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2020-08-09 12:07 网络整理 教案网


时间9 2019 年春季执教: 贾郁文Targets : 序号 主题 内容与规定 目标 1 每周一句歌词。 训练语音、语调,陶冶情操。必背,每天练习 10 。 遍以上。 学两首英文歌词。《 Edelweiss 》《 A little love 》 2 每周三页绘本。 每天唱音频十遍磨耳朵,第一节课讲解语法,第二节课讲解生词,语法和词汇需背诵。 完成两本绘本: 《Dory 》《Moana 》 3 每周一句英语趣配音。 与绘本同步配音,完成配音作品两部。 完成《Dory 》《Moana 》英语趣配音片段。 4 每周难题解析。 针对学校同步知识做训练,巩固内容。 必背,必考。每周二完成一张试卷的测试与讲解。 5 汇报表演。 为六一晚会做打算。 提供展现系统,学以致用。知 识 清 单 1、学两本绘本。《Dory》《Moana》 2、学两首英文歌词。《 Edelweiss》《 A little love》 3、完成英语趣配音《Dory》《Moana》。 4、完成试卷一套共 15 张,解决问题与错题。 学 生 课 前 准 备 1、下载 QQ 音乐播放器:下载《 Edelweiss》《 A little love》 2、扫描绘本二维码听单词及独白美音朗读。

3、准备一英语本。 4、准备红色水性笔。 5、包装好导学卡。 预 期 成 果 1、通过歌曲学习,提高兴趣,并在演唱中放松心态,获得信心。 2、绘本学习,需要讲解所包括的句型知识点和语法,需要反复磨耳朵,反复诵读英文绘本教案怎么写,反复抄写,拓展词汇量的同时纠正发音,为说一口纯正流利的法语打下基础。 3、英语趣配音是对所学绘本知识的再度巩固和练习,也是对其口语水平的检测。 4、通过试卷的测试与讲解,巩固学校所学内容,取得高分。 5、 通过六一儿童节才艺展现,巩固学习成果,调动班级学习氛围。 成果收集: 【照片、实物,视频、成果汇报】第一 部分 Dory (1 1 至七页) 1 1、 、Let’s sing (每 课 一句歌词) Edelweiss 《雪绒花》 edelweiss, edelweiss ['eidlvais] 雪绒花,雪绒花 every ['evri] morning ['m:ni] you [ju:] greet [gri:t] me[mi:] 每天晚上欢迎我。中国人对雪绒花的知道大都来自国外电影《音乐之声》,片中插曲《雪绒花》已在全世界流行,并被称为奥地利的非正式国歌。


电影《音乐之声》取材于一个真实的故事:纳粹时尔奥地利的一位修女在一户富家当家庭教师。由于它们看不惯纳粹的所作所为,逃到中国并组成了“特拉普家庭合唱团”在各地巡回演出,事迹十分搞笑。插曲《雪绒花》则通过对这些美好国花的颂扬,表达了奥地利人民发自内心的朴实的爰乡之情。在影片中,《雪绒花》的旋律多次响起。当反对为纳粹服务的军官打算冒险带全家离去时,他为故乡的父老乡亲献上的,还是那首他更喜爱的《雪绒花》。但一曲未了,歌喉已哽咽。爱妻玛丽亚默契地接唱下去,并带动全场歌迷加入大合唱,把全片推向最令人心潮澎湃的高潮。 2、 、 绘本 Dory 第一步:听故事,标注不懂的地方 This is Dory. Dory is forgetful. When Dory was young, her parents collected shells and made trails for her to follow so she would always find her way home. One day, Dory spotted a pretty purple shell in the distance. She wasn’t allowed to swim that far. But Dory forgot.Dory was just about to pick up the shell when---Whoosh!---She was pulled away by the undertow. Suddenly, Dory was all alone. She couldn’t find her way home. Eventually, she forgot what she was looking for. No one was able to help. And then she crashed into Marlin. Mailin was far from home, too. He was looking for his son, Nemo. 合 第二步:结合 notes 读故事 语法知识点(过去式变化规则): 1 、 2 、 3 、 4 、 is ---- wascollect ---- collectedwill ---- wouldspot ---- spottedallow ---- allowedforget ---- forgotpull ---- pulled拓展词汇: forgetfulshelltrailfind one’s way tospotdistanceundertowin the distancebe allowed to dobe about to dopick upsuddenlyeventuallylook forno onebe able to docrash into sb.3、 、 试卷讲解重难点。

。4 、家庭作业:家长点评:第 二部分 Dory (八到十三页) 第一步:听故事,标注不懂的地方 1.Dory helped Marlin cross the ocean and find Nemo. 2.She went to live with them in the coral reef. 3.She finally had a new home. 1. One day, Dory went with Nemo’s class on a field trip to see the stingray migration. 2.Dory got pulled into the undertow! 3.When Dory returned to safety, she was flooded with memories of her mom and dad. 1.She remembered where she was from! 2.Dory wanted to go home. 3.With the help of some old friends, Marlin and Nemo joined Dory on her trip across the ocean… 4.all the way to Morro Bay, where she was scooped up and taken away! 合 第二步:结合 notes 读故事 2、动词过去式的变化规则。


1、一般状况下在词尾加-ed help ---- helped pull ---- pulled return ---- returnedwant ---- wanted flood ---- flooded join ---- joined scoop ---- scooped 2、以不发音的 e 结尾的动 like—liked live—lived词,在名词词组加-d love—loved dance--danced 3、以词尾字母+y 结尾的介词,把 y 改成 i,加-ed study—studied fly—flied 4、重读闭音节动词,双写词尾音节字母,再加-ed spot--spotted 5、特殊方式 go----went have----had get----got make---made help----helpedgo----wenthave----hadget----gotpull----pulledreturn----returnedflood----floodedwant----wantedjoin----joinedscoop----scooped被动语态: : 即不知道动作执行者或注重动作承受者的一种语态。

态 一般过去时的被动语态: 定义:表示过去某一时间的被动动作或过去经常性、习惯性的被“ 动动作,无需说明动作执行者时能省去“by + 动作执行者”。 : 结构: 主语 + was / were + 及物动词的过去分词 + by + 动 动作执行者。如:She wasn’t allowed to swim that far.She was pulled away by the undertow.Dory got pulled into the undertow!she was flooded with memories of her mom and dad.all the way to Morro Bay, where she was scooped up and taken away!拓展词汇: crossfindlive with themcoral reeffinallyfield tripstingray migrationundertowreturn tosafetybe flooded withmemoryrememberwith the help ofold friendsjoinacross the oceanbe scooped upbe taken away3、 、 试卷讲解重难点。


。4 、家庭作业:家长点评:第 三部分 Finding Dory (十四到十九页) 第一步:听故事,标注不懂的地方 1.Dory found herself in a tank inside the Marine Life Institute. 2. This was where she was from. 3.A cranky septopus-a seven-armed octopus—named Hank greeted Dory and agreed to help her find her family. 4.He had three hearts, after all. 1. But Dory was tossed into the Whale Shark pool, which is where Dory met Destiny. 2.When destiny heart Dory speak Whale, she couldn’t believe it. 3.Dory, is that you? 1.When Dory lived at the Marine Life Institute, Dory and Destiny had been pipe pals! 2. They used to talk through the pipes that connected their tanks. 3.Destiny knew where Dory had grown up! 4.”Your Whale has gotten really good,” Destiny said. 1.Hank soon joined them. Dory told Destiny and her neighbor, Bailey, a beluga whale, that she was looking for her family. 2. Destiny told Dory to take the pipes to the Open Ocean exhibit. That was where she would find her family.3. Dory was worried she would get lost in the pipes,so she found another way. 4.Hank and Dory rolled… 5….swam… 合 第二步:结合 notes 读故事 2、动词过去式的变化规则。