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2020-09-01 10:09 网络整理 教案网

人教版新目标《初中英语 八年级下册》教案说课稿_初中英语微格教学教案_初中英语教案下载

Students can describe the life experience of Lao She and retell the passage in their own words.

Emotional aim

Students can feel proud of Chinese culture and cultivate the awareness of cross-culture.

II Teaching Key &Difficult Points

Key point:Lao She’s life story, his representative works and know the main idea of Tea house.

Difficult point: How to enable students feel proud of Chinese culture and cultivate the awareness of cross-culture.

III Teaching procedures:

Step 1:Warming-up

1. Greet students.

2.Enjoy the theme song of TV series Tea house. Meanwhile, show some stage photos.

Step 2:Pre-reading

1. Let students share the information about Lao She they searched before class, and give positive evaluation.

2. Predict the main idea of this passage according to the photo.

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Step 3:While-reading

1.Read the passage for the first time and choose the best title(Lao She’s Tea-house, The story of Teahouse, Lao She) and check their prediction.

2.Enjoy a short clip of the play.

3.Read the passage again and answer the following question.

a.When did he write the play?

b.How many acts does it have?

c.Who is the main character and where did the story happen?

d.What’s it about?

e.What does it tell us and what dose the play describe?

I divide the class in to two groups and have a competition. Which group gives the right answers will win.

4.Ask students to retell the passage according to the questions.

Step 4:Post-reading

Work in groups to act out the scene presented in step 3. Students have 5 five minutes to prepare. Then invite some groups to do their performance.

人教版新目标《初中英语 八年级下册》教案说课稿_初中英语教案下载_初中英语微格教学教案

Step 5: Summary & Homework

Ask students to review the key points together.

Homework: write a short passage about their favorite play.

IV Blackboard design

V Teaching Reflection

初中英语-阅读《Lao She's 》

1. 本节课的课堂目标是哪个?

1. What are the teaching aims of your lesson?




本节课的知识目标是知道老舍先生的佳作茶馆并且学会traditional customer等单词。

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【Suggested version】

The teaching aims of this lesson are based on new curriculum standard.

Knowledge aim,

The knowledge aim of this lesson is to know more about LaoShe and his famous work. In the same time learn some new words such as traditional and customer.

Ability aim:

The ability aims is to improve students ability of skimming and scanning through finding the main idea of the passage and detailed information.

Emotional aim:

The emotional aim of this lesson is to foster students’ interest in Chinese literature and improve their interest of learning English.


人教版新目标《初中英语 八年级下册》教案说课稿_初中英语教案下载_初中英语微格教学教案

2.How did you achieve your teaching goals?




【Suggested version】

How did you achieve your teaching goals?

Knowledge aim is achieved through doing research before the class, sharing information before reading the passage, watching the video clip of tea house and teaching new words.

Ability aim is accomplished through global reading and detailed reading tasks.

The reach of emotional aim is throughout the whole class. Showing stage photos, listening to the music, sharing background information and acting out the play. All of them are aiming to foster students’ interest in literature and in learning English.






