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中国化学生态学专业委员会英语_化学工程与工艺专业英语 五_建筑环境与设备工程专业 英语


In effect he applied the ethics of industrial consultancy by which experience was transmitted“from plant to plant and from process to process in such a way which did not compromise the private or specific knowledge which contributed to a given plant’s profitability”。The concept of unit operations held that any chemical manufacturing process could be resolved into a coordinated series of operations such as pulverizing,drying,roasting, electrolyzing,and so on。Thus,for example,the academic study of the specific aspects of turpentine manufacture could be replaced by the generic study of distillation,a process common to many other industries。

A quantitative form of the unit operations concept emerged around1920s,just in time for the nation’s first gasoline crisis。The ability of chemical engineers to quantitatively characterize unit operations such as distillation allowed for the rational design of the first modern oil refineries。The first boom of employment of chemical engineers in the oil industry was on。

建筑环境与设备工程专业 英语_化学工程与工艺专业英语 五_中国化学生态学专业委员会英语

他采用了工业顾问公司的理念,经验传递从一个车间到另一个车间,从一个过程到另一个过程。这种方式不包含限于某个给定工厂的利润的私人的或特殊的知识。单元操作的概念使每一个化学制造过程都能分解为一系列的操作步骤,如研末、干燥、烤干、电解等等。例如,学校对松节油制造的特殊性质的研究可以用蒸馏属性研究来代替。这是一个对许多其它工业制造也很普通的工艺过程。化学工程与工艺专业英语 五单元操作概念的定量形式大概出现在1920年,刚好是在第一次全球石油危机出现的时候。化学工程师能赋予单元操作定量特性的能力使得他们合理地设计了第一座现代炼油厂。石油工业第一次大量聘请化学工程师的繁荣时代开始了。

During this period of intensive development of unit operations,other classical tools of chemical engineering analysis were introduced or were extensively developed.These included studies of the material and energy balance of processes and fundamental thermodynamic studies of multicomponent systems.


中国化学生态学专业委员会英语_化学工程与工艺专业英语 五_建筑环境与设备工程专业 英语

Chemical engineers played a key role in helping the United States and its allies win World WarⅡ.They developed routes to synthetic rubber to replace the sources of natural rubber that were lost to the Japanese early in the war.They provided the uranium-235needed to build the atomic bomb,scaling up the manufacturing process in one step from the laboratory to the largest industrial plant that had ever been built.And they were instrumental in perfecting the manufacture of penicillin,which saved the lives of potentially hundreds of thousands of wounded soldiers.

化学工程师在帮助美国及其盟国赢得第二次世界大战的胜利中起了关键的作用。化学工程与工艺专业英语 五他们发展了合成橡胶的方法以代替在战争初期因日本的封锁而失去来源的天然橡胶。他们提供了制造原子弹所需要的铀-235,把制造过程从实验室研究一步放大到当时最大规模的工业化工厂,而他们在完善penicillin的生产工艺中也是功不可没,它挽救了几十万受伤士兵的生命。

The Engineering Science Movement.Dissatisfied with empirical descriptions of process equipment performance, chemical engineers began to reexamine unit operations from a more fundamental point of view.The phenomena that take place in unit operations were resolved into sets of molecular events.Quantitative mechanistic models for these events were developed and used to analyze existing equipment.Mathematical models of processes and reactors were developed and applied to capital-intensive U.S.industries such as commodity petrochemicals.

化学工程与工艺专业英语 五_中国化学生态学专业委员会英语_建筑环境与设备工程专业 英语


Parallel to the growth of the engineering science movement was the evolution of the core chemical engineering curriculum in its present form.Perhaps more than any other development,the core curriculum is responsible for the confidence with which chemical engineers integrate knowledge from many disciplines in the solution of complex problems.


建筑环境与设备工程专业 英语_中国化学生态学专业委员会英语_化学工程与工艺专业英语 五

The core curriculum provides a background in some of the basic sciences,including mathematics,physics,and chemistry.This background is needed to undertake a rigorous study of the topics central to chemical engineering, including:

物理科学部(division of the physical sciences)包括天文学与天体物理学、化学、计算机科学、地球物理科学、数学、物理、统计学等toefl总分要求不低于90分,ielts总分要求不低于7.0分。美国研究,人类学,艺术,艺术历史,亚洲研究生物,化学,生物学,商业,化学,中文,古典语言学,经济学,教育,英语,环境研究四个方向:政策,生态学,自然资源,化学,欧洲研究,电影研究,林业,地质研究,法国和法语研究,德语,,希腊语,,拉丁语,历史,人文科学,国际全球研究,意大利语日语,图书馆科学,数学,计算机科学,中世纪研究,音乐,哲学,物理教育和田径,物理天文学,政治科学,心理学,宗教,俄语,西班牙语,电影艺术,女权研究,选举神学院,school of theology electives等。课程的内容一般是第一学期为俄语基本课程,第二学期会根据学生所学专业分班,并且增加相关课程:理科类的通常会学习数学、物理、化学等课程,商科类的会学习数学、经济等课程,预科还会开设地理、俄罗斯历史等课程。

Multicomponent thermodynamics and kinetics,

Transport phenomena,

Unit operations,
