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初中英语教案下载_人教版新目标《初中英语 八年级下册》教案说课稿_初中英语作文教案

优秀教案 欢迎下载 Lesson Plan Born Dying (Junior English Unit5, Reading Class ,45min。) Objectives: a。 Let the students know something about AIDS。 For example: What is AIDS? How does a person get AIDS? b。 Let the students know the psychological state and learn to care for those AIDS patients。 c。 Cultivate the students’ability to analyze the topic and try to get the supporting points。 d。 Teach students how to use subjunctive。 Important Points/Grammar: a。 Cultivate the students’ability to analyze the topic and try to get the supporting points。

初中英语教案下载_人教版新目标《初中英语 八年级下册》教案说课稿_初中英语作文教案

b。 Let the students know those AIDS patients’ psychological state and learn to care for them。 c。 Teach subjunctive。 d。 new words and phrases:immune system;be inflected with; survive; suffer from; cheer up; available; persuade。 Teaching aids: Pictures, slides, pieces of paper with different tasks on Procedure Warm-up/Lead-in Activities: (approx。5min。) Hold a general knowledge test in class by asking some questions related to AIDS, such as what’s the date of world AIDS DAY? What’s AIDS? How do people get AIDS? What’s the symbol of it? And so on,to stimulate students’ enthusiasm。

人教版新目标《初中英语 八年级下册》教案说课稿_初中英语作文教案_初中英语教案下载

Stage1, Reading: (approx。15min。) a。 Involve students in reading the text to get familiar with the content。 b。 After finishing reading, ask students five questions: 1。 What’s AIDS? 2。 How do people get AIDS? 3。 What kind of life does Xiaohua live? 4。 What do the AIDS patients suffer from? 5。 If you have got ADIS, how would you live your rest life? c。 Teach students the two important reading methods: skimming and scanning。 Then, ask them to read the text once again by using skimming to find the main idea of the text and using scanning to find more specific information of this text。

人教版新目标《初中英语 八年级下册》教案说课稿_初中英语教案下载_初中英语作文教案

优秀教案 欢迎下载 d。 After reading, let them present their own answers of these five questions。 Stage 2, Text Explaining: (approx。15min。) Divide the whole class into 7 groups, every group focuses on one paragraph and finds out the important information which supports the text。 At first, comment the answer of every group。 Then explain the text systematically。 The text consists of some information as follows: Para1: Xiaohua is…; she is… Para2: AIDS is a disease \ breaks down \ leave \defenseless Para3: via unprotected sex; infected blood transfusion or through birth Para4: Children infect \ the young suffer Para5: not discouraged \ encourage visit \ support \ cheer up \Telling \ encouraging \ creating Para6: Disease \fear \ ignorance \ misunderstanding Para7: “My life may