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2020-01-16 22:02 网络整理 教案网


( 六 )年数学课时教学案【第 Module 1 Unit1Gowing up 一 单元第 1 课时】 课型 课题 New 课前补改 教材 技 学情 分吴是本学期的第一堂课, 单词和短语都更棘 智复习 her hair was short and her eyes were big.这竿,并且利用本句型介 绍自己,这是孩子们比较感兴趣的话题小学六年级上册英语免费教案下载,对于教学中的语言知识应 “早渗透,中累积,勤反复”,灵活处理,适当讲解语法知识。时 刻关注每和的学习英语的情轩据情裤达标,承认学生 认知水平的差异性,发现问题,及时补救。 学习 目标 1. Listen, say, read and write the new words. 2. Using the simple present tense to simple truth. 教法 TPR 重点 The new words and sentences. 难点 学法 教学 资源 Tape word’s card 教学过程: 情境引入 1.Sing an English song. 2. The Ss read the Engilsh song. 学习新知 1. 痴片介绍潘。


如: T: Look at this photo. This is my mother. She’s about fifty years old. She’s a Chinese teacher. She’s good at Art and Music. She likes her students very much. 然骇生分成三人小组,请每个学员介绍自己打算的图片,从 关系、年龄、外貌、爱好等方面进行介绍。 2.在黑板上写持(一百以内),让学生用英文快速吹常 T: (write 30 on the blackboard) What number is it? S1: It’s thirty. (二)While-task procedures 1. 顺着上面很胡的话语询问学生的年龄小学六年级上册英语免费教案下载,引呈 month。 T: How old are you? S1: I’m eleven years old. T: (show the first photo in Listen and say) Look at this baby. How old is she? She is about two months old. (show a calendar and write month on the blackboard) There are twelve months in a year. 请学生跟读 month,然号日历回 T: How many months are there in spring? S1: There are three months in spring. … T: This month is September. Which month was last month? S2: August. 2. 接着上一活动更衡,郴张婴儿的图片,引硈, cute。


T: Do you know who the baby in this photo is? S1: Is that you? T: No, That’s my mother. In this photo, she was about six months old. She was cute. 吃己家人小时赫片,用词汇 This is … He was…描室ndsome, pretty 等词,帮助学生理解单词的涵义。 3.矻isten and say 的照片,播放录咬生边唱边看照片。再次播放 录姨师板书对话中衬生词 was 和 were,通过与 is 和 are 对比,帮 助学生理解词义。 T: Look at Sally in this photo. Sally was two months old. She was cute. Look at Sally in this photo. She was one year old. She was lovely. What were her eyes like? Ss: They were big. T: What about her hair? Ss: Her hair was short. T: What does Sally look like in Photo4? Ss: She’s tall and pretty. T: Is her hair long or short? Ss: Her hair is long. 播放对话录译学生助读,鼓励学生尽量模仿录宜 物的语?.请每对同学分迸图片互相介绍。


教师在学校内来回巡视,如 果学生有困难,及时予以帮助。然骇生填空完成 Listen and say 的反 馈练习,并填写矗鼓励学员按照完成的词组介绍,描蔿ly 不同时期 的年纪和外表。 交际应用 Ask and answer. 1. How old was Bally? 2. What did she like? 3.对子活动。一跟掣母畸家人的图片,请另一和猜。 S1: Who’s the baby in this photo? Is that your mother? S2: No. This is my father. He was about five months old. S1: He was a sweet baby. 拓展延伸 1.Ss introduce their partner’s family members to the other group m