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联邦政府 的翻译结果

2019-07-12 06:07 网络整理 教案网

联邦政府英文_银河联邦英文_政府换届 英文

在句译、词译中专业词汇在线翻译、专业词典词汇的双语例句以及中英文、英汉句子翻译。答:在使用已经定义好的用户定义函数时,可以在查询或其他语句及表达式中调用用户定义函数,也可用execute 语句执行标量值函数。[homes]:当客户端发起访问共享服务请求时,samba服务器就查询smb.conf文件是否定义了该共享服务联邦政府英文,如果没有指定的共享服务





federal government

The Federal Government funds medical care and the pharmaceutical benefit scheme while the State Governments are responsible for funding the public hospitals.

政府换届 英文_联邦政府英文_银河联邦英文

The new federal government will have to tackle a further and sustainable reform of the statutory health insurance soon.

Their use leads to substantially different conclusions on how dependent the federal government is on those L?nder governments partially consisting of parties which are in opposition to the federal level.

The federal government's efforts to curb drug abuse have complicated the use of opioids for pain relief.

Provincial governments accept the responsibility to provide their residents with reasonable access to medically necessary services, including devices, on conditions of partial reimbursement by federal government funds.

the federal government

The Federal Government funds medical care and the pharmaceutical benefit scheme while the State Governments are responsible for funding the public hospitals.

联邦政府英文_政府换届 英文_银河联邦英文

Their use leads to substantially different conclusions on how dependent the federal government is on those L?nder governments partially consisting of parties which are in opposition to the federal level.

The federal government's efforts to curb drug abuse have complicated the use of opioids for pain relief.

This paper discusses TRAC, an interesting electronic source of previously inaccessible information that is currently used by members of the media, public interest groups, lawyers, and the federal government.

We find that the federal government of Helmut Kohl had a policy leadership position until April 1991 with no procedural differences, but the gridlock danger for governmental proposals was higher on the societal than the economic dimension.

In the United States, there are few industries other than the merchant shipping industry which has been so actively interfered by the federal government. The interest that th government takes in the nation's merchant marine is as old as the United States itselfe The first and the Second Congress established lower duties on certain imports carried by the ships of U. S. citizens than on those carried by foriegn ships and imposed higher tonnage duties on foreign vessels entering U. S. ports than on U. S. vessels....

政府换届 英文_联邦政府英文_银河联邦英文

In the United States, there are few industries other than the merchant shipping industry which has been so actively interfered by the federal government。 The interest that th government takes in the nation's merchant marine is as old as the United States itselfe The first and the Second Congress established lower duties on certain imports carried by the ships of U。 S。 citizens than on those carried by foriegn ships and imposed higher tonnage duties on foreign vessels entering U。 S。 ports than on U。

S。 vessels。 Both were attempts to promote a national fleet。 Today, protection, fiscal subsidy and expansion of the monopoly of its international shipping markets are still the main measures of the the federal interference in the shipping indtustry。 Though a large fleet flying flags of convenience has been established by means of capital export, the U。 S。 shipping policy of protecting its national fleet and of the expansion and monopoly of its foreign shipping markets has remained the same as before。 The purpose of this paper is to descride, and make comments on the above-mentioned problems。


As scientists predicted recently: an earthquake of M=6 or so would occur in Parkfield, California, USA, during the period of 1986 to 1993. This prediction provides an excellent opportunity for increasing the understandings about earthquakes and improving the ability of prediction. In order to record adequately the whole process of this highly probabilistie event, it is necessary to establish a prediction experimental site in Parkfield. In June 1985, the above-mentioned prediction opinion and requirement attracted...

As scientists predicted recently: an earthquake of M=6 or so would occur in Parkfield, California, USA, during the period of 1986 to 1993。 This prediction provides an excellent opportunity for increasing the understandings about earthquakes and improving the ability of prediction。 In order to record adequately the whole process of this highly probabilistie event, it is necessary to establish a prediction experimental site in Parkfield。 In June 1985, the above-mentioned prediction opinion and requirement attracted attention from the Federal Government and the State Government of California via the National Research Council and the US National Academy of Sciences。