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Unit 5 Our Weather and Climate.ppt

2020-06-05 20:01 网络整理 教案网


新编实用英语综合教程 电子备课 授课计划 教学设计

5.Saving electricity, using less cars, riding more bikes, taking buses and walking, planting

trees, recycling, buying cool stuff, taking corporate actions, learning more about global warming, joining environmental groups, etc.


Read and Complete

2 Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from the passage.

1) A lot of small problems can be solved by ____________ your computer.


2) There is ____________ everywhere on the ground,and the whole place

smells terrible.

3) We can see an obvious Chinese ____________ in the design of the dress.

4) ____________ the times you dine out电子教案下载, cook more at home,then you'll enjoy a

much healthier lifestyle.

5) There's no way out! We're ____________ in this one-way lane (胡同)!

6) The area is rich in such ____________ as mineral water hot springs.










3 Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below电子教案下载, changing the form if necessary.

1) The little girl ____________ in helping the family through the difficult time.

2) If you _________________ the novel, give it to me. I can't wait to read it.

3) Try to be just a little more open and ____________ your ideas whenever you feel like sharing with others.

4) I would like to take a walk outside ____________ after a whole day's work.

5) Always think positively, and it will __________________ in your life.

6) Sometimes speaking up is not enough, and you need to ____________.


7) Alice was as ____________ about life as anybody she ever came up against.

8) The meeting is about to start. Please _____ your mobile phone ______ the mute mode (静音模式).

9) Having searched online for hours, the team finally ____________ about the causes of the problem.

10) Today more and more people ____________ the harmful effects cars bring to the environment, and they call for a No-Car Day.

1.did her part

2.are through with

3.speak out

4.for a while

5.make a difference

6.take action

7.smart about