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云南旅游职业学院课时教案 格式_教案格式 课时教案 推荐_触摸春天教案第一课时

2019-2020年小学语文二年级下册2BModule4Unit2Mother’sDay3课时表格式英文讲稿授课老师Lecturer授课教室Learners授课日期Date of Teaching教具准备 Teaching AidsStudents’ book 2BCassette 2BFlashcards (carnation, balloon, letter, chocolate)教学目标 Teaching Targets教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional TargetsOxford English 2BM4 Unit 2 (Period 1)1。 Understanding the new words in context。2。 Understanding formulaic expressions of good wishes to Mother on Mother’s Day。单词:idea, letter, balloon, carnation, chocolate, 句型:What can I do for Mum?Happy Mother’s Day!I love you。

云南旅游职业学院课时教案 格式_教案格式 课时教案 推荐_触摸春天教案第一课时

Encourage the students to show their love to their mothers。教学过程Teaching ProcedurePre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Introduce mothers。e。g。 My mother is tall。 My mother’s eyes are big。 She likes swimming。 She can sing。Step 2 Introduce Mother’s DayShow the calendar and introduce Mother’s Day。T: Do you love your mum? The second Sunday of May is Mother’s Day。 On this day, what can we do for Mum? Let’s enjoy a story。Have the Ss listen to the recording for ‘Listen and say’ on P42 while they look at the picture。

触摸春天教案第一课时_教案格式 课时教案 推荐_云南旅游职业学院课时教案 格式

While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Teach new wordsDraw a head of a girl and a rectangle, write down ‘good idea’。Read the word ‘idea’。T: What is Mary’s gift for her mother? (to elicit: letter, carnation, card)T: Look, these are my gifts for my mum。Show some chocolates, a balloon。Read the new words。Step 2 Sentences: I love you。 Happy Mother’s Day。T: On Mother’s Day, what do we say to our mothers?(to elicit: I love you。 Happy Mother’s Day。)Step 3 ChantA balloon, a letter, for my mum。Chocolates, carnations for her, too。

云南旅游职业学院课时教案 格式_教案格式 课时教案 推荐_触摸春天教案第一课时

Mother, mother,mother教案格式 课时教案 推荐, I love you。Mother,mother教案格式 课时教案 推荐, mother, Happy Mother’s Day!Step 4 Drills: What can you do for Mum?Have the students do Part A ‘Listen and tick’ on P42 of the Workbook。Check the answers with them。Ask them to work in pairs and choose a picture to act out the dialogue。e。g。S1: It’s Mother’s Day。 What can I do for Mum?S2: I’m Mum。 I like flowers。S1: Ah! I have a good idea。 (put the picture of a carnation on S2’s desk)S2: A carnation? How nice!S1: Happy Mother’s Day!S2: Thank you。Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Do reading exercises。

触摸春天教案第一课时_教案格式 课时教案 推荐_云南旅游职业学院课时教案 格式

Fill in the blanks:It’s Mother’s Day。 Mary wants(想要) to give her mum a gift。 She has a good idea。 She buys(买) some chocolates in the shop。 Then(接着) she goes home and make a card。 She draws some balloons and carnations on it and writes: Dear Mum, I love you。Happy Mother’s Day! MaryRead the paragraph。Step 2 Make a card。Have the students draw a card。 Draw some flowers, balloons, etc。 Write some words on the card。板书设计Blackboard WritingModule 4 Unit 2letter ballooncarnation chocolate …card sweets good idea What can I do for Mum? I h