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外研版高中数学必修 6 全册教学设计教案 外研版高中数学必修 6 教案 目录 Module 1《Small Talk》 Module 2《Fantasy Literature_Philip Pullman》 Module 3《Interpersonal Relationships》 Module 4《Music》 Module 5 《Cloning》 Module 6 《war and peace》 外研版高中英语选修 6 教案 Module 1 Small Talk Teaching aims: 1。 To introduce different social skills about talking in different culture and improve the students? social skills。 2。 To know how to talk about obligation or lack of obligation。 3。 To master AAA talking model and to develop the friendly environment when having talk with others。


Important and difficult points: 1。 Get students to understand how to have a chat with others in English culture。 2。 Make students know the importance of small talk between persons。 3。 Help students to improve the cultural understanding skills in different countries。 Teaching procedures: Period OneIntroduction and Function Step 1。 In this part, the teacher can talk with students in small talk, and the teacher can choose different topic with different students。 For example: T: What do you think of yesterday?s football match between your class and Class 3? S1: It?s great。


S2: We won。 T: Do you know why you won? S3: We are strong。 T: Good。 When we were discussing the football match just now, we were discussing serious things or having light conversation? Ss: Light conversation。 T: Oh, yes。 Just small talk。 Step 2。 After the teacher tell the students small talk, the students begin to read the dictionary definitions of small talk then ask the students to discuss the four questions inActivity1。 Step 3。 Divide the students into groups of two ones to discuss the five questions in Activity2。


Then the teacher can choose some groups of students to show their small 外研版高中英语选修 6 教案 talk to all the students。 The Ss can have different opinions, but they must give the reason for their opinions。 Step 4。 Make a talk between the Ss and the teacher, then introduce the topic about must, have to, don’t have to and mustn’t。 For example: T: You are now in Senior Two, and I think you are all good students,although some of you sometimes behave not very properly。 So I?m going to ask you some questions。


Do you think students have to be on time at school? Ss: … T: Oh外研高中英语教案下载,yes。 You are right。 You have to。 Then say something that you must do。 S1: … S2: … T: And anything you mustn?t do? S1: … S2:… Ask the Ss to talk about the following topics: What is obligation? What is lack of obligation? According to the talking method外研高中英语教案下载, the teacher can introduce the definitio