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药品不良反应报告表格 北京医院2013—2014年门诊药房中成药退药情况分析

2018-01-10 12:01 网络整理 教案网




摘要:目的 通过对本院2013-2014年中成药退药情况的统计,分析可能存在的问题,为减少不合理退药现象提供依据。方法 统计本院2013-2014年退药数量、金额和原因,并对个案情况和存在问题进行分析。结果 2013-2014年中成药退药原因按所占比例由大到小依次为病情变化(26.82%)、不良反应(19.53%)、患者拒服(14.58%)等。结论 建议提高医生和药师的专业技能,增强责任心,同时开展药学服务,完善退药制度,以减少退药事件的发生。



中图分类号:R288 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2016)01-0117-03

Analysis on Withdrawal Condition of Chinese Patent Medicine in Beijing Hospital During 2013-2014 HAN Jie, ZOU Jin-kai, ZHOU Lei (Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Hospital, Beijing 100730, China)

Abstract: Objective To analyze the withdrawal condition of Chinese patent medicine and the problems encountered; To provide references for reducing unreasonable withdrawal medicine. Methods Number, money and reasons of medicine withdrawal of Beijing hospital during 2013-2014 were collected, and several cases and problems were analyzed. Results The causes of medicine withdrawal ranked in descending order in terms of their proportions were changes in illness state (26.82%), adverse reactions (19.53%) and patient refusal to take (14.58%), etc. Conclusion To reduce the incidence of medicine withdrawal, it is important to improve the expertise of medical personnel, enhance their sense of responsibility, carry out and improve pharmaceutical services and establish a sound medicine withdrawal system.

Key words: Chinese patent medicine; analysis of medicine withdrawal; reasonable medication
