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英语人教版五年级上册绘本教案.doc 文档全文免费预览

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TitleGo Away ,Big Green Monster!The Description of teaching material本堂课所选的内容是按照ED Emberley著的Go Away,Big Green Monster!改编的。这是一本充满趣味的翻翻书,它带给孩童们“创造”及“摧毁”的想像空间。翻开第一页,便发现怪兽的两只红色大眼睛英文绘本教案怎么写,再翻第二页,又出现了怪兽蓝色的嘴巴,怪兽身上的特点,随着翻页一一展现,等到它露出全部的面目后,作者既用幽默的口吻说:You don’t scare me!于是后半段的故事就在“Go away”的声浪中,一一把怪兽的头部器官吃掉,作者赋予小读者们至高无上的权力英文绘本教案怎么写,怪兽的发生跟消失完全在读者的把握中。The Description of Pupils本堂课的讲课对象为五年级学生,五年级学生已经学习了三年数学,有了一定的英语基础,对英语有相当浓厚的兴趣,他们开朗,好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏,竞赛,画画特别感兴趣,这一阶段的重要任务在于促使并保持学生学习数学的兴趣。Teaching objectivesKnowledge& skills:1.SWBAT consolidate the body parts and colors:eyes,nose,mouth,hair,face,yellow,blue,red,purple,green.2.SWBAT use the sentences“Big Green Monster has...”“Go away...”Process&steps:Cooperate and explore.Emotional attitude&values:1.By learning,develop imagination of Ss. 2.Encourage Ss to be brave when they meet something scare them. 3.Motivate the Ss’ interest of English learning.The Important PointsSWBAT use the sentence“Big Green Monster has...”“Go away...”The Difficult PointsGuide Ss understand and use the sentences“Big Green Monster has...”“Go away...”Teaching methodTPR,situation teaching method,game teaching method,activities teaching pete teaching method.Teaching Aids:PPT,cards,bottles with water.Teaching timeone lessonTeaching ProceduresStepsTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesStep1.Warming-up and reviewStep2.Lead inStep3.PresentationStep4. ActivitiesStep5.Summary andProlongationsStep6.Homework:1.Greetings2.Warm up and review .(1)Review body parts. = 1 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ①Dance with video. = 2 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ②Listen and do.“Point to …”(2)Review colors. = 1 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ①Show pictures and ask“What color can you see?” Show a black picture with PPT,and have Ss imagine“what’s in it?”. = 3 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ③Show a monster on screen and guide out “monster”. = 4 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ④ Guide out “Big Green Monster” and stick the words card on blackboard.1.Present: = 1 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ①Show pictures one by one on screen.= 2 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ②Present big green monster,guide out “go away” .= 3 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ③Teach the title.= 4 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ④Continue showing PPT,and let monster go away.2.Learn sentences:(Divide Ss into two groups)T: What does the Big Green Monster look like?(1)Discuss and say .(2)Make monster and let it go away together ,then read the important sentences.Activity1: Work in group.= 1 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ①Make your special monster,and let it go away.= 2 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ②Show in class.Activity2:TPR T:Children,today we’ve made our special monster,and let it go away, What do you think of monster?S:...T: When you meet something scare you,please be brave,and never give up, so that you’ll be strong.Guide out “More difficulties,more courage!”Draw or make monster with your partner or your family,describe it and let it go away.Greetings.Sing and dance.3.Do.4.Say.1.Talk.2.Imagine and tell.3.Read.Look and say.Make monster and show.2.Do and say.1.Summarize.2.Talk about harvest.1.Draw,make.2.introduce and let somethinggo away.The design of blackboard:Go Away,Big Green Monster!a big green face.Big Green Monster has two big yellow eyes.Go away , a blue nose.a red mouth.purple hair.