奖的女性______________ 5.the king roll______________6.第一次坐飞机______________ 7.at 8.上飞行课;接受飞行训练___________9.a student pilot’licence______________ 10.在某人的空闲时间里_____________ 11.wind tunnels______________ 12.听说_____________________ 13.armed force______________ 14.为了进一步的研究______________ 15.be involved 16.失去控制______________17.under getmarried______________ 20.为他人放弃一切______________ 21.cut flightshort 22.把奉献给______________23.in 1940s______________24.警告某人不要靠近______________ 25.in one’s forties______________ 26.改变某人的生活______________ 27.make contributionto(doing)__________28.不为某人所知______________ 29.famous words______________ 30.转折点_____________________ 三、根据所给的提醒翻译下列句子(共15 1.你听说过成龙吗?他是个更棒的演员。