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2021-07-29 13:03 网络整理 教案网


What would you like? 教学设计(Period 1)



Let’s try活动是对于本单元Part A Let’s talk 板块核心词汇What would you like to eat? I’d like some ... 而设计的听的活动,旨在让学生无法通过提示词及疑问听懂简短访谈,抓住关键信息,提高听的素养。本活动的目的是让学员对核心词汇在视觉上有所感知,并完成听录音选词补全单词的练习。

Let’s talk部分学习的核心词汇是:What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like ... 教材通过Sarah 一家用餐的画面,让教师感知上述句子的词义及语用情景。本个别的课堂目标是:学生无法在照片跟老师的帮助下理解对话大意;能够根据正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并无法进行角色演出;能够在场景中利用词汇What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like ... 询问并提问自己想要吃什么、喝什么;能够在语义中理解新词组sandwich, drink 和thirsty的含义,并无法恰当发音。








4.能够在场景中利用词汇What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like ... 询问并提问某人想要吃/喝什么。

5.能够在语义中理解单词sandwich, drink, thirsty的含义,并可恰当发音。

6.能够运用短语What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like ... 完成问答活动。



学生才会在情景中运用短语 What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink? I’d like ... 并可分角色演出对话。






1. Knowledge and Ability Objectives

Knowledge objective:

Students will be able to read and recognize some words about kitten and master some sentences about describing the growth of little animals。

Ability objective:

students can make sentences in imitation of the example "Their eyes are open on April 26th.’’


2. Presentation

(1)Show the Pictures about the growth of kittens.

①Show the first Picture, and ask students "what's this? "Students may give such answers as"They are pigs,’’They are mice", and so on.

③ Show other pictures, Student will understand that they are kittens.

③ Ask students to reorder it according to date on the pictures.

(2)Read and match

①Show the task on the screen.

Such as:

Their eyes are open. May 3rd.


They are white fur. April 26th

They can walk. April 21st

②Let students review the knowledge they’ve learned about the date: We should put the"on"before the month.

③Invite some students to write two sentences about the kittens on the blackboard.

(Purpose: This step presents the new words and sentences in the situation, which relates to the students' real life experiences. It will help students understand the language easily and naturally.)

3. Practice

(1)Make new sentences in imitation of the example "Their eyes open on April 26th.’’

(2)Make dialogue about pet and try to act the content out.

4. Production


Discussion: Show some pictures about homeless pets. Ask students some questions, such as: Do you like animals? What should we do to protect animals in daily life? Teacher can give them several minutes to discuss this question. Students can express their ideas and feelings about pets by using the right structures freely.

Students may give the suggestions like: We need look after the pets. We can feed some foods to them.Make a poster of protecting the animals and public it on our school website.

(Purpose: This step can help the teacher to check whether students have mastered the new knowledge or not. By working with others, their ability of communication and cooperation also will be developed.)

5. Blackboard Design

Their eyes are open. May 3rd

They are white fur. April 26th

They can walk. April 21st

Their eyes are open on April 26th.
