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inflation 英语作文_china inflation_inflation 英语作文

2019-09-27 21:03 网络整理 教案网

china inflation_inflation 英语作文_inflation 英语作文

高考英语作文万能句子及模板大全是一篇2016年高考英语作文万能句子及模板大全,本资料整理了英语高考作文的常用句型及模板,涵盖开头、结尾、衔接等多种万能句型,内容非常丰富对广大学生们具有很大的帮助,想提升自己的英语作文水平的同学可以我们这免费的下载这篇高考英语作文万能模板使用。2005年高考英语满分作文高考试题高考试题北京高考试题上海高考试题天津高考试题重庆高考试题辽宁高考试题山东高考试题江苏高考试题浙江高考试题福建高考试题广东高考试题湖南高考试题江西高考试题湖北高考试题安徽高考试题2004高考英语满分作文高考试题高考试题高考试题2003高考英语满分作文2002高考英语满分作文2001高考英语满分作文2000高考英语满分作文附录。一篇作文的结构包括三个部分,开头、主体和结尾inflation 英语作文inflation 英语作文,要想写好一篇足够优秀的英语作文,开头就要发挥的出色,才能够吸引读者读下去的欲望,那么一些常见的英语作文开头形式有哪些呢。




1.As the graph depicts , …

2.From the cartoon /picture , we can see that …

inflation 英语作文_inflation 英语作文_china inflation

3.According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph ,

4.The table shows / indicates / reveals that …

5.It can be seen /concluded from the picture / table / figures that …



1."Knowledge is power." This is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people.

china inflation_inflation 英语作文_inflation 英语作文

2."Education is not complete with graduation." This is the opinion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opinion.

3."...." We often hear statements/words like those/this.

4.We often hear such traditional complains as this "....".



1.For years, ...had been viewed as .... But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing ..., people ....

inflation 英语作文_china inflation_inflation 英语作文

2.People used to think that ... (In the past, ....) But people now share this new idea.



1.Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that...

2.Now there is a(n)growing awareness/recognition of the necessity to....

3.Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ....

china inflation_inflation 英语作文_inflation 英语作文

4.Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that....



1.When asked about..., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that …. But I think/view a bit differently.

2.When it comes to ...., some people believe that…. Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but I tend to the former/latter.

14.nowadays,it is commonly/widely/generally believed/thought/held that…,but i wonder/doubt that…。nowadays,it is generally/commonly believed that..., but i wonder that...。8. it is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that&hellip。
