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Design Concept

According to New English Curriculum Standards, we should develop students'

ability of autonomous learning and cooperative learning. And we should also improve

students' ability of getting information and the ability of analyzing the information,

thus improving their ability to solve problems. Meanwhile, we should pay attention to

developing students' comprehensive language competence and their positive attitudes.

Students are the masters of learning. Student-centered teaching with the teacher as a

guide should be adopted in English teaching.

Analysis of the teaching material

This period mainly consists of two parts: Reading and Writing. Students are guided to read a letter for help written by Xiao Dong to Miss Wang. From the letter, we can see Xiao Dong's problem: He is not good at communicating with people and he finds it hard to make friends with others. so he feels lonely and he does want to change this situation. Through reading, students are able to find the problem and then try to solve the problem by writing a letter for advice to Xiao Dong.

This period plays an important part in the whole unit because it is based on the topic of friendship and it offers the students an opportunity to output what they have

learned in this unit. Although some students have the basic writing skills, most of

them still need to be guided to pay attention to the structure and the sentence patterns

to make their compositions better.

Analysis of the students

The teaching objects are all students from Grade (One, who have just graduated from junior middle school and have been in senior high school for only about one

month. And most of them have “classroom anxiety" in English class. That is to say,

most students are not confident enough to speak English and answer questions. Thus,

I plan to organize some teaching activities such as discussion, group-work and so on, through which, students are able to learn how to cooperate with others and learn from each other, thus building up their confidence, cultivating their sense of cooperation and helping them to experience the happiness of development.

Teaching aims

1.Knowledge (Objectives)

Through learning, Ss will be able to make sentences with some useful words,

expressions and sentence patterns.



(1)Through reading, Ss will improve their reading ability, cspecially the ability to get information and the ability to analyze the information.

(2)Through writing practice, Ss will be able to improve their writing skills.


Through teaching activities, cultivate students sense of cooperation and build up their

confidence in learning English.

Key Points and Difficult points

1.How can students improve their reading ability, especially the ability to get and

analyze the information?

2.How can students improve their writing skills(the ability to “output” after reading

and the ability to solve problems)?

Teaching and learning methods

Task-based language teaching approach;

Communicative approach;


Teaching Procedures:


Discussion: If you have some trouble, who will you turn to for help? Your parents?

Your teachers? Your classmates?

(The purpose of this activity is to arouse students' interest in what we will read in the following part.)

Step2: Reading

task1: Read the letter on page7 together passionately and answer the following questions.

1. Who is Xiao Dong?

2. What is his problem?


3. Why did he write this letter to Miss Wang?

(Ask students to read the letter aloud, the purpose of which is to encourage students to love English and enjoy reading. And through reading, students are able to get the information needed, thus improving their reading skills and the ability to seek the information and the ability to analyze the information.)


If you were Miss Wang, what suggestions would you give to Xiao Dong?

(Ask students to work with their partners and list their ideas and reasons, then show their ideas on the blackboard. The purpose of this activity is to cultivate students' sense of cooperation and encourage them to learn from each other.)

Step3 Writing


Task 1: How many paragraphs should we write in this letter of advice?

Para l: Beginning

Para2: Main body

Part.3: Ending

Task2: How to organize the first paragraph?

Show students two kinds of the beginning and let them discover that the first paragraph is to show the purpose of this letter---to give Xiao Dong some advice on

how to make friends.

Task3: How to organize the second paragraph?

e.g. You should be friendly to others and often help them. You will show them that

you are easy to get along with. You should ask people their likes and dislikes. You

will find classmates with the sane interests. You must join in discussions and show

interest in other people's ideas. Yu will get to know different people and let them

know more about you.

(Show students an example of this paragraph, and ask them to find the disadvantages