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2020-05-13 10:01 网络整理 教案网


怎样写英文课堂设计团风县李四光中学梅献忠 笔者发现这些学生觉得写教学设计与写教案是一样的,这种认为是错误的。一个完整的教学设计要包含教师分析、教材分析、教学设计方法(理念)、教学目标、教学思路、教学过程跟教学反思。其中教学目标包含语言知识目标、语言技能目标、情感态度目标、学习策略目标跟文化观念目标;教学思路包括教学方法、辅助方式跟材料准备。 学生分析是分析班级教师的构成和语言知识掌握状况教案的教学过程怎么写教案的教学过程怎么写,学生已获得这些成绩,还存在什么难题。教材分析是对于本节课教材知识内容进行探讨,需要教师掌握这些知识。教学设计模式是本课例围绕什么中心进行设计,采用这些教学方法进行教学。语言知识目标是本课教师应掌握这些词汇、词组、句型和句法知识点。语言技能目标是本课在据说读写等方面要把握的技能。情感态度目标是借助本课学习,培养教师什么方面的精神。学习策略目标是借助本课学习,让学员把握这些学习技能。英语课堂方法有任务型教学法、情景交际教学法、合作学习法、单元整体教学法、归纳式教学法和讨论法等。辅助方式主要是多媒体和录音机等。教学反思是上完本节课后本教学设计在这些方面取得成功,还存在这些不足之处。 How to complete the conversation (教学设计) How to complete the conversation Qingshi Middle School Chen Xiaosheng Teaching aims (1) Train the students’ using language ability by talking and discussing. (2) Train the students’ ability to search for some useful information. (3) Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others. (4) Know the ways to complete the conversations. Teaching important and difficult point Know the ways to complete the conversations. Teaching methods Task-based Learning & Cooperative Learning. Teaching aids A projector 、a multimedia computer and six blackboards. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warm-up Good morning, everyone! Nice to meet you! Now it’s spring. It’s the best time to go to a trip. Many people like traveling around the world. Would you like to travel? Where would you like to travel? Would you like to travel to Taiwan? Who can tell me something about Taiwan? Have students talk. While students are talking, show the scenery of Taiwan. Then tell the students: Taiwan is a part of China. Step 2. Presatation 1 、There is a boy named Liu Qiang from Taiwan. He is talking about their summer vacation plans with his friend Peng Lan. Then show the conversation of the 2009 Final Test of Huanggang. (After the graduation ceremony, Peng Lan and Liu Qiang are talking about their summer vacation plans at home.) Peng Lan=P Liu Qiang=L P: Hey, Liu Qiang. Our junior high school life has come to an end. What are you going to do this summer vacation? L: 1.___________________________________. The scenery there is very beautiful. P: Sound great. It’s considered as the Treasure Island of China. 2._______________________? L: I’ll go to Mount Ali, Sun Moon Lake and some other tourist attractions. And I want to see Tuantuan and Yuanyuan. P: 3._______________________________________________? L: By ship. You know the policy is much better than before. People from the mainland can fly or take a ship there. I prefer to go there by ship. P: 4._______________________________. It’s a little more slowly but interesting. Well, it’s reported the farmers can sell their fruits to the mainland. It not only helps the farmersf earn money, but also makes a contribution to the communication between Taiwan and the mainland. L: That’s right. I hope our country can unite early. P: Me, too. 5.____________________________________________? L: In half a month. My parents will go with me. P: Well, don’t forget to bring back some various delicious fruits from Taiwan. L: Of course not. 2 、Ask the students to finish it by themselves first. 3 、Have the students discuss in groups. 4 、Check the answers with all students. Step 3. Discussion1 、Ask the students to discuss the ways of how to complete the conversation in groups and write down the discussion consequences on the small blackboards. 2 、Share the performance one group by one group. 3 、Teacher sums up the ways. Show the slide. Step 4. Activity1 、We have learnt many topics about conversations. Such as shopping、seeing a doctor、environment、asking and pointing at the way、traveling and so on. Give each group one topic , ask them to find out the daily expressions about the topic that they got and write them down on the small blackboards. 2 、Share with others one by one. Ask one of the group to explain. Correct the mistakes. While sharing , show the slides. Step 5. Homework Have the students to finish the following exercise: ( On June 21,2007, Lard, an ' s father booked tickets for the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games, Now, Lanlan is taking to Kangkang. ) Lanlan = L Kangkang = K k: Hi, Lanlan, You look so happy today, Why all the smiling faces? L: I' m going to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games. look, here' s my ticket. K: 1. _______ When are you leaving for Beijing? L: Next week. K: How long will you stay there? L: About a month. K: 2. _______ L: I will watch the Games, visit interesting places and also become a volunter. K: 3. _______ L: Because volunteers can improve my English and ability. Once I find people inneed. I decide on suitable ways to help them from all over the world 4_______ K: Yes, I' d love to. But I have no ticket and I plan to go to Sichuan to help the homeless children with my father. L: 5. _______ I hope everything goes well. K: Thanks.