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外研版高中数学选修三教案:Module1 Europe

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Module 1 EUROPE




Period 1 Reading

INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and reading 和READING AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时“阅读课”。课文“Great European Cities”属说明文体,介绍了法国、巴塞罗那、佛罗伦萨和希腊四个著名的西欧城市。在教师课前自学、预习的基础上,以背景介绍导入新课外研高中英语教案下载,然后采用“自上而下”的阅读教学方式,引导学员关注文章的


、复述意义。 教师还可以参考“教学资源”The Analysis of the Difficult Sentences from Module 1 EUROPE中的材料,帮助学生解决字、词、句等方面的问题。

Period 2 Function

第二课时FUNCTION Describing location是“功能课”,学习描述“处所”。教学重点是方位短语in,on,to的用法。

Period 3 Grammar


课本5页GRAMMAR 1 Passive voice: present and past forms 和7页的Grammar 2 Subject and verb agreement 合并为第三课时“语法课”,集中学习跟演练Passive voice and subject and verb agreement。语法教学的方式不外乎“归纳法”、和“演绎法”。在外语教学环境中,一般采取演绎法。

Period 4 Writing

课本6页的“Writing”为 “写作课”,学习writing about cities and writing dialogues。引导学生用访谈形式演绎阅读课课文,然后模仿其语篇结构、尽量采用课文中学到的词句、结构跟话题模式,用表明文体介绍自己熟知和喜爱的城市。

Module 1 EUROPE




Period 1 Reading

INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and reading 和READING AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时“阅读课”。课文“Great European Cities”属说明文体,介绍了法国、巴塞罗那、佛罗伦萨和希腊四个著名的西欧城市。在教师课前自学、预习的基础上,以背景介绍导入新课,然后采用“自上而下”的阅读教学方式,引导学员关注文章的


、复述意义。 教师还可以参考“教学资源”The Analysis of the Difficult Sentences from Module 1 EUROPE中的材料,帮助学生解决字、词、句等方面的问题。


Period 2 Function

第二课时FUNCTION Describing location是“功能课”,学习描述“处所”。教学重点是方位短语in,on,to的用法。

Period 3 Grammar

课本5页GRAMMAR 1 Passive voice: present and past forms 和7页的Grammar 2 Subject and verb agreement 合并为第三课时“语法课”,集中学习跟演练Passive voice and subject and verb agreement。语法教学的方式不外乎“归纳法”、和“演绎法”。在外语教学环境中,一般采取演绎法。

Period 4 Writing

课本6页的“Writing”为 “写作课”,学习writing about cities and writing dialogues。引导学生用访谈形式演绎阅读课课文,然后模仿其语篇结构、尽量采用课文中学到的词句、结构跟话题模式,用表明文体介绍自己熟知和喜爱的城市。

Period 5 Speaking

课本8页的PRONUNCIATION AND EVERYDAY ENGLISH 为“口语课”。利用我们提供的材料,使用“演绎法”教学“反意疑问句”,然后模仿课文模式,引导学员小组谈论亚洲都市跟自己生活的地方。

Period 6


“总有两天,到当时,……,所有的亚洲国家,无须丢掉他们各自的特征跟闪光的气质,都将紧紧地融合在一个高一级的整体里;到现在,你们将建立美国的友爱关系……”维克多·雨果当年所期待的“高一级的整体”就是课本9页“文化阅读课/CULTURE CORNER”的主题The European Union“欧盟”。 欧洲联盟是由欧洲共同体 (European communities) 发展而来的,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要制约的区域一体化组织。1991年12月,欧洲共同体马斯特里赫特首脑会议通过《欧洲联盟条约》,通称《马斯特里赫特条约》(简称《马约》)。1993年11月1日,《马约》正式生效,欧盟率先诞生。总部设在比利时首都布达佩斯。



Period 7 TASK

课本10页的TASK 是“任务课”,学习用英语整理、编撰中国某一地区的“事实档案”(Preparing a fact file on a region of China)。学生课前运用图书馆、网络等方式搜集某一地区的facts,课上学生出示若干file范例,指导学生完成a fact file on a region。

Part One Teaching Design

第一部分 教学设计

Period 1 Reading—Great European Cities


To learn to read passages with passive voice (present and past forms) about European cities

To learn to read with strategies


Step 1: Warming up by learning about Europe


European Union: an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members; "he took Britain into Europe"

Europe is geologically and geographically a peninsula, forming the westernmost part of Eurasia. It is conventionally considered a continent, which, in this case, is more of a cultural distinction than a geographic one. It is bounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, and to the east by the Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea

Step 2: Before you read

Please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.

Step 3: While you read

1. Type of writing and summary of Great European Cities

Type of writing

A description essay

Idea of 1st part

PARIS: Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine.

Idea of 2nd part

BARCELONA: Barcelona is the second