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外研版高中数学选修一 module 6 writing课件教案

2019-12-20 13:01 网络整理 教案网


2. Summers in ___ south of France arefor ___most part dry and sunny. A./; aB. the; /C. /; /D. the ; the 3. Jumping out of ___ airplane at tenthousand feet is quite ____ excitingexperience.A./;theB. /;anC. an; anD. the; the 4. I don’t like talking on ____ telephone;I prefer writing _____ letters. A. a; theB. the; 不填C. the; theD. was killing 5. ---I don’t like _____ New York at all. ---But this isn’t _____ New York youremember.A. the; theB. /; theC. the; /D. /; aI agree with this idea, especially on the subject of learning English. In my class, there are 45 students, and our English lessons last for 50minutes. That means that we each other have one minute of our teacher’s time! Our English teacher is excellent, but she can’t help everyone in the class in 50 minutes. It would be much better if we spent the time working on a computer. There are 45 computers in our school, so we could do that. If we work independently, we can learn much more. And we can learn about the subjects that we are interested in. What is the idea that the author supports? The author’s opinion is that we can learn all we need on the Internet. Please find out the supporting sentences. 1. 1). especially on the subject of learning English. 2. 2). That means that we each other have one minute of our teacher’s time! 3. 3). but she can’t help everyone in the class in 50 minutes. 4). It would be much better if we spentthe time working on a computer. 5). There are 45 computers in ourschool, so we could do that. 6). If we work independently, we canlearn much more. 如何写好对比议论文 【 案例呈现】 】 请按照以下表格内容,写一篇关于中学生上学可不可以带手机的语文课文,并表明你的观点。


带手机的特点 带手机的好处 你的见解和建议 便于跟孩子及朋友保持联系;手机中的游戏可增添一些乐趣。 上课时手机干扰教学;手机会分散注意力,并妨碍学习成绩;手机聊天、发短信费时费钱。 上课时不允许使用电脑, …… 。 注意: 1. 词数:100 左右; 2. 文章开头已经给出,但不计入总词数; 3. 参考词汇:干扰disturb 。 Recently our class had a heated discussion about whether middle school students can go to school with mobile phones. Our opinions are as follows. _______________________________. 【 写作指导】 】 ● 审题定调:该篇写作要求论证带手机上学的缘由及自己的见解,文体属于对比型议论文。这类文章的写作结构通常为:提出现象—— 正面论证——反面论证—— 最后证实作者的看法。人称多用第三人称和第一人称。


时态以目前时态为主。 ● 布局谋篇: 全文分四段式 第一段:提出现象外研高中英语教案下载,引出讨论话题(中 学生能否应该带手机上学)外研高中英语教案下载,已给出。 第二段:正面论证支持方的看法及原因 (带手机的优点)。 第三段:反面论证反对方的看法及原因 (带手机的问题)。 第四段:表述自己的见解及原因。 ● 常用术语及语句表达: 1. 引出讨论话题: (1) Recently our class had a heated discussion about whether ... or not. (2) There have been many reports of ... (3) People hold different opinions about ... (4) The reasons for that are as follows. 2. 对比双方见解及原因的陈述: (1) 表达支持的:Some are in favor of ...; Some support ...; The majority of them think ...; Many of them are for ...; There are many advantages of ...; play an important part in; be of vital significance; benefit a lot from ... (2) 表达拒绝的:Others are against ...; Some hold the different view that ...; Some hold the view that ...; 60% of the students think it is ... to; There are also some disadvantages of ... 3. 承接词汇:firstly, secondly, besides, in addition, what’s more, furthermore, in a word, in short, what is important is that ..., even worse, What disappoints sb. most is that ...4. 引出另一方的转折词汇:however, on the other hand, while, on the contrary, whereas ... 5. 表明作者的见解及原因:in my opinion; in my view; Personally, I think ...; Taking everything into consideration, we should make good use of ...; Only in this way can we do ... 【 范文欣赏】 】 Recently our class had a heated discussion about whether middle school students can go to school with mobile phones. Our opinions are as follows. Some students think mobile phones can help them keep in touch with their friends, especially their family. whenever they need. Besides, games in the mobile phone offer more fun to them. However, the other students think they should not bring their mobile phones to the class, because the ring of phones can disturb teachers and students in class, and even worse, it will influence their study. Meanwhile they will spend too much time and money on phone calls and sending messages. Personally, I’m strongly against students using mobile phones in class. Only in this way can we create a quiet environment for our studies.