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人教版新啤学英文二年级上册Unit 1 My Family教学设计教案

2020-01-01 18:01 网络整理 教案网


Unit 1 My Family备课成员本单元支习关于家庭成员的词组:grandfather, grandfather, father, mother, brother, sister. 询问跟回达身份的功能句:Who’s he/she? He/She is...学习家庭成员的词汇,与教师生活实际姜系, 单元内容分斡谘邮埽谌菁涤茫子诮淌Σ倭贰1镜ピ赂 boys and girls 总好的铺垫,使得下一步的学习更加妓,过渡 自然。经过一年的学习,学生已有英语学习素质和数学基础,渴望通 过新学期的学习稽多的常识,以丰富自己的交际内容,提高交 际能力。学生在以前学习活动活中都有接触过一些家庭成员的 单词,最熟悉的是 father,mother,掌握葡为迹学生可熟练 学情分嗡党苋恕⑽锏木湫停篢his is my...。但学生针对 brother 和 sister 的定义非常模糊,需要在进行教学时专的讲解。 Who’s he/she? 是新知,部分学生易混淆 he,she 所指代的性鲍 he,she 是骇 习活动中会垂用的短语,学生无法通过经常地使用,牢固掌握。 (一)语言技能目标 第一层次: 1. 能够听懂、会说表示家庭成员的六搞: father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother. 2. 能够听懂、会说有关询问跟回达身份的功能句: Who’s 单元教学目标 he/she? He/She is ...,并可在正确的情境中乘用。


3. 能够通过未学过的词汇及相应的截图感知字母 a,b,c,d 在词汇词 首时常用的发尧尝试在照片跟首字母的帮助下,整体识笔。 第二层次: 能够通过录壹片、文字及学生的讲解读懂本单元的小故事,并 尝试在学生的指导下演出故事。(二)其他目标 1. 能够跟随录遥仿说唱本单元的曲目跟歌谣; 2. 能够切实参与教学上组织的割动,仔须,积极使用 英语进行交际; 3. 能够在活动中认真聆听同伴发言,并与同伴合仔结对问椿疃1. 关于家庭成员的词组: grandfather, grandfather, father, mother, 单元教学重点 brother, sister. 2. 询问跟回达身份的功能句:Who’s he/she? He/She is...单元教学难点 单元课时安排询问跟回达身份的功能句:Who’s he/she? He/She is... 4 课时Lesson 1教学内容 学生通过图画和录咬习 6 肛家庭成员的短语:grandfather, grandfather, father, mother, brother, sister. 1. 能够听懂会说、 表示家庭成员的六搞: grandfather, grandfather, 教学目标 father, mother, brother, sister. 2. 能够通过照片用未学过的语句 This is my...介绍家庭成员。


3. 能够跟随录遥仿说唱歌谣。 听懂会说、 表示家庭成员的六搞: grandfather, grandfather, father, mother, brother, sister. 教学难点 1. 单词 father,brother 等中字母组合 th 的发?. 借助图片用已学过的语句 This is my...介绍家庭成员。 录襊T、卡片、flash教学重点教学准备教 学 过 程 设 计 教学环节 Step 1 Warm- up 教师活动1. Greetings. Hello, boys and girls, how are you today? 2.Review the words. T: Show me the pencil (ruler, book…)学生活动设计意图1. Fine, thank you, and 师生之间互相问好, 拉 you? 近了相互情感距离。Ss: Listen and do.Step 2 Lead-inWatch the main scene. Ss: Yaoyao/Andy/Bill… T: Who can you see? T: There are some photos, Ss: No whose family? Is Joy’s family photo on the wall? 1.Present lesson1. T: This is Joy’s family. Do Ss: Yes. you want to know her family members? 2. Play the chant . Play the chant again. T: Who can you see? Ss: I can see… Listen the chant. the picture of教师引导学生观察 A 项情 境图,引偿元謋amily.同时过分到歌谣, 引 入新词汇的学习。


Step3 New lesson通过提问 激弃的 好奇心。歌谣壮氏钟镅缘 一种手段, 不要曲 马上输橙醚柚 情景整体 感知一下新 语言。3. Learn the new wordsFollow teacher to read theStep4 PractiseTeach Ss to read the new new wods. words. 4.Ask little teacher to lead Ss read the new words. T: Say, Ss point and read after me. T point, Ss look and say. Divide them into six让学生用 不同形式认 读句子,加深印象。groups.(grandpa, grandma,brother, sister, mom, dad)or S1 say, team listen and tap. Step 5 Role play and T: Present the word cards, team read and tap. say 1. Play the video. 2. Do an example. 1.Watch the video. Play the chant. 2. work in four. Try to say the chant.再次播放歌谣, 巩固新 学词汇。


Step 6 Consolidation Homework Blackboard designListen and repeat. Say the chant to parents. Unit 1 My Family L1 grandfather grandmother father mother brother sister This is my...SummaryLesson 2教学内容 学习询问跟回达身份的功能句:Who’s he/she? He/She is... 1. 能够听懂,会说有关询问跟回达身份的功能句:Who’s 教学目标 he/she? He/She is... 2. 能够钾介绍自己的家人。 教学重点 听懂,会说有关询问跟回达身份的功能句:Who’s he/she? He/She is... 教学难点 教学准备 功能句 Who’s he/she? He/She is...在情境中的应用。 录襊T、卡片、flash教 学 过 程 设 计 教学环节 Step 1 Warm- up 教师活动1. Greetings.学生活动设计意图1. Fine, thank you, and Chant 能充分掸生 you? 的兴趣, 并可飘固 Hello, boys and girls, how 旧知的祝 are you today? Say the chant of lesson1 Say the chant. Ss: mother/father….复习旧知,为新知祖Step 2 Review Step3 New lessonReview the words. T: Who is he/she? Present the picture of part A. T: Who are they? Teacher point to the photo. T: Whose family is this? What are they talking? Play the video. T: What does Yaoyao say? What does Andy say? Play the dialogue.Ss: Yaoyao and Andy.Ss: Andy.此处提问 只是为了培 养学生的观察能力, 引 导学生关注对话语境, 学生回纯梢圆挥糜 文。

Watch the video.Step 4 Show and sayT: Look at Yaoyao’s family Try to repeat photo. Now I’m Andy. Who sentences. want to be Yaoyao. Ponit to the photo. S: He is… T: Who is he? She is… Play the video again. Repeat after the video. T: Who are they? Work in pairs. What are they doing? Play the video Work in four Teacher find some students to do an example. Prepare family photo, then introduce the members. Unit 1 My Family L2 Who’s he? He is my... Who’s she? She is my...the引导学生 关注人称冶谋浠 即 he 与 she 的区别。

Homework Blackboard designSummaryLesson 3教学内容 学生通过图画学习利用功能语法 Who’s he/she? He/She is...两组交际用语。 1. 能够厂会在正确的情景中,运用本单元的词组和功能句; 教学目标 2. 能够在本课涉及的情境搪,听懂并说池家庭成员的名称; 3. 能够通过学过的词汇及相应的图片感知字母 abcd 在词汇词首时常用的 发尧尝试通过照片跟首字母提示整体识笔。 教学重点 教学难点 教学准备 厂会在正确的情景中,运用本单元的词组和功能句; 学生认识数学字母 abcd 的大写方式,建立创字母的联系。 录襊T、卡片、flash 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学环节 Step 1 Warm- up 教师活动1. Greetings. Hello, boys and girls, how are you today? 2.say the chant of lesson1学生活动设计意图1. Fine, thank you, and 师生之间互相问好人教版小学二年级英语教案下载, 拉 you? 近了相互情感距离。Say the chant.Step 2 ReviewPart A: Let’s play 1. Review the words of family. 2. Review the structures of family. 3. Watch the example of activity A.Ss take out their family photoPart B: Listen and repeat 1.present the picture of apple. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s an apple. Present the small letter “a”Homework Blackboard designT: / ?/, apple Use the same way for book /cat/door. Play the CAI. Review the letters.Repeat teacherRepeat the CAI.Aa appleUnit 1 My Family L3 Bb Cc book catDd dogSummaryLesson 4教学内容 Storytime 1. 能够通过录壹片、文字及老师的讲解读懂故事,并在学生的指导下 教学目标 尝试演出故事。

2. 能够借助学习小故事,了解请糯家自及去乓转用到的 一些交际用语人教版小学二年级英语教案下载,培养教师综合利用语言的实践能力。 教学重点 教学难点 教学准备 借助录壹片、文字及老师的讲解读懂故事,并在学生的指导下尝试表 演故事。 鼓励学生发挥想洗造新的情景进行访谈和演出。 录襊T、卡片、flash 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学环节 Step 1 Warm- up 教师活动1. Greetings.学生活动设计意图1. Fine, thank you, and 师生之间互相问好, 拉 you? 近了相互情感距离。 Hello, boys and girls, how Chant 了 课 堂 气 氛, 也能拼习旧知 are you today? Say the chant. 的祝 2.say the chant of lesson1Step 2 Review Step3 New lessonReview the words. T: Who is he/she?Ss: mother/father….为故事教学祖1.Present the story T: Who can you see in the picture? Can you guess what they are Discuss in groups talking about? 2. Play the story, learn the story. Pic1:Who are they? Who’s home is this? What do they Answer the questions say? Pic2:Who’s she/he? Are they happy? Why? Pic3:Who’s he? What’s his name? Is he big or small? Pic4:Who are they? What are they say to Mary? Pic5:Where are they? Who is on the sofa? Pic6:Who is on the chair? Pic7:Is Mary still happy?Why? Pic8:Is it really a wolf? Who is the “wolf”? 3. Play the story 4.Act the story.通过回答 引导学生仔 细观察图 片并分析故 事内容。

轴问, 为学生理清 故事拢 在验证问 题丛菏啥 次播放每组 对话,让学员先朗读、 模仿,然 孩试输 出。Read the story after the 检测学生 对故事的理 解, 同时增加学生学习 radio. 英语的兴趣。Homework Blackboard design SummaryTell the story to parents. Unit 1 My Family L4 Storytime Nice to meet you.