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1. 教学目标



2. 教学重点/难点

make的使动用法(make +sb +do sth; make +sb +adj)

3. 教学用具

4. 标签


Step 1 Warming up

Show the pictures of restaurant to the students.

T: What kind of restaurant do you like? (colors, light, music, seats and the food…)

S: I like the restaurant with…

T: Why do you like…?

S: Because it makes me…

Step 2 Presentation (1a)

Now look at the picture on Page 81. There are two restaurants in the picture. Which restaurant do you like better? Why?

S1: I'd like to go to Blue Ocean because I don't like loud music. It makes meangry.

S2: I'd like to go to Rockin' Restaurant. I like loud music. It makes me feel excited. The loud music makes me want to dance.

Ss: …

T: You have talked about your feelings about the two restaurants.

Step 3 Listening (1b) (有一定难度,增设听力训练题见素材三)

1.Listen and find out the general idea.

The general idea of the conversation is that________.


A. Amy and Tina are talking about the restaurants

B. Amy and Tina are talking about the music

C.Amy and Tina are talking about the food

[答案] A

2.Listen to the conversation more carefully and find out the

specific ideas.

3.Get the students to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in

[答案] 1.awful; uncomfortable 2.loud; nervous 3.soft; relax; sleepy

Step 4 Pair work (1c)

1.Get the students to roleplay a conversation between Amy and Tina. e.g.

A: I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to…while I'm eating.

B: But that music makes me… I want to have the…at Rockin' Restaurant.

2.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the whole class.

Step 5 Listening (2a-2b)

1.Warming up.

T: Now let's go on with the story. Can you guess what will happen?

2.Please listen for the general idea of 2a.

The general idea of the conversation between Tina and John is


A. the restaurant

B. the feelings

C.different things make them feel differently

[答案] C

3.Listen for the specific ideas of 2a.

Ask the students to listen and number the pictures [1-4] in the order they hear them. And check their work with several students.


[答案] 3 2 4 1

4.Have the students listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks in 2b individually. And then check their work with some students.

[答案] 1.crazy 2.stay 3.dance 4.cry 5.leave

Step 6 Roleplay (2c)

1.Ask the students to roleplay a conversation between Tina and John according to the information in 2a and 2b. e.g.

A: Did you have fun with…last night?

B: Well…yes and no. She was really…

2.Ask some pairs to present their work to the class.

Step 7 Roleplay (2d) (利用素材二活动2d)

1.Read for the main idea of 2d.

The main idea of 2d is ________.

A. Nancy's friend Julie

B. Nancy's friend Alice

C.how to make friends happy

[答案] C

2.Read for the specific ideas of 2d.

Get the students to answer the following questions with the information from 2d.

(1)Who's Julie?

(2)How does Nancy make Alice unhappy?

(3)What does Nancy think of Julie?

(4)What advice does Bert give Nancy?

[答案] (1)Alice's best friend.

(2)Nancy spends more time with Julie and Alice thinks Julie is now better friends with Nancy than with her.

(3)Julie has a lot in common with her.

(4)Ask Alice to join Nancy each time Nancy does something with Julie.


3.Roleplay the conversation in pairs. Then ask several pairs to go to the front of the classroom and perform it to the whole class.

Step 8 Language points

drive; would rather; so…that…; the more…the more; Why don't you do sth.?




Most pop singers make music their career.



Nobody makes us go to bed at a certain time.



Children should be made to understand the importance of saving water. 应该使孩子们理解节约用水的重要性。


The Internet makes our life easy and convenient.互联网使我们的生活更加易于跟方便。


1. It’s not easy ____ English well.

A. learn

B. learns

C. learning

D. to learn

2. He missed the train this morning ____ he got up late.

A. or

B. if

C. but


D. because

3. Snow days ____ children happy.

A. give

B. send

C. make

D. lend

4. Much noise makes me ____.

A. stressing out

B. stressed out

C. to stressed out

D. being stressed out

5. Students need to know ____.

A. what to learn English well

B. how to learn English well

C. what to learn English good

D. how to learn English good

6. I’d ____ stay at home ____ go to the cinema.


教案和方案的区别_ ______ 理论上说,教案是以课时为单位设计的实际教学方案,是面向课堂层次的教学设计的准确产物之一,是教学方案指导教学过程的详细阐述.而教学方案并不局限于得出一套教案,它必须对教与学的各个方面进行系统分析,提出教学方案,选择或制作媒体,并不断修正方案,是一个连续的、不断改进和提升的过程. 具体的说,教案一般包括课堂目的,教学方法,重难点分析,教学进程,教具的使用,课的类别,教法的详细运用,时间分配等原因,从而表现了课堂教学的计划跟、安排. 教学方案从理论上来讲,有学习者需要预测、学习内容探讨、学习目标揭示、学习者分析、教学思路的制订、媒体的剖析使用及教学评价等七个元素

课例和教案的区别?_ ______ 从“案例”的发展来看,案例的收集与研发,在法学界、医学界和工商管理学界早已变成惯例,在这种领域中,案例作为专业人员发展的不可或缺的中介.关于案例在教育界的应用,一般觉得,是由西方在20世纪70年代开始,主要利用于对教师...

详案和简案的区别是哪个啊? 主要省掉了哪一块啊_ ______ 简案是教案的一种.一般来说,教案应该包括备课时间、上课时间、教学目标、教学重点、教学难点、教学方法、教具选用、教学内容、学生探讨、时间安排、教学方法,甚至教后思考,即教后感.对于刚进入学生行列的人来说,应该尽力学会每一个步骤都备到,但是,对于有经验的老学生来说,他们对教材吃得十分透,每个教案如果都写上如上步骤,应该不现实.所以,人道一点的大学都要求老校长备简单的备课.即简案,至于简到哪些地步,没有一个标准

教学设计跟教案的差别与联系_ ______ 教学设计:包括讲义、学案、评价方法,甚至教师问题的营造、教具的应用等,所有的与教学设计有关的内容都是.所以,教学设计是一个泛化的概念,不能是一个东东.教学设计使用表格的方法最多.教学设计,是准备课,特别是公开课等需...

导案和学案的区别_ ______ 1、含义上的差别 教案是学生为成功而有效地举办课堂活动,根据课程标准,教学大纲和教科书要求及教师的实际状况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学方法、教学方法等进行的详细设计跟安排的一种实用性教学文书.学案, 是指教师...

备课与教案的区别是哪个? ______ 备课是为讲课做的一切打算工作.包括备大纲、备学生、备教材、备教法、备重难点、备教具等.教案是把打算的内容按课时写在本子上.包括课堂目的、教学重难点、教学方法、教学设想、教学时间.教学进程、作业修改等.

教学设计跟教案的区别 ______ 教学实例是他们从实践到理论,再在理论指导下再次实践,是理论实践相结合的产物;教学设计是他们按照某些理论、主观想法成的一个知识图式流程图(俗称教案),缺乏实践的承认过程教学实例与教学设计的主要差别.1、教学实例具有更...

教学设计与教案之间有什么主要的差别_ ______ 教学设计:包括讲义、学案、评价方法,甚至教师问题的营造、教具的应用等,所有的与教学设计有关的内容都是.所以,教学设计是一个泛化的概念,不能是一个东东.教学设计使用表格的方法最多.教学设计,是准备课,特别是公开课等必须全面考虑的一份文档,附件可能有电子类辅助.教案:就是教学的内容文本,是教学设计的更核心的个别.一般地有表格式、课堂实录式、普通文本式等.主要是对教学目标、内容、环节进行教研.教案是指导教授自己上课用的.也是考察一个教师备课的一个依据.

教学案例与教案有哪些区别呢?_ ______ 教学实例是指:在教学过程中所列出的事例,有助于帮助学生消化理解重难点的. 教案主要是写明上课的步骤,细节!也可以说教案中可以比如教学实例.

教学设计与教案的差别是哪个? ______ 教学设计:包括讲义、学案、评价方法,甚至教师问题的营造、教具的应用等,所有的与教学设计有关的内容都是.所以,教学设计是一个泛化的概念,不能是一个东东. 教学设计使用表格的方法最多. 教学设计,是准备课,特别是公开课等...