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2021-07-24 07:03 网络整理 教案网

你好summary写作模板,我是【小晓趣生活】,很高兴为你解答。(summary)是一种对原始文献(或文章)的基本内容进行浓缩的词义连贯的课文.它以逐渐掌握原文内容梗概为目的,不加主观评论和解释,但需要简明、确切地描述原文的重要内容.摘要写作(summary writing)是一种控制性的写作方式,它能使学生借助阅读原文,吸收原文的文章结构与语言方面的长处,写出内容一致、结构近似、语言简练的短文.另外,对培养教师善于把握文章重点的素养也有很高帮助,有利于他们在实际写作中导致面面俱到,事无巨细,一一列举的不良倾向.这种写作又应具体理解原文,又要能综合概括;既可培养欣赏素质,又可锻炼书面表达能力.因此,用英语写摘要,对学习数学写作的教师来说,不失为一种切合实际的方式.更多专业的普及知识,欢迎关注我。如果喜欢我的提问,也请帮我赞或转发,你们的激励,是支持我写下来的动力,谢谢你们。


英语老师资格证面试备考很简单,请关注头条号“Maple老师谈教育”。我发布了这些免费的英文备考资料给你们,可以去下载哦。(下文附考生们如何备考时20分钟写出教案还能有时间提前试讲,并附上一篇讲稿和板书给你们分享。全为作者码字辛苦原创,需要的同学,添加关注,拿走不谢哦!祝你们尽快成功上岸,拿到本本!)1. 请注意:20分钟时间备课作文怎么写教案,教案要写简案,越简单越好,但是清晰明了,仍然可帮助你梳理整节课的模式跟语言。请确保书写较多,因为有的地方教案要收走,考官要看你的教案。但是,有的地方也不会看,因此最好还是认真写。2. 为了节省时间,某些地方写一些关键词,也是可以的。为了确保考试中的讲课效果,因此写教案的时间最好控制在10分钟左右。剩下的10分钟时间,可以按照教案和板书内容,快速的把自己的试讲过一遍。3. 为了考试时,能清晰的明白自己的想法,中间不会忘词,大家可以提早准备好板书。板书的好处有很多。1. 考试时,看一眼板书可以迅速给你了解下一步的授课模式;2. 考试过程中,是无法当场设计板书的,所以考前设计好,考试中不至于板书凌乱。3. 板书是同学的重要基本功,写的十分漂亮,也可帮人一种很强的惊艳效果。4. 教案的书写方法有(以阅读课为例):teaching aims;key and difficult points(重难点大部分来源于目标);warming-up;pre-reading;while-reading;post-reading;summary; homework.5. 附模版一个(以Huaxing Clothes Store为例),希望对你们有所帮助。Huaxing Clothes Store SALE!(听说课模板:下划线为必须写的内容,如果时间不够,还可以进一步删减,但一定要看得懂这节课的模式跟主要内容。)

写人的作文写一件事_写 关于写运动会的作文_作文怎么写教案


I. Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Students can learn some new words, such as socks,sweater, bag, T-shirts and the sentence The sweater is ¥25.

2. Ability aims: Students can develop the ability of listening, especially grasping the main idea and the detailed information of the listening material.

写 关于写运动会的作文_写人的作文写一件事_作文怎么写教案

3. Emotional aims: students can foster the interest and desire of learning English.

II. Teaching key & difficult points: 1. Key points: let students learn some new words and phrases. let them know the information about the listening material.

2. Difficult points: let student improve their listening ability and learn to use the new knowledge into the daily life and the real situations.

作文怎么写教案_写 关于写运动会的作文_写人的作文写一件事

III. Teaching prodedures:Step1: Warming-up: After greeting, I will sing a song \”Follow me\” and dance with students to let the atmosphere of the classroom quickly be aroused. Then I will lead in the topic of the class.

Step2: Pre-listening: 1)I will draw some stick figures about clothes to students and let students read after me and practice the words. 2) I will lead students to play a game named \”bomb game\” to practice the words. 3) I will let them to have a prediction to guess what the passage will mainly talk about according to the words and stick figures on the blackboard.

Step3: While-listening: 1) I will let students listen to the dialogue for the first time and find out the main idea and check whether their predictions are right or wrong. 2) I will let students listen to the dialogue for the second time and answer the questions (fill in the chart/ check the sentences T/F)

写人的作文写一件事_写 关于写运动会的作文_作文怎么写教案

Step4: Post-listening: I will let students work in the group to open their own clothes store and have a role play. One student acts as a the shop assistant. Other students act as the customers. Two groups will be chosen to have a sharing.Step5: Summary & Homework: 1) Summary: I will choose one student to be my assistant to have a summary of what we have learned in this class and other students should do the supplement.

2) Homework: I will let students show the report of how to buy and sell clothes in English to their parents.

IV. Blackboard design

写人的作文写一件事_作文怎么写教案_写 关于写运动会的作文



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