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2020-08-12 06:10 网络整理 教案网


填入合适的“量词”。 认真复习,独立完成哦。?1. I want to drink a of water. 2. How much is a of milk? 3. A of bread, please. 4. There are two of Coke. 5. My mother wants five of corn. 6. Bob eats three of ice-cream. 7. Do you want a of jam? 8. I have a of paper. 两个时态 1. he (drink) beer now? 2. These workers (sleep) here every night. 3. I (brush) my teeth at 7:00 AM every morning. 4. Peter (visit) our mother every Friday for years and years. 5. The boys always (have) PE class on Monday. 6. What Jim (do) on Sunday? He always (play) football. 7. My mother (share) her pens with her friends at the moment. 8. Linda (be) here every day. 9. this girl (sing) in the KFC now? 10. My mother and I (go) to the supermarket every day. 11. Jenny (watch) TV at the moment. 12. Kelly usually (exercise) in Thursday afternoon. 13. Uncle Harry (be) never at home on Monday morning. 14. Look! Sherry (eat) fish. 15. The children never (go) to school on Sunday.复习“一般今天时”和 “现在进行时” ,完成下面练习题。


1. The boys always (have) PE class on Monday. 2.He always (play) football on Sunday. 3. Linda (be) here every day. 4. My mother and I (go) to the supermarket every day. 5. Jenny (watch) TV at the moment. 6. Uncle Harry (be) never at home on Monday. 7. Look! Sherry (eat) fish.改错(将正确的语句写在作业本上) :1.John is hit a ball now. 2.He is run in the morning. 3.We eats lunch at 12 o’clock. 4.Lily and Tom is eating chicken right now. 5. We are siting on the chairs. 6. The children dances every morning. 7.The baby is crying at night. 8.Ken wash his hands before lunch.改错(请在作业本上写成正确的语句)1.They are play every day. 2.He is hoping in the morning. 3.Hurry up!The bus is come.4.The girl is swim every Sunday. 5.He does homework now. 用所给句子的恰当方式填空。


1.Amy (do) her homework everyday. 2.Angel and Edgar (read) now. 3.Hawk (wash) his hands on Saturday. 4.Henry and Jack (run) in the morning. 5.Look! Kevin and Shawn (dance). 6.Listen! Vivian (sing). 7.Wendy (watch) TV at 6 o'clock.时态填空 1.There (be) many platforms in the train station. 2.The mother (kiss) her kid every day. 3.Hurry!They (leave). 4.The bird (go) to the south in winter. 5.Tom never (eat) carrots. 6.Look!The birds (fly) high. 7.Lucy’s sister (have) a pretty dress. 8.This little dog (bite) when strangers come in. 9.There (be) a butterfly in the glass. 10.Her mother (watch) TV at night. 11.My aunt (do) not like pork. 12.Be quiet! The baby (sleep). 时态填空 1.Look! My sister (dance). 2.Mrs. Tam (read) every day. 3.She usually (sleep) in the bedroom. 4.Listen! Ken (sing) in the park. 5.Anne and I seldom (play) at home. 6.The little boy often (swim) in the pool. 7.Lucy and Lily (be) at school. 8.Her grandpa rarely (go) to bed at 7 o’clock. 9.The pupils (learn) English right now. 10.Peter (have) Music class on Monday. 11.The hen (like) corn very much. 12.It (snow) in winter. 将以下段落的句型进行转换(写在作业本上) For example: Our school bus goes to school every day.(Hurry up!) ?Hurry up!Our school bus is going to school. 1.Linda does her homework every day. (at the moment) 2.A bird is flying right now. (in autumn) 3.We watch TV on Sunday. (Look!) 4.The singer is singing at the moment. (in the morning)5.They are sitting in the classroom at the moment.(always) 6.The sun rises in the east.(right now) 7.Her cousin is playing in the yard now.(at 9 o’clock) 8.The pupils usually go to school on Monday.(Look!) 9.Tina’s mother often kisses her.(at the moment) 10.Our school bus goes to my school every day.(Hurry up!)连词成句(写在作业本上): 1. They/watch TV/now. 2.The children/dance/every afternoon. 3.The dog/chase/the cat/now. 4.Tom/go to bed/at 10:00 every evening. 5.Look!/Jack and Alice/hop. 用目前进行时填空。


1.Students _ the classroom now(sit). 2I to you at the moment(talk). 3 The duck in the lake now(swim). 4.We (read)English right now. 5. Mom (cook) at the moment.6.Hurry up!The bus (come). 7.Frank (ride) a bicycle now. 8.Kate (watch) TV at the moment. 用通常以后时填空。 1.The plane (fly) on Monday. 2.She (be) at home every day. 3.He (play) basketball on Saturday. 4.My mom (kiss) me every day . 5.I often __________(get)up at 6 o’clock. 6.He never___________(play)football. 介绍一下家庭成员都正在干什么,不超过 80 个字考试试卷格式模板,用正在进行时写句子。


比如:My mother is reading a book. 用恰当的介词填空(a, an)clever boy animal ____university _____hour ____apple _____English book I have __book and eraser. They have ___ apple, ____ orange and ____banana. This is elephant. A.用”a”、”an”、”the” or “×”填空. 1. Miss Jane isn’t_____Chinese teacher, and she is ____English. 2. Jerry:Do you like playing____basketball. 3.Tom:No,I like playing_____tennis. 4._____Yellow River is in Asia. 5.We need_____air to live. 6. ______Wangs are kind. B. 用所帮词汇进行组句考试试卷格式模板,用”现在进行时”1.The nauthty dog/dig in the ________________________________________________ 2.Look!/The sun/rise in the ___________________________________________________ 3.The aeroplane/fly/in the ______________________________________________________ 4.Many cars/move/on the ______________________________________________________ 5.Some boys/shout/in the ___________________________________________________ C 用所帮词汇进行组句,用”一般今天时”backyard. east. sky. road. classroom.1.Tome /fly a kite/spring.___________________________________________________________ __ 2.He/go home at/7:30 every moring.____________________________________________________ 3.Uncle Sam/wash/his bicycle/every week._________________________________________________ 4.My little sister/read a story/every evening._______________________________________________ 5.Paul/brush his teeth/after breakeat._____________________________________________________ D 将以下名词进行分类 pencil ;cereal ;paper; orange; finger ;homework; money; bread ;book ;dog; pizza ;puppet ;lettuce ;coin ;water ;train ; C:___________________________________________________________________ ______ _____________________________________________________________________ ____ U:___________________________________________________________________ ______ ___________________________________________________________________ _______