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宝鸡市金台高级中学 新课程高效课堂导学案 [高一语文教研组]

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必修四Unit 3

A taste of English humour

宝鸡市金台高级中学 新课程高效课堂导学案 [高一英语备课组]

Period 2 A master of nonverbal humour阅读导学案



1.To help students understand the text’s forms and contents and learn about English humor

2.To help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, expressions and structures learned in this unit

学习重点:1.Learn to talk about English humor.

2. Learn to master the use of the following words and phrases:

brighten, content, astonish, entertain, overcome, chew, convince,

direct, star, gesture,slide三年级语文高效课堂表格式导学案, amuse, whisper, react

up to now, badly off, pick out, cut off




Ⅰ.Knowledge link

What is “Humor”? Does any one of you know anything about humor? Look at

the screen and read the definition of Humor from the Internet.

Humor (humour in British English) is the ability or quality of people, objects or situations to invoke feelings of amusement in other people. The term encompasses any form of entertainment or human communication which invokes such feelings, or which makes people laugh or feel happy.

Ⅱ. Reading

宝鸡市金台高级中学 新课程高效课堂导学案 [高一英语备课组]

1.Fast-reading (Skimming to get general ideas)

Reading Comprehension I

1). What’s the main idea of the text?

A. The history of English humour.

B. The films that Chaplin made.

C. The humour Chaplin made in his films.

D. The Gold Rush in Alaska.

2). Chaplin’s type of acting is ____.

A. Shuanghuang


B. cross talk

C. mime

D. sketch

3). When was he born and when did he die?

A. 1889-1972.

B. 1889-1977.

C. 1886-1972.

D. 1886-1989

Read the passage quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1:_______________________________.

Paragraph 2:_______________________________.

Paragraph 3:_______________________________.

Paragraph 4:_______________________________.

Paragraph 5:_______________________________.

(Scanning to get detail information)


Reading Comprehension II

1).How do you understand the sentence “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”?

A. Laughter is the power to drive winter away and welcome warm spring.

B. Laughter can keep one’s face warm, especially during freezing winter.

C. Laughter can make people forget their problems and make them feel


2). Which one is not true?

A. Chaplin played a poor and homeless person.

B. Chaplin wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat

and carried a walking stick.

C. The character determined to overcome difficulties and was kind even

when people were unkind to him.

D. The character was a social success.

3). Chaplin was given a special Oscar for ________.

A. the characters he played in his films


B. the contributions he made in films

C. the joy he gave us in his films

D. the films he directed

Reading Comprehension III

Retell the text by filling the following blanks.

Charlie Chaplin was born in a _____ family in _____. By his ______, he had

become one of the most popular ______actors in England. As time went by,he grew more and more _________ as his charming __________三年级语文高效课堂表格式导学案, the little ______.Charlie Chaplin made people laugh ___ some of these _______ situations. He wrote and _______ his own films and received a______ Oscar for his ___________ work in films. He _____ in 1977. He is loved and ___________ as a great actor who could inspire people with great __________.Ⅲ. Homework.

1. Retell the passage A master of nonverbal humour .

2. Learn the useful words and expressions by heart.


宝鸡市金台高级中学 新课程高效课堂导学案 [高一英语备课组]

宝鸡市金台高级中学 新课程高效课堂导学案 [高一英语备课组]

宝鸡市金台高级中学 新课程高效课堂导学案 [高一英语备课组]

Ⅴ. My harvest 我的收获:

Ⅵ. Assessment(评价)
